"Study of the extended technology acceptance model in the U.S. Navy: Ca" by Yair Levy and Bruce D. Green

CCE Faculty Proceedings, Presentations, Speeches and Lectures

Study of the extended technology acceptance model in the U.S. Navy: Case of combat information system

Event Name/Location

Vancouver, BC, Canada / 2007

Presentation Date


Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Proceedings Title

Proceeding of the Information Resources Management Association International Conference (IRMA) 2007


The U.S. Navy continues to be a major developer and procurer of information systems (IS), yet very limited research has been done to determine the factors that influence technology acceptance by naval personnel. Literature suggests that efforts to embrace information technology in improving decision-making and reducing workload heavily depends on the use of such systems. Moreover, previous research has shown the validity of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and computer self-efficacy (CSE) to model technology acceptance in numerous environments. However, no prior research was done specifically addressing such technology acceptance with military combat IS. Thus, this study examines the applicability of the extended TAM with a CSE construct model to the U.S. Navy’s combat IS. A survey sample of 237 sailors from five (5) different U.S. Navy aircraft carriers was used to assess such extended model on a U.S. Navy’s combat ISs. Results indicate that perceived ease-of-use, perceived usefulness, and CSE were valid antecedents of technology acceptance (as indicated by intention to use). Moreover, high Cronbach’s Alpha was observed on all measures indicating additional reliability of the measures also in the context of military organizations.



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