CCE Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Dissertation: An Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis Inquiry into Facebook Newcomer Motivations for Participatory Activities, Kristin Raub
Dissertation: Image Enhancement of Cancerous Tissue in Mammography Images, Richard Thomas Richardson
Dissertation: Seniors with Diabetes-Investigation of the Impact of Semantic Auditory Distractions on the Usability of a Blood Glucose Tracking Mobile Application, Jose A. Rivera Rodriguez
Dissertation: An Electroencephalogram (EEG) Based Biometrics Investigation for Authentication: A Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Approach, Ricardo J. Rodriguez
Dissertation: Identifying Unethical Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Privacy Violations Committed by IS/IT Practitioners: A Comparison to Computing Moral Exemplars, Mark H. Rosenbaum
Dissertation: Formative Research on an Instructional Design Theory for Virtual Patients in Clinical Education: A Pressure Ulcer Prevention Clinical Reasoning Case, Manon Maitland Schladen
Dissertation: Investigating Roles of Information Security Strategy, Roger V. Seeholzer
Dissertation: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Accessibility Awareness Among Faculty in Online Learning Environments, Rachael Sessler Trinkowsky
Dissertation: Motivating the Solicited and Unsolicited Sharing of Tacit Knowledge Through the Process of Externalization, Sheila Yvonne Sorensen
Dissertation: The Impact of Image Synonyms in Graphical-Based Authentication Systems, Jonathan William Sparks
Dissertation: Technology and Legal Research: What Is Taught and What Is Used in the Practice of Law, Rebecca Sewanee Trammell
Dissertation: Building Cloud-Based Information Systems Lab Architecture: Deriving Design Principles that Facilitate the Effective Construction and Evaluation of a Cloud-Based Lab Environment, Thomas J. Trevethan
Dissertation: Feature Selection and Classification Methods for Decision Making: A Comparative Analysis, Osiris Villacampa
Dissertation: Implicit Measures and Online Risks, Lucinda W. Wang
Dissertation: Gathering the Requirements for a Mobile Device Tutorial for Older Adults, Michele A. Washington
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation into the Role that Boredom, Relationships, Anxiety, and Gratification (BRAG) Play in a Driver’s Decision to Text, Nathan White
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Dissertation: Investigating the Determinants of Disaster Recovery Technology Investment Choice in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Faranak Afshar
Dissertation: Information System Security Commitment: A Study of External Influences on Senior Management, Kevin Andrew Barton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Constructing a Cyber Preparedness Framework (CPF): The Lockheed Martin Case Study, Dawn Marie Beyer
Dissertation: Understanding Usability-related Information Security Failures in a Healthcare Context, Edward D. Boyer
Dissertation: Alternative Approaches to Correction of Malapropisms in AIML Based Conversational Agents, Walter A. Brock
Dissertation: Application of Cellular Automata to Detection of Malicious Network Packets, Robert L. Brown
Dissertation: The Impact of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems on Small and Medium Enterprises, Miguel Buleje
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Identifying E-Commerce Strategy-making Modes in Small Firms, Robert M. Cartelli
Dissertation: A Causal Model to Predict Organizational Knowledge Sharing via Information and Communication Technologies, Simon Cleveland
Dissertation: Secure Mobile Deployment of NFL Training Materials, Alexander R. Corris
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Evaluation of Unsupervised Learning Techniques for Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Binh Hy Dang
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Speech Recognition Software to Improve Writing Skills, Felix Diaz
Dissertation: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Telehealth Champions, Ragan A. DuBose-Morris
Dissertation: A Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach for Teaching Abstract and Complex Skills in an Online Learning Environment, Reinaldo Fernandez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Impact of Technology on the Study of Talmud, Shmuel Fink
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Spoken Language Identification from Processing and Pattern Analysis of Spectrograms, George Harold Ford
Dissertation: Assistive Technologies used by Students with Asperger’s Syndrome to Improve Performance in the General Education Classroom, Sara (Beth) Cardwell Foreman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Contextual Model for Identity Management (IdM) Interfaces, Nathaniel J. Fuller
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of the Impacts of Navigational Links, Task Complexity, and Experience with the Older User on Website Usability in a Community College Domain, Robin Eileen Garrett
Dissertation: Unsupervised Learning Trojan, Arturo Geigel
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Enhanced Deployment Strategy for Role-based Hierarchical Application Agents in Wireless Sensor Networks with Established Clusterheads, Audrey A. Gendreau
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words, but Are They the Words That Matter? - An Analysis of the Effects of Image Comments on Social Networking Sites, Bennet Hammer
Dissertation: Helping Children with Autism Learn with Mathematics Software, Michelle Hansen
Dissertation: Factors impacting information security noncompliance when completing job tasks, Martha Nanette Harrell
Dissertation: Security Policies That Make Sense for Complex Systems: Comprehensible Formalism for the System Consumer, Rhonda R. Henning
Dissertation: A Method to Reduce the Cost of Resilience Benchmarking of SelfAdaptive Systems, Steve Hernandez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Examination of the Influences of Organizational Context on Knowledge Sharing, Huei-Min Hsu
Dissertation: Validating the OCTAVE Allegro Information Systems Risk Assessment Methodology: A Case Study, Corland Gordon Keating
Dissertation: An Investigation of the Key Factors that Affect the Adoption of Smartphones in Global Midmarket Professional Service Firms, Mark S. Kocour
Dissertation: Improving the Selection of Surrogates During the Cold-Start Phase of a Cyber Foraging Application to Increase Application Performance, Brian Kowalczk
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving IT Portfolio Management Decision Confidence using Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Hypervariate Display Techniques, John Andrew Landmesser
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Bayesian Approach to International Distributor Selection for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in the Software Industry, Joseph Ping Lui
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Measuring Interestingness in Outliers with Explanation Facility using Belief Networks, Adnan Masood
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: OWL Ontology for Scalable Vector Graphics, Regina Mitzie Mathis
Dissertation: Evaluating Heuristics and Crowding on Center Selection in K-Means Genetic Algorithms, William McGarvey
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of the Attrition of African-American Students in an Online Undergraduate Program, Diana Moore
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Value-focused Assessment of Knowledge Sharing in a Closed Information Environment, Stephen Robert Orr IV
Dissertation: An Information Security Control Assessment Methodology for Organizations, Angel Rafael Otero
Dissertation: An Investigation of the Dayton Regional STEM School Public-Private Partnerships, Kimberly S. Poole
Dissertation: Dynamic Pricing in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks, David Shrader
Dissertation: Using Class Interfaces and Mock Objects to Unit Test Aspects, Michael Bryan Snider
Dissertation: Employee and Organization Security Value Alignment Through Value Sensitive Security Policy Design, Dianne Blitstein Solomon
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of the Role of Technology in Instructional Designers' Decision-Making, Bruce Sowers
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of the 8th Grade Technology Literacy of a Michigan Charter School, James Edward Spruill
Dissertation: Serving Military Families: Perceptions of Educational Counseling in a Virtual Environment, Taryn Stevenson
Dissertation: The User Attribution Problem and the Challenge of Persistent Surveillance of User Activity in Complex Networks, Claudio Taglienti
Dissertation: Designing for Statistical Reasoning and Thinking in a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment, Wendy Tu
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Simulated Annealing for Robustness in Coevolutionary Genetic Algorithms, Ruth Weldon
Dissertation: Performance Comparison of Projective Elliptic-curve Point Multiplication in 64-bit x86 Runtime Environment, Ninh Winson
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dissertation: The Role of Faculty in the Effectiveness of Fully Online Programs, Sami Al Salman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Advising ePortfolios to Improve First-Generation Student Engagement in Higher Education, George Alex Ambrose
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Population-Based Ant Colony Optimization for Multivariate Microaggregation, Ann Ahu Askut
Dissertation: Reducing Cognitive Load Using Adaptive Uncertainty Visualization, Gregory Block
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Accessing Geospatial Services in Limited Bandwidth Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Environments, James Darrell Boggs
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Online Project-Based Capstone Experiences to Enhance Soft Skills Development, Gwendolyn Suzanne Britton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Comparison of Text Input and Interaction in a Mobile Learning Environment, James Burrell
Dissertation: Reducing the cumulative file download time and variance in a P2P overlay via proximity based peer selection, Uriel J. Carasquilla
Dissertation: Assessing the Role of User Computer Self-Efficacy, Cybersecurity Countermeasures Awareness, and Cybersecurity Skills toward Computer Misuse Intention at Government Agencies, Min Suk Choi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Domain-Specific Language for Aviation Domain Interoperability, Paul H. Comitz
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Informal Learning as Performance: Toward a Hermeneutic Phenomenology of Museum Learning in Second Life, Kathleen Leni Cool
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Motivated Learning in Introductory Online College Courses: Do Motivational Messages Matter?, Alicia Bailey David
Dissertation: An Aspect Pointcut for Parallelizable Loops, John Scott Dean
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Glogs as Non-Routine Problem Solving Tools in Mathematics, Matthew Terrence Devine
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The NERV Methodology: Non-Functional Requirements Elicitation, Reasoning, and Validation in Agile Processes, Darshan Domah
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Framework for the Governance of Information Security, Charles Kumar Edwards
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Examination of Leadership Types among Generation Y and its Impact on Virtual Team Effectiveness, Christian Matthew Graham
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Security Design Flaws that Affect Usability in Online Banking, Stephanie Gurlen
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Mining Aspects through Cluster Analysis Using Support Vector Machines and Genetic Algorithms, Yourik Hacoupian
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Power Conservation Methodology for Hard Drives by Combining Prefetching Algorithms and Flash Memory, Raymond Halper
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Elements of a Knowledge Management Guide for Public Sector Organizations, Mark Cameron Harris
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing and Evaluating Computer-Based Teamwork Skills Training for Long-duration Spaceflight Crews, Katharine Hixson
Dissertation: Authorship Attribution with Function Word N-Grams, Russell Clark Johnson
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development of a Media Driven Online Assessment System: Improving Quality, Frequency, and Deployment of Grades and Feedback in Higher Education, James Jay Juarez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effectiveness of a Random Forests Model in Detecting Network-Based Buffer Overflow Attacks, Gregory Alan Julock
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of Candidates' Experience of Attrition in a Limited-Residency Doctoral Program, Donna Hosie Kennedy
Dissertation: Developing Software Requirements for a Knowledge Management System that Coordinates Training Programs with Business Processes and Policies in Large Organizations, James Richard Kiper
Dissertation: Effectiveness of Evidence-Based Computerized Physician Order Entry Medication Order Sets Measured by Health Outcomes, Jacob Krive
Dissertation: Code Clone Discovery Based on Concolic Analysis, Daniel Edward Krutz
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving the Scalability of an Exact Approach for Frequent Item Set Hiding, Carolyn LaMacchia
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Usability Issues in the User Interfaces of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, Lerone W. LaTouche
Dissertation: Assessing Behavioral Intention to Use Low Social Presence ICTs for Interpersonal Task Completion Among College Students: With Special Consideration Toward Short Message Service (SMS) Text-Messaging, Jeffrey Scott Linney
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effects of Concern Crosscutting Homogeneity on the Evolvability of Aspect Oriented Software, Hernan Londono
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: E-Business Reporting: Towards a Global Standard for Financial Reporting Systems Using XBRL, Margaret J. Long
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Examining the Adoption of Donor Management Systems in Not-for-Profit Organizations with an Extended Technology Acceptance Model, Richard Scott MacMillan