CCE Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Framework for Enforcing Role Based Access Control in Open Source Software, Francis Jay Manning
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of the Factors that Influence Faculty and Student Acceptance of Mobile Learning in Online Higher Education, Kathleen Marrs
Dissertation: Toward the Implementation of Augmented Reality Training, Charles Randall Mayberry
Dissertation: Online Deception Detection Using BDI Agents, Richard Alan Merritts
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development and Assessment of Mobile Device Support for Certification Exam Preparation, Chiou Moh
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: AspectAssay: A Technique for Expanding the Pool of Available Aspect Mining Test Data Using Concern Seeding, David Gerald Moore
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Impact of Military Deployment and Distance Learning on Soldier-Students, August T. Murray
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Maturity Model for Online Classes across Academic Disciplines, Barbara Burris NeeQuaye
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Measuring End-to-End Ajax Performance in Broadband Satellite Networks, Sang Tuan Nguyen
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effect of the Use of the 3-D Multi-user Virtual Environment Second Life on Student Motivation and Language Proficiency in Courses of Spanish as a Foreign Language, MarÃa T. Parés-Toral
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Exploration of the Factors Influencing the Adoption of an IS Governance Framework, Sharon Laureen Parker
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of Run-time Operations in a Heterogeneous Desktop Grid Environment: The Texas Tech University Desktop Grid Case Study, Jerry Felix Perez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Examination of the Design, Development, and Implementation of an Internet Protocol Version 6 Network: The ADTRAN Inc. Case Study, Levi Perigo
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Visual Technologies in the Introductory Programming Courses for Computer Science Majors, Kellie W. Price
Dissertation: Support Services for Millennial Undergraduates, Marie Pullan
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An evolutionary algorithm for the constrained forest problem, John John Queern
Dissertation: Pursuing and Completing an Undergraduate Computing Degree from a Female Perspective: A Quantitative and Qualitative Approach, Scott Ragsdale
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Temporal Join Processing with Hilbert Curve Space Mapping, Jaime Antonio Raigoza
Dissertation: An examination of the acceptance, adoption, and diffusion of smartphone devices with senior citizens., James M. Reneau
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Making the Shift: A Phenomenological Study of Teachers' Experiences in a Student-Centered, 21st Century Laptop Program, Susan Kay Rizzo
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Predicting Realistic Standing Postures in a Real-Time Environment, Jeffrey Wayne Roach
Dissertation: Promoting the Affective Domain Within Online Education, Stephen Roche
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development and Evaluation of HawkLearn: A Next Generation Learning Management System, Kimberlee L. Round
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Coordinated Reinforcement Learning Framework for Multi-Agent Virtual Environments, William Sause
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Impact of Leadership Social Power on Knowledge Management Success, Vincent Scovetta
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Supervised Learning Methods to Enhance Customer Lifetime Value Models for Multi-Channel Retail Sales Organizations, Billy John Shrewsbury
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Investigating the Role of Multibiometric Authentication on Professional Certification E-examination, Garrett Smiley
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effectiveness of Virtual Learning Tools for Millennial Generation Students in a Community College Criminal Justice Degree Program, Lawrence Snyder
Dissertation: Construction of a conceptualization of personal knowledge within a knowledge management perspective using grounded theory methodology, Eric M. Straw
Dissertation: Application of a Layered Hidden Markov Model in the Detection of Network Attacks, Lawrence Taub
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Authorship Attribution of Source Code, Matthew Francis Tennyson
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Measuring the Impact of email Headers on the Predictive Accuracy of Machine Learning Techniques, Hicham Refaat Tout
Dissertation: An Examination of Internet Filtering and Safety Policy Trends and Issues in South Carolina's K-12 Public Schools, Mary E. Vicks
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of the Effect of Information Security Policies on Information Security Breaches in Higher Education Institutions, Stanie Adolphus Waddell
Dissertation: Employee Determinants to Share Knowledge in a US Federal Government Environment, Kenneth White
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Download Time Reduction Using Recent Performance-Biased Peer Replacement In Stochastic P2P Content Delivery Networks, Richard S. Wilkins
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Examining the Impact of Collaboration Technology Training Support on Virtual Team Collaboration Effectiveness, Sharon L. Wright
Dissertation: Using Forecasting to Predict Long-term Resource Utilization for Web Services, Daniel Wayne Yoas
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Utilizing Image-based Formats to Optimize Pattern Data Format and Processing In Mask and Maskless Pattern Generation Lithography, Fayez Abboud
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Tour Construction Framework for the Travelling Salesman Problem, Barry Ahrens
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Frequent Itemset Hiding Algorithm Using Frequent Pattern Tree Approach, Rami H. Alnatsheh
Dissertation: A Comparison of Users' Personal Information Sharing Awareness, Habits, and Practices in Social Networking Sites and E-Learning Systems, Albert Ball
Dissertation: Incorporating Personal Health Records into the Disease Management of Rural Heart Failure Patients, Karen Baron
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Understanding Information Security Culture in an Organization: An Interpretive Case Study, Donald Arlo Bess
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Online Academic Support Peer Groups for Medical Undergraduates, Avril Christine Best
Dissertation: A Study of Targeted Information System Accessibility and Usage by Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore, Sandra Boesch
Dissertation: An Examination of Teachers' Integration of Web 2.0 Technologies in Secondary Classrooms: A Phenomenological Research Study, Barbara Ann Boksz
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Influence of Web Site Aesthetics on Impulse Purchase Behavior within Online Retailing Environments, John Bono
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Market Value of Information System (IS) Security: An Event Study of e-Banking Service Providers, Linda Brock
Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques For Foreclosure Prediction, Dexter Randell Brown
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Correlation of Software Quality Metrics and Performance, Yan Liu Burdett
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Automated Detection of Semagram-Laden Images, Paul Cerkez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Genetic Algorithm that Exchanges Neighboring Centers for Fuzzy c-Means Clustering, Firas Safwan Chahine
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Investigating the Impact of Self-Control and Deterrents on Noncompliant Information Security Behavior, Ramadhan Chuma
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reasoning for Service-based Situational Awareness Information on the Semantic Web, Stephen Carl Dinkel
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Declarative Rules API for Managing Adaptation Relationships in Context-Oriented Programming, Henry Dirska
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Approach to Effectively Identify Insider Attacks within an Organization, Gary Doss
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Region-based Crossover for Clustering Problems, Jeevan Dsouza
Dissertation: Constructing a Community Response Grid (CRG): The Dublin, Ohio Case Study, John Freund
Dissertation: A Study of Technological Barriers to Instructor E-Readiness in the Online Learning Environment, Glenda H. E. Gay
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Towards an Internet-based Distance Education (IDE) Framework for Religious-based Higher Education Organizations: A Case of the Alliance for Assemblies of God Higher Education, Jeremy William Harris
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Experiment Using Webcam-Based Surveillance to Deter Information Systems Misuse, Kenrie Hylton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Towards an Understanding of Mobile Website Contextual Usability and its Impact on Mobile Commerce, Jack Alan Hyman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of a Young and Older Adult Population of Computer Users' Recognition Rates of Different Tactons Using Modulation and Simple Waveforms as Stimulus Parameters., Ricardo Jimenez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development of an Audit Classification Index (ACI) for Federal e-learning Systems Security Vulnerabilities, Gerald Deawne Johnson
Dissertation: Instructional Strategies and Activities that Inform the Community of Inquiry (CoI) Framework, Stephan D. Junion
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Code Clone Discovery Based on Functional Behavior, Ronald Michael Krawitz
Dissertation: Quantifying Performance Costs of Database Fine-Grained Access Control, David Harold Kumka
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Learning Conversational English with Student-Generated Podcasts, Sandra I. Lebron-Lozada
Dissertation: Securely Handling Inter-Application Connection Credentials, Gary Lieberman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Implications for Real Project Management Success: A Study of Avatar Identity as an Antecedent of Virtual Team Trust, Michael F. Lohle
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Portrait of the Early 21st Century MBA, Robert J. Matthews
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Assessment of Web-Based Authentication Methods in the U.S.: Comparing E-Learning Systems to Internet Healthcare Information Systems, Herbert J. Mattord
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Impact of Data-Driven Decision Making on Educational Practice in Louisiana Schools, Dana James Maxie
Dissertation: The Interactions Among Information Technology Organizational Learning, Project Learning, and Project Success, Donald Stuart McKay
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effect of Interactive Television as an Instruction Delivery Method in Rural Secondary Schools on Learner Achievement, Motivation and Anxiety, Douglas Shane Miller
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Underachieving Gifted Science Students and Multi-User Virtual Environments, Gloria Miyares
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of Requirements Volatility and Footprint Visualization Properties in Evolving Use Case Data Sets, Dennis Mize
Dissertation: Understanding the Value of Enterprise Architecture for Organizations: A Grounded Theory Approach, Edwin Frank Nassiff
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Empirical Study of Privacy Risk Assessment Methodologies in Cloud Computing Environments, Wayne A. Pauley Jr.
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Selecting Online Vendors by Privacy Risks, Syed Qamar Raza
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Examination of an Information Security Framework Implementation Based on Agile Values to Achieve Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Security Rule Compliance in an Academic Medical Center: The Thomas Jefferson University Case Study, David W. Reis
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Comparative Study on Electronic versus Traditional Data Collection in a Special Education Setting, Hernan Dennis Ruf
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Reducing Incongruity of Perceptions Related to Information Risk: Dialogical Action Research in Organizations, Derek J. Sedlack
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Investigation of a Synchronous Engagement System (SES) to Alleviate Anxiety Among eLearning Students in an MBA Program, Farnaz Sharifrazi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Transition from Traditional to Blended On-Campus Learning Experience, Devena M. Singleton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Evolving Credible Facial Expressions with Interactive GAs, Nancy T. Smith
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Reading Preference and Risk Taxonomy for Printed Proprietary Information Compromise in the Aerospace and Defense Industry, Joshua D. Stalker
Dissertation: Minimizing Recommended Error Costs Under Noisy Inputs in Rule-Based Expert Systems, Forest D. Thola
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Toward an Understanding of Online Word-of-Mouth Message Content and the Booking Intentions of Lodging Consumers, Gerald Van Loon
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of Traditionally-Aged College Students' Perceptions of the Community of Inquiry, Karen Kraus Vignare
Dissertation: An Empirical Assessment of Factors Contributing to Individuals' Propensity to Commit Software Piracy in The Bahamas, Raymond Cleophas Wells
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development of a Career-Oriented Instructional Design Model for Game Programming, Penn Pinlung Wu
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Formative Research on an Instructional Design Theory for Online Learning Communities: A Higher Education Faculty Development Case, Elizabeth Yagodzinski
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Analyzing E-voting (Electronic Voting) Outcomes: A Case Study of E-Voting in the State of Missouri, Jill Young
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Collaborative Group Learning and Knowledge Building to Address Information Systems Project Failure, Raymond Fontana Angelo
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Computer Self-Efficacy and Information Privacy Concerns, Mohammad Abdul Awwal
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Adaptive Database Intrusion Detection System, Rita M. Barrios
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Instructional Technologies in Graduate Physical Therapy Courses, Max R. Baumgartner
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Feature Subset Selection in Hard Disk Drive Failure Prediction, Harpreet Bhasin