CCE Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Dissertation: The Role of Cognitive Disposition in Re-examining the Privacy Paradox: A Neuroscience Study, Zareef Mohammed
Dissertation: Measuring Cybersecurity Competency: An Exploratory Investigation of the Cybersecurity Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Necessary for Organizational Network Access Privileges, Richard Nilsen
Dissertation: Investigating the Perceived Influence of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Maturity on Organizational Performance: A Mixed Methods Study, Charles F. Perkins
Dissertation: Examining the Effects of Distractive Multitasking with Peripheral Computing in the Classroom, Jaime Eduardo Puente
Dissertation: A Heuristic Approach to Creating Technological Fair Use Guidelines in Higher Education, Jerry L. Roper
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of the Approach to Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Assuring Information Security, Coleen D. Santee
Dissertation: A Runtime Verification and Validation Framework for Self-Adaptive Software, David B. Sayre
Dissertation: An Assessment of the Influence of Functional Diversity and Perceived Information Quality on the Intention to Use Collaboration Systems, Eric M. Spriggs
Dissertation: An Empirical Assessment of Energy Management Information System Success Using Structural Equation Modeling, Gwendolyn D. Stripling
Dissertation: Supporting Education for Students with Children through Mobile Technology, Brenda C. Varner
Dissertation: Integration of Simulation into Healthcare Education through Applied Constructivism: A Randomized, Switching Replications Experiment, Samuel A. Yoders
Dissertation: Strategies for Combining Tree-Based Ensemble Models, Yi Zhang
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dissertation: Evaluating the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems’ Success at the Individual Level of Analysis in the Middle East, Mohammad Alzoubi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Leveling the Playing Field: Gender Inclusive Design for Single and Multiplayer Computer Role-Playing Games, Sandra N. Armstrong
Dissertation: Patient Portals: Achieving Technology Acceptance and Meaningful Use in Independent Physician-Managed Practices, Kimberly W. Bartholomew
Dissertation: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Fingerprint Biometric and a Biometric Personal Identification Number (BIO-PIN™) when used as a Multi-Factor Authentication Mechanism, Robert B. Batie
Dissertation: Electronic Medical Records (EMR): An Empirical Testing of Factors Contributing to Healthcare Professionals’ Resistance to Use EMR Systems, Emmanuel Patrick Bazile
Dissertation: An Empirical Study of Authentication Methods to Secure E-learning System Activities Against Impersonation Fraud, Shauna Beaudin
Dissertation: Aspect Mining Using Multiobjective Genetic Clustering Algorithms, David G. Bethelmy
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Relationship between Security Information Technology Enhancements and Computer Security Breaches and Incidents, Linda Betz
Dissertation: The Design and Implementation of Online Radiology Modules Using the ADDIE Process and Rapid Prototyping, Leslie Bofill
Dissertation: Factors that Affect Faculty Use of Course Management Systems in Traditional Courses at Private 4-year Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Empirical Approach, Hyacinth L. Burton
Dissertation: Algorithmic Foundations of Heuristic Search using Higher-Order Polygon Inequalities, Newton Henry Campbell Jr.
Dissertation: Development of a Cybersecurity Skills Index: A Scenarios-Based, Hands-On Measure of Non-IT Professionals' Cybersecurity Skills, Melissa Carlton
Dissertation: Five-Factor Model as a Predictor for Spoken Dialog Systems, Teresa G. Carter
Dissertation: A Big Idea: The Rollout of Open SUNY, Karen E. Case
Dissertation: A Usability and Learnability Case Study of Glass Flight Deck Interfaces and Pilot Interactions through Scenario-based Training, Thomas James De Cino
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of the Willingness of US Intelligence Community Analysts to Contribute Knowledge to a Knowledge Management System (KMS) in a Highly Classified and Sensitive Environment, Robert Hambly
Dissertation: A Study of Data Sharing Practices within Scholarly Research Communities, Mary Harward
Dissertation: An Empirical Assessment of Employee Cyberslacking in the Public Sector, Wilnelia Hernández
Dissertation: Blended Learning for Faculty Professional Development Incorporating Knowledge Management Principles, Julie E. Hewitt
Dissertation: Community College Faculty Dispositions Towards Blended Learning, Robin A. Hill
Dissertation: Using Mobile Phones for Teaching and Learning in Chinese Traditional Undergraduate Education, Guchun Huang
Dissertation: An Investigation of Factors that Influence Registered Nurses’ Intentions to Use E-Learning Systems in Completing Higher Degrees in Nursing, Pauline G. Little
Dissertation: Capturing, Eliciting, and Prioritizing (CEP) Non-Functional Requirements Metadata during the Early Stages of Agile Software Development, Richard Rabin Maiti
Dissertation: Mutable Class Design Pattern, Nikolay Malitsky
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Resistance to Using Multi-Method Authentication Systems in Public-Access Environments, Joseph Marnell
Dissertation: Effective Teaching Practices in Online Higher Education, Kim McMurtry
Dissertation: A Study of the Success of Group Formation in Virtual Teams Using Computer-Mediated Communications, Eliel Melón-Ramos
Dissertation: Enhanced Method Call Tree for Comprehensive Detection of Symptoms of Cross Cutting Concerns, Saleem Obaidullah Mir
Dissertation: Automatically Defined Templates for Improved Prediction of Non-stationary, Nonlinear Time Series in Genetic Programming, David Moskowitz
Dissertation: An Experimental Study on the Role of Password Strength and Cognitive Load on Employee Productivity, Stephen Mujeye
Dissertation: Assessing Knowledge Management Values by Using Intellectual Capital to Measure Organizational Performance, Thuan L. Nguyen
Dissertation: Examining Consumers’ Selective Information Privacy Disclosure Behaviors in an Organization’s Secure e-Commerce Systems, Patrick I. Offor
Dissertation: Teaching Presence and Intellectual Climate in a Structured Online Learning Environment, Janice Marie Orcutt
Dissertation: Use of Student Created Video Podcasts to Promote Foreign Language Grammar Acquisition in Middle School, Sergio Parra
Dissertation: The Effects of Time-compression and Learner-control in Multimedia Instruction, Jason Alan Pittman
Dissertation: Toward the Development and Implementation of Personalized, Adaptive, and Comprehensive E-learning Systems, Emad Samwel
Dissertation: Assistive Technology Instruction in Teacher Professional Development, David N. Schaaf
Dissertation: Empirical Analysis of Socio-Cognitive Factors Affecting Security Behaviors and Practices of Smartphone Users, Joseph P. Simpson
Dissertation: Evaluation of Supervised Machine Learning for Classifying Video Traffic, Farrell R. Taylor
Dissertation: Using Diversity Ensembles with Time Limits to Handle Concept Drift, Robert M. Van Camp
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of Privacy and Security Concerns on Doctors’ and Nurses’ Behavioral Intentions to Use RFID in Hospitals, Thomas George Winston
Dissertation: An Investigation of Socio-technical Components of Knowledge Management System (KMS) Usage, Noel Wint Jr.
Dissertation: Understanding the Impact of Hacker Innovation upon IS Security Countermeasures, Sean M. Zadig
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Thesis: News Feeds Clustering Research Study, Haytham Abuel-Futuh
Dissertation: Use of Entropy for Feature Selection with Intrusion Detection System Parameters, Frank Acker
Dissertation: Digital Forensics Tool Interface Visualization, Roberto A. Altiero
Dissertation: Designing an effective information security policy for exceptional situations in an organization: An experimental study, George S. Antoniou
Dissertation: The Effect of Computerized Cognitive Training on the Working Memory and Mathematics Achievement of Low Achievers, Shalette Ashman-East
Dissertation: Examining Social Network Site Usage by Older Adults: A Phenomenological Approach, Betsy Baugess
Dissertation: Locating Potential Aspect Interference Using Clustering Analysis, Brian Todd Bennett
Dissertation: Governance and organizational sponsorship as success factors in free/libre and open source software development: An empirical investigation using structural equation modeling, Aleksandr Blekh
Dissertation: The Importance of a Pictorial Medical History in Assisting Medical Diagnosis of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities: A Telemedicine Approach, Grace Bonanno
Dissertation: An Information Privacy Examination of the Practices of Pharmaceutical Companies Regarding Use of Information Collected Through Their Websites, Shonda Dellena Brown
Dissertation: A Study of Assistive Technology Competencies of Specialists in Public Schools, Betsy B. Burgos
Dissertation: Affect and Online Privacy Concerns, David Charles Castano
Dissertation: Immunology Inspired Detection of Data Theft from Autonomous Network Activity, Theodore O. Cochran
Dissertation: The State of Mobile Learning Implementation in Government Cabinet-Level Agencies and Departments, Algernon B. Corbett
Dissertation: Security Frameworks for Machine-to-Machine Devices and Networks, Michael Demblewski
Dissertation: Usable Security using GOMS: A Study to Evaluate and Compare the Usability of User Accounts on E-Government Websites, Amran Din
Dissertation: An Empirical Development of Critical Value Factors for System Quality and Information Quality in Business Intelligence Systems Implementations, Paul Dooley
Dissertation: Well-being Technologies: Meditation Using Virtual Worlds, Laura Downey
Dissertation: Determinants of Intention to Use New Technology: An Investigation of Students in Higher Education, Yolanda DuPree
Dissertation: Examining the Security Awareness, Information Privacy, and the Security Behaviors of Home Computer Users, Keith Edwards
Dissertation: Service Quality and Perceived Value of Cloud Computing-Based Service Encounters: Evaluation of Instructor Perceived Service Quality in Higher Education in Texas, Eges Egedigwe
Dissertation: A Predictive Modeling System: Early identification of students at-risk enrolled in online learning programs, Mary L. Fonti
Dissertation: Applying the Component Display Theory to the Instructional Design and Development of an Educational Mobile Application, Trelisa Glazatov
Dissertation: Virtue Ethics: Examining Influences on the Ethical Commitment of Information System Workers in Trusted Positions, John Max Gray
Dissertation: Motivation and Learning of Non-Traditional Computing Education Students in a Web-based Combined Laboratory, Michael Jesse Green
Dissertation: The Construction and Validation of an M-Learning Framework for Online and Blended Learning Environments, Dick T. Hamann
Dissertation: An Examination of Service Level Agreement Attributes that Influence Cloud Computing Adoption, Howard Gregory Hamilton
Dissertation: A Heuristic Evolutionary Method for the Complementary Cell Suppression Problem, Hira B. Herrington
Dissertation: An Enhanced MapReduce Workload Allocation Tool for Spot Market Resources, John Stephen Hudzina
Dissertation: Characterization of Prose by Rhetorical Structure for Machine Learning Classification, James Java
Dissertation: Role-Based Access Control Administration of Security Policies and Policy Conflict Resolution in Distributed Systems, Stephen Sakawa Kibwage
Dissertation: Motivations of Students in the Open-Ended Use of Mobile Computing in Lecture-Based Classrooms, Jeffrey Kimball
Dissertation: Approaches for Developing a Model for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Implementation in the Higher Education Environment, Thomas Edward Kurtz
Dissertation: An Investigation of the Factors Contributing to the Development of Poorly Defined IS Strategies for Firms in the United States, Karen B. Lacaden
Dissertation: A Makeover for the Captured Lecture: Applying Multimedia Learning Principles to Lecture Video, Richard Alan Lamb
Dissertation: Identifying Key Determinants of Service Provider Effectiveness and the Impact it has on Outsourced Security Success, James B. Lewis
Dissertation: Efficient Variations of the Quality Threshold Clustering Algorithm, Frank Loforte Jr.
Dissertation: Police Opinions of Digital Evidence Response Handling in the State of Georgia: An Examination from the Viewpoint of Local Agencies’ Patrol Officers, Tanya MacNeil
Dissertation: Math in the Dark: Tools for Expressing Mathematical Content by Visually Impaired Students, Patricia M. McDermott-Wells
Dissertation: The Construction and Validation of an Instructor Learning Analytics Implementation Model to Support At-Risk Students, Holly M. McKee
Dissertation: Design and Development of a Framework for Traffic Management in a Global Manufacturing Enterprise: The American Standard Case Study, Nathaniel J. Melby
Dissertation: Investigating Categorization Preferences for Online Dating Sites, Scott Morrissette
Dissertation: Dynamic Game-Theoretic Models to Determine the Value of Intrusion Detection Systems in the Face of Uncertainty, David Paul Moured
Dissertation: Incremental Sparse-PCA Feature Extraction For Data Streams, Jean-Pierre Nziga
Dissertation: A Dynamic Behavioral Biometric Approach to Authenticate Users Employing Their Fingers to Interact with Touchscreen Devices, Arturo Ponce