CCE Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Dissertation: The Blended Learning Experience of Community College Students, Anita Bleffert-Schmidt
Dissertation: The Impact of an Osteopathic Medical Program on Information Technology Skills of Physicians Entering the Workforce, Stephen Edward Bronsburg
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Role of Self-Efficacy in Computer Security Behavior: Developing the Construct of Computer Security Self-Efficacy (CSSE), Marlon Renese Clarke
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Learner Controlled Progress-Based Rewards to Promote Motivation and Achievement of At-Risk Students in Managed Online Learning Environments, Carlton Cunningham
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing an Information Systems Security Success Model for Organizational Context, Kimberley Dunkerley
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Detection of Deviations From Authorized Network Activity Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks, Cris Vincent Ewell
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The NORMAP Methodology: Non-functional Requirements Modeling for Agile Processes, Weam Mohamed Farid
Dissertation: The Effects of Coursecasting in International Freshman Students' Perceptions of Marginality and Isolation, Anxiety, and English Language Oral Proficiency and Comprehension, Alberto Fernandez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Automatic Affective Video Indexing: Identification of Slapstick Comedy Using Low-level Video Characteristics, Jean Helen French
Dissertation: Wiki Behavior in the Workplace: Emotional Aspects of Content Development, Deborah A. Gears
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Impact of New Information Technology on Bureaucratic Organizational Culture, Mark Allen Givens
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Supporting Technologies, Ian Greaves
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: New Record Ordering Heuristics for Multivariate Microaggregation, William Heaton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Influence of Narrative in Fostering Affective Development of Medical Professionalism in an Online Class, Peter Holub
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of Teacher-Student Collaboration on Course Design with Technology at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages in Taiwan, Yachen Kao
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Controlling with Model Trees, Robert Alan Kemerling
Dissertation: Computer Music Composition using Crowdsourcing and Genetic Algorithms, Jessica Faith Keup
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Scalable Methodology for Performance-based Selection of Security Services for Distributed Systems, Petr Kraus
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Empirical Investigation of the Role of Information Quality in Citizens' Trust in E-government Systems, Ally Lee
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Principal as Technology Integration Leader, Dietrick Lewis
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Knowledge Sharing and Encouragement by Others in Predicting Computer Self-Efficacy and Use of Information Systems in the Workplace, Bernard Thomas Lichvar
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Personality Type and Software Usability Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) and the Software Usability Measurement Inventory (SUMI), William H. Lindsey
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effect of Problem-Solving Instruction on the Programming Self-Efficacy and Achievement of Introductory Computer Science Students, Elizabeth Maddrey
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Heuristic for the Constrained One-Sided Two-Layered Crossing Reduction Problem for Dynamic Graph Layout, Dung Hoang Mai
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Assessment of Instant Messaging Interruptions on Knowledge Workers' Task Performance in E-learning-based Training, Gary Mansi
Dissertation: Interoperability Gap Challenges for Learning Object Repositories & Learning Management Systems, Robert T. Mason
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Ethnographic Investigation of the Assimilation of New Organizational Members into an Information Security Culture, Barry Ben McIntosh
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Investigating the Use and Effectiveness of Principles Learned in an Online Faculty-training Program, Wayne David Mier
Dissertation: Automated Support for Model Selection Using Analytic Hierarchy Process, Mario Sarkis Missakian
Dissertation: The Impact of the User Interface on Simulation Usability and Solution Quality, Bruce Ray Montgomery
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Prudent Access Control Behavioral Intention Model for the Healthcare Domain, Constance Cecilia Mussa
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Nurses' Acceptance of RFID Technology in a Mandatory-Use Environment, Adam Norten
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Near Real-time Risk Assessment Using Hidden Markov Models, Charles Pak
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teaching Digital Citizenship in a Global Academy, Marxan Elizabeth Pescetta
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Aspect Mining Using Model-Based Clustering, Renata Rand McFadden
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Model for Field Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) within the Domain of Microclimate Habitat Monitoring, Mark A. Sanborn
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Empirical Investigation of the Economic Value of Information Security Management System Standards, Babak Shoraka
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Cognitive Study of the Use of the Internet by Minority Small Business Owners for Information Research and the Design and Development of a Small Business Information Portal, Sherry Leanne Strum
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Construction and Analysis of Vector Space Models for Use in Aspect Mining, William Tribbey
Dissertation: A Domain Aware Genetic Algorithm for the p-Median Problem, Dennis Vickers
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Developing and Evaluating an Open Source Network Laboratory and Curriculum, Dongqing Yuan
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Use of Dynamic Pool Size to Regulate Selection Pressure in Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithms, Mary Stankovich Angeles
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Computer Assisted Psychomotor Training in a Specialized Population, Gail Black
Dissertation: An Investigation of Factors that Affect HIPAA Security Compliance in Academic Medical Centers, James William Brady
Dissertation: A Species-Conserving Genetic Algorithm for Multimodal Optimization, Michael Scott Brown
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Investigation of Multiple Integration Techniques for Information Systems: A Model for Integrating Data Warehousing, ERP, and SOA in Practice, Jessie Burns
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Factors Affecting Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce Success: An Empirical Investigation, Chun-I Philip Chen
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Evolutionary Method for Complementary Cell Suppression, Eric Ditrich
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Online Learning Communities: Enhancing the Acquisition of Information Skills by Undergraduate Students of the University of Puerto Rico at Carolina, Noraida Dominguez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Quantitative Assessment of the Modularization of Security Design Patterns with Aspects, Crystal Edge
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Design and Development of an Identity Management System: The Minnesota State College-Southeast Technical Case Study, Mohamed A. Elhindi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Examination of a Virtual Private Network Implementation to Support a Teleworking Initiative: The Marcus Food Company Inc. Case Study, Jason Ferguson
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Digital Game-Based Learning to Support Vocabulary Instruction for Developmental Reading Students, Patricia Ann Frederick
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Design and Development of CollaborAT: A Groupware Solution for IEP Teams Supporting School-Age Students Who Use Assistive Technology, Lori Ann Geist
Dissertation: Ascertaining the Relationship between Security Awareness and the Security Behavior of Individuals, Gordon J. Grant
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Analysis of the Influence of Media Characteristics on Online Donor Behavior, Janine M. Jacques
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Comparing the Cultural Dimensions and Learners' Perceived Effectiveness of Online Learning Systems (OLS) among American and Malaysian Learners, Seng C. Keng
Dissertation: Judges' Awareness, Understanding, and Application of Digital Evidence, Gary Craig Kessler
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Predicting Machining Rate in Non-Traditional Machining using Decision Tree Inductive Learning, Ramesh Konda
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Quality Market: Design and Field Study of Prediction Market for Software Quality Control, Janaki Krishnamurthy
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Peer selection Algorithm in Stochastic Content Delivery Networks to Reduce File Download Time, Michael Richard Lehrfeld
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology Implementation within an Independent Public Library System: A Case Study of the North Canton, Ohio Public Library, Keith P. Lyons
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Latent Semantic Analysis as a Method of Content-Based Image Retrieval in Medical Applications, Gennadiy Makovoz
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Empirical Investigation of Information Systems Success in Terms of Net Benefits: A Study on the Success of Implementing a Building Automation System, Michael Charles McCabe
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Training and Optimizing Distributed Neural Networks Using a Genetic Algorithm, Shannon Dale McMurtrey
Dissertation: Quantum Algorithm Animator, Lori Eileen Nicholson
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Predicting "Essential" Genes in Microbial Genomes: A Machine Learning Approach to Knowledge Discovery in Microbial Genomic Data, Krishnaveni Palaniappan
Dissertation: Developing a Framework for Evaluation of Corporate Non-Transactional Business-to-Consumer Web Sites: A Descriptive Study, Karen Denise Pate
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Range Limited UAV Trajectory using Terrain Masking under Radar Detection Risk, Michael Joseph Pelosi
Dissertation: Early Detection of Online Auction Opportunistic Sellers Through the Use of Negative-Positive Feedback, Gregory J. Reinert
Dissertation: Assistive Technology Attrition: Identifying Why Teachers Abandon Assistive Technologies, Michael Edward Sharpe
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Investigating Wikis as Agents for Virtual Team Activity Awareness, David Mark Shulman
Dissertation: Physician Information Seeking Behaviors: Are Physicians Successful Searchers?, Janice Swiatek-Kelley
Dissertation: Trust and Trustworthiness: A Framework for Successful Design of Telemedicine, James Robert Templeton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Determining the Value of Handwritten Comments within Work Orders, Daniel Thombs
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Effect of Knowledge of Online Security Risks on Consumer Decision Making in B2C E-Commerce, Ping An Wang
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of the Efficacy of Literacy-based Assistive Technology for Undergraduate Second Language Learners, Daniel Thomas Yakimchuk
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Collaborative Technologies in Remote Lab Delivery Systems for Topics in Automation, Joe Ed Ashby
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Feature Structure Approach for Disambiguating Preposition Senses, Venkatesh Baglodi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Bridging the Proficiency Gap: A Study of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy of Nontraditional College Students in Accelerated Learning (AL) Programs, Dianne Marie Bell
Dissertation: A Comparison of the Rule and Case-based Reasoning Approaches for the Automation of Help-desk Operations at the Tier-two Level, Michael Forrester Bryant
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Using Instructional Software to Improve Oral Performance of Taiwanese Speakers of English, Yentzu Chen
Dissertation: A Methodology for Design and Development of an Electronic Learning (E-Learning) Network at the Regis University School for Professional Studies, Samuel Steven Conn
Dissertation: Design, Development, and Implementation of a Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): The Hartford Job Corps Academy Case Study, Tracey Kershner Cooley
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Resolving Quasi-Synonym Relationships in Automatic Thesaurus Construction using Fuzzy Rough Sets and an Inverse Term Frequency Similarity Function, Julius Mack Davault III
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Human Analysis Element of Intrusion Detection: A Cognitive Task Model and Interface Design and Implications, Brenda Lee Ellis
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of Factors that Affect Instructors' Intention to Use E-Learning Systems in Two-Year College, Bilquis J. Ferdousi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: An Exploratory Study on the Factors Associated with Ethical Intention of Digital Piracy, Abbe Ellen Forman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Effect of ontology hierarchy on a concept vector machine's ability to classify web documents, Jeffrey A. Graham
Dissertation: A Study of First- and Continuing-Generation College Students' Use of Internet Communication Technologies in Social Capital and Its Contribution to Their Persistence in College, Gail Dianne (Hodge) Hayes
Dissertation: An Analysis of the Impact of Information Security Policies on Computer Security Breach Incidents in Law Firms, Faith M. Heikkila
Dissertation: Responsibility Factors of Reducing Inefficiencies in Information System Processes and Their Role on Intention to Acquire Six Sigma Certification, Sara Hejazi
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Model and Intelligent Software Agent for the Selection and Implementation of Open Source Software, Terry Carl House
Dissertation: An Investigation of Training in Creative Problem Solving and its Relationship to Affective and Effective Idea Generation of Entrepreneurial Learners, Charles Edward Leach
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Data Mining for Induction of Adjacency Grammars and Application to Terrain Pattern Recognition, Brian David Leighty
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Maintaining a News Perspective Remotely through Online Information Retrieval: Task-based Web Experiences of Foreign News Correspondents, Kuanyuh Tony Lin
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Aspect Mining Using Self-Organizing Maps With Method Level Dynamic Software Metrics as Input Vectors, Sayyed Garba Maisikeli
Dissertation: Administrative Support for Online Teaching Faculty, John David Meyer
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: High-Performance Knowledge-Based Entity Extraction, Anthony M. Middleton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development and Validation of a Scale for Measuring e-Government User Satisfaction, Marcel C. Obi