Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles

Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Articles


A world leader in marine biological research with focus on coral reef science and shark conservation, The Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Oceanographic Center has been at the forefront of graduate and undergraduate marine science education and oceanographic research for over 49 years. Students, scientists, faculty and staff come to the Center from all corners of the globe, with the common goal of learning from the ocean's living classrooms - in one of the most diverse ecosystems known to man.

 The Oceanographic Center serves as a national, regional, and community resource for information. There are several institutes, the National Coral Reef Institute for research and training on coral reef assessment, monitoring, and restoration; the Guy Harvey Research Institute for fish research and conservation, and the Save Our Seas Shark Center specializing in shark studies. The Center also implements the Broward County Sea Turtle Renesting Program. The Center's facilities include a research library for the many disciplines of marine science, conference room, classrooms, staging area, electron microscopy laboratory, darkroom, machine shop, physical oceanography laboratory, computer center, wetlab/classroom coral workshop, filtered seawater facility and research laboratories.


Submissions from 2021

Temporal and Spatial Variabilities of Chemical and Physical Parameters on the Heron Island Coral Reef Platform, Samuel A. H. Kekuewa, Travis A. Courtney, Tyler Cyronak, Theodor Kindeberg, Bradley D. Eyre, Laura Stoltenberg, and Andreas J. Andersson


A quantitative criterion with which to distinguish lithofacies belts from mosaics in carbonate deposystems, Jeremy M. Kerr, Sam Purkis, Bernhard Riegl, and Peter Burgess


The effect of metabolic phenotype on sociability and social group size preference in a coral reef fish, Shaun S. Killen, Lauren E. Nadler, Kathryn Grazioso, Amy Cox, and Mark I. McCormick


The gulf of mexico an overview, Larry D. McKinney, John G. Shepherd, Charles A. Wilson, William T. Hogarth, Jeff Chanton, Steven A. Murawski, Paul A. Sandifer, Tracey Sutton, David Yoskowitz, Katya Wowk, Tamay M. Özgökmen, Samantha B. Joye, and Rex Caffey

Comparison of phosphate uptake by epiphyton, metaphyton, and epipelon in the Everglades, Kiersten Monahan and J. Matthew Hoch


Impacts of petroleum, petroleum components, and dispersants on organisms and populations, Steven A. Murawski, Martin Grosell, Cynthia Smith, Tracey Sutton, Kenneth M. Halanych, Richard F. Shaw, and Charles A. Wilson

Birds of a feather shouldn't always fly together, Lauren E. Nadler

Long telomeres of youth encourage optimism, Lauren E. Nadler

Socialites boosted but loners set back in a crowd, Lauren E. Nadler


Rapid Population Decline of the Pillar Coral Dendrogyra cylindrus Along the Florida Reef Tract, Karen L. Neely, Cynthia L. Lewis, Kathleen S. Lunz, and Lystina Kabay


Saving the Last Unicorns: The Genetic Rescue of Florida’s Pillar Corals, Karen L. Neely, Cynthia L. Lewis, Keri O’Neil, Cheryl M. Woodley, Jennifer Moore, Zach Ransom, Amelia Moura, Ken Nedimyer, and David Vaughan


Short- and Long-Term Effectiveness of Coral Disease Treatments, Karen L. Neely, Colin P. Shea, Kevin A. Macaulay, Emily K. Hower, and Michelle A. Dobler

Enhancing artificial reef fish populations by providing invertebrate prey refugia, Karen L. Neely, Tracy A. Ziegler, Margaret Peloso, Mark Hooper, Chesson O’Briant, Maria Wise, and Daniel Rittschof


Responses of benthic calcifying algae to ocean acidification differ between laboratory and field settings, Heather N. Page, Keisha D. Bahr, Tyler Cyronak, Elizabeth B. Jewett, Maggie D. Johnson, and Sophie J. McCoy

Reproductive investment and fecundity of Pacific crown-of-thorns starfish (Acanthaster cf. solaris) on the Great Barrier Reef, Morgan S. Pratchett, Lauren E. Nadler, Deborah Burn, Bethan J. Lang, Vanessa Messmer, and Ciemon F. Caballes

Spatial distribution of CO2, CH4 and N2O in the Great Barrier Reef revealed though high resolution sampling and isotopic analysis, Michael J. Reading, Damien T. Maher, Isaac R. Santos, Luke C. Jeffrey, Tyler J. Cyronak, Ashly McMahon, and Douglas R. Tait

Interpreting Risk from Sunscreens in the Marine Environment, D. Abigail Renegar and Dennis K. Dudley


Species sensitivity assessment of five Atlantic scleractinian coral species to 1-methylnaphthalene, Dorothy-Ellen A. Renegar and Nicholas Turner


Evaluating the use of marine protected areas by endangered species: A habitat selection approach, Kelsey E. Roberts, Brian J. Smith, Derek Burkholder, and Kristen M. Hart


Stable isotopes used to infer trophic position of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Dry Tortugas National Park, Gulf of Mexico, United States, David C. Roche, Michael S. Cherkiss, Brian J. Smith, Derek A. Burkholder, and Kristen M. Hart


Unexpected role of communities colonizing dead coral substrate in the calcification of coral reefs, Manoela Romanó de Orte, David A. Koweek, Tyler Cyronak, Yuichiro Takeshita, Alyssa Griffin, Kennedy Wolfe, Alina Szmant, Robert Whitehead, Rebecca Albright, and Ken Caldeira

The Role of Hydrates, Competing Chemical Constituents, and Surface Composition on ClNO2Formation, Haley M. Royer, Dhruv Mitroo, Sarah M. Hayes, Savannah M. Haas, Kerri A. Pratt, Patricia L. Blackwelder, Thomas E. Gill, and Cassandra J. Gaston


Temporal variation in macroalgal removal: insights from an impacted equatorial coral reef system, Jovena C. L. Seah, Andrew G. Bauman, and Peter A. Todd


The Design, Production and Validation of the Biological and Structural Performance of an Ecologically Engineered Concrete Block Mattress – A Nature Inclusive Design for Shoreline and Offshore construction, Ido Sella, T. Hadary, A. Rella, Bernhard Riegl, Denise Swack, and S. Perkol-Finkel


Climate Process Team: improvement of ocean component of NOAA Climate Forecast System relevant to Madden-Julian Oscillation simulations, Toshiaki Shinoda, Suyang Pei, Wanqiu Wang, Joshua X. Fu, Ren-Chieh Lien, Hyodae Seo, and Alexander Soloviev


Temporal Baseline of Essential and Non-essential Elements Recorded in Baleen of Western Arctic Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus), Samantha Shore, Dimitri Giarikos, Lawrence K. Duffy, Mickie Rae Edwards, and Amy Hirons


Taxonomic composition, abundance and habitat associations of squid paralarvae in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Michelle Zapp Sluis, Heather Judkins, Michael A. Dance, Michael Vecchione, Maëlle Cornic, Tracey Sutton, and Jay R. Rooker

Towards integrated modeling of the long-term impacts of oil spills, Helena M. Solo-Gabriele, Tom Fiddaman, Cecilie Mauritzen, Cameron H. Ainsworth, David M. Abramson, Igal Berenshtein, Eric P. Chassignet, Shuyi S. Chen, Robyn N. Conmy, Christa D. Court, William K. Dewar, John W. Farrington, Michael G. Feldman, Alesia C. Ferguson, Elizabeth Fetherston-Resch, Deborah French-McCay, Christine Hale, Ruoying He, Vassiliki Kourafalou, Kenneth Lee, Yonggang Liu, Michelle Masi, Emily S. Maung-Douglass, Steven L. Morey, Steven A. Murawski, Claire B. Paris, Natalie Perlin, Erin L. Pulster, Antonietta Quigg, Denise J. Reed, James J. Ruzicka, Paul A. Sandifer, John G. Shepherd, Burton H. Singer, Michael R. Stukel, Tracey Sutton, Robert H. Weisberg, Denis Wiesenburg, Charles A. Wilson, Monica Wilson, Katya Wowk, Callan Yanoff, and David Yoskowitz

High-Resolution Remote Sensing, In-Situ Observations, and Modeling of Low-Salinity Lenses in the Presence of Oil Slick, Alexander Soloviev, Breanna L. Vanderplow, Cayla Dean, Egbert Schwarz, Susanne Lehner, Hui Shen, William Perrie, and Paul Schuler


Late afternoon seasonal transition to dissolution in a coral reef: An early warning of a net dissolving ecosystem?, Laura Stoltenberg, Kai G. Schulz, Coulson A. Lantz, Tyler Cyronak, and Bradley D. Eyre


Deep-pelagic Research in the Gulf of Mexico: Ten Years and Counting…, Tracey Sutton


Editorial: Deep Pelagic Ecosystem Dynamics in a Highly Impacted Water Column: The Gulf of Mexico After Deepwater Horizon, Tracey Sutton, Kevin M. Boswell, Heather Bracken-Grissom, Jose V. Lopez, Michael Vecchione, and Marsh Youngbluth


A phylogeny-informed analysis of the global coral-symbiodiniaceae interaction network reveals that traits correlated with thermal bleaching are specific to symbiont transmission mode, Timothy D. Swain, Simon Lax, Jack Gilbert, Vadim Backman, and Luisa A. Marcelino


Climate and the latitudinal limits of subtropical reef development, Lauren T. Toth, William F. Precht, Alexander B. Modys, Anastasios Stathakopoulos, Martha L. Robbart, J. Harold Hudson, Anton E. Oleinik, Bernhard M. Riegl, Eugene A. Shinn, and Richard B. Aronson

Habitat specific trade-offs in growth and survival by hogfish Lachnolaimus maximus in southeast Florida, Ian A. Towne, Paul Arena, Angela B. Collins, and David Kerstetter

Toxicity of two representative petroleum hydrocarbons, toluene and phenanthrene, to five Atlantic coral species, Nicholas R. Turner, Thomas F. Parkerton, and D. Abigail Renegar


Validation of Landsat 8 high resolution Sea Surface Temperature using surfers, Quinton Vanhellemont, Robert J. W. Brewin, Philip J. Bresnahan, and Tyler Cyronak


Should Hybrids Be Used in Coral Nurseries? A Case Study Comparing Caribbean Acropora spp. and Their Hybrid in the Bahamas, Cassie M. VanWynen, Morgan V. Hightshoe, Nicole D. Fogarty, Craig P. Dahlgren, and David S. Gilliam

Regionalization of benthic hard-bottom communities across the Pourtalès Terrace, Florida, Brian K. Walker, Charles G. Messing, Jana Ash, Sandra Brooke, John K. Reed, and Stephanie Farrington


Optimizing Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) Intervention Treatments on Montastraea cavernosa in an Endemic Zone, Brian K. Walker, Nicholas R. Turner, Hunter K G Noren, Samantha F. Buckley, and Kelly A. Pitts

An early warning sign: trophic structure changes in the oceanic Gulf of Mexico from 2011—2018, Matthew S. Woodstock, Tracey Sutton, Tamara Frank, and Yuying Zhang

Submissions from 2020

National-scale marine bioregions for the Southwest Pacific, Maria Beger, Hans Wendt, Jonah Sullivan, Claire Mason, Jimaima LeGrand, Kate Davey, Stacy Jupiter, Daniela M. Ceccarelli, Alex Dempsey, Graham Edgar, David A. Feary, Douglas Fenner, Marian Gauna, Hannah Grice, Sahar Noor Kirmani, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Sam Purkis, Zoe T. Richards, Randi Rotjan, Rick Stuart-Smith, Helen Sykes, Naushad Yakub, Andrew G. Bauman, Alec Hughes, Jason Raubani, Adam Lewis, and Leanne Fernandes


Light Organ Photosensitivity in Deep-Sea Shrimp May Suggest a Novel Role in Counterillumination, Heather D. Bracken-Grissom, Danielle M. DeLeo, Megan L. Porter, Tom Iwanicki, Jamie E. Sickles, and Tamara Frank

Development of a Reef Fish Biological Condition Gradient Model With Quantitative Decision Rules for the Protection and Restoration of Coral Reef Ecosystems, Patricia Bradley, Ben Jessup, Simon J. Pittman, Christopher F. G. Jeffrey, Jerald Ault, Lisamarie Carrubba, Craig Lilyestrom, Richard S. Appeldoorn, Michelle T. Schärer, Brian K. Walker, Melanie McField, Deborah Santavy, Tyler B. Smith, Graciela Garcia-Moliner, Steven G. Smith, Evelyn Huertas, Jeroen Gerritsen, Leah M. Oliver, Christina Horstmann, and Susan K. Jackson


Comparison of Two Methods for Measuring Sea Surface Temperature When Surfing, Robert J. W. Brewin, Tyler Cyronak, Philip Bresnahan, Andreas J. Andersson, Jon Richard, Katherine Hammond, Oliver Billson, Lee de Mora, Thomas Jackson, Dan Smale, and Giorgio Dall'Olmo


First Insights Into the Vertical Habitat Use of the Whitespotted Eagle Ray Aetobatus narinari Revealed by Pop‐up Satellite Archival Tags, L. R. Brewster, B. V. Cahill, M. N. Burton, C. Dougan, J. S. Herr, L. Issac Norton, S. A. McGuire, M. Pico, E. Urban-Gedamke, K. Bassos-Hull, J. P. Tyminski, R. E. Hueter, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Mahmood S. Shivji, N. Burnie, and M. J. Ajemian

Insights from extreme coral reefs in a changing world, J. A. Burt, E. F. Camp, I. C. Enochs, J. L. Johansen, K. M. Morgan, B. Riegl, and A. S. Hoey

Suppressed coral settlement following mass bleaching in the southern Persian/Arabian Gulf, John A. Burt and Andrew G. Bauman

Mechanical Properties, Spectral Vibrational Response, and Flow-Field Analysis of the Aragonite Skeleton of the Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis), Alejandro Carrasco-Pena, Mahmoud Omer, Bridget Masa, Zachary Shepard, Tyler Scofield, Samik Bhattacharya, Nina Orlovskaya, Boyce E. Collins, Sergey N. Yarmolenko, Jagannathan Sankar, Ghatu Subhash, David S. Gilliam, and John E. Fauth


MinION-in-ARMS: Nanopore Sequencing to Expedite Barcoding of Specimen-Rich Macrofaunal Samples From Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures, Jia Jin Marc Chang, Yin Cheong Aden Ip, Andrew G. Bauman, and Danwei Huang


A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate Deep-Pelagic Ecosystem Dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico Following Deepwater Horizon, April Cook, Andrea Bernard, Kevin M. Boswell, Heather Bracken-Grissom Dr., Marta D'Elia, Sergio DeRada, Cole Easson, David English, Ron Eytan, Tamara Frank, Chuanmin Hu, Matt Johnston, Heather Judkins, Chad Lembke, Jose Lopez, Rosanna Milligan, Jon A. Moore, Brad Penta, Nina Pruzinsky, John A. Quinlan, Travis M. Richards, Isabel C. Romero, Mahmood S. Shivji, Michael Vecchione, Max D. Weber, R.J. David Wells, and Tracey Sutton

Evidence That Eye-Facing Photophores Serve as a Reference for Counterillumination in an Order of Deep-Sea Fishes, Alexander L. Davis, Tracey Sutton, William M. Kier, and Sonke Johnsen


Opinion: Midwater Ecosystems Must Be Considered When Evaluating Environmental Risks of Deep-Sea Mining, Jeffrey C. Drazen, Craig R. Smith, Kristina Gjerde, Steven Haddock, Glenn S. Carter, Anela Choy, Malcolm R. Clark, Pierre Dutrieux, Erica Goetze, Chris Hauton, Mariko Hatta, Julian Koslow, Astrid Brigitta Leitner, Aude Pacini, Jessica Nicole Perelman, Thomas Peacock, Tracey Sutton, Les Watling, and Hiroyuki Yamamoto


Urgent need for coral demography in a world where corals are disappearing, Peter J. Edmunds and Bernhard Riegl


Tree mode of death and mortality risk factors across Amazon forests, Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert, Oliver Phillips, Roel Brienen, Sophie Fauset, Martin Sullivan, Timothy Baker, Kuo-Jung Chao, Ted Feldpausch, Emanuel Gloor, Niro Higuchi, Jeanne Houwing-Duistermaat, Jon Lloyd, Haiyan Liu, Yadvinder Malhi, Beatriz Marimon, Ben Hur Marimon Junior, Abel Monteagudo-Mendoza, Lourens Poorter, Marcos Silveira, Emilio Vilanova Torre, Esteban Alvarez Dávila, Jhon del Aguila Pasquel, Everton Almeida, Patricia Alvarez Loayza, Ana Andrade, Luiz E. O. C. Aragão, Alejandro Araujo-Murakami, Eric Arets, Luzmila Arroyo, Gerardo A. Aymard C., Michel Baisie, Christopher Baraloto, Plínio Barbosa Camargo, Jorcely Barroso, Lilian Blanc, Damien Bonal, Frans Bongers, René Boot, Foster Brown, Benoit Burban, José Luís Camargo, Wendeson Castro, Victor Chama Moscoso, Jerome Chave, James Comiskey, Fernando Cornejo Valverde, Antonio Lola da Costa, Nallaret Davila Cardozo, Anthony Di Fiore, Aurélie Dourdain, Terry Erwin, Gerardo Flores Llampazo, Ima Célia Guimarães Vieira, Rafael Herrera, Eurídice Honorio Coronado, Isau Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Eliana Jimenez-Rojas, Timothy Killeen, Susan Laurance, William Laurance, Aurora Levesley, Simon L. Lewis, Karina Liana Lisboa Melgaço Ladvocat, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Thomas Lovejoy, Patrick Meir, Casimiro Mendoza, Paulo Morandi, David Neill, Adriano José Nogueira Lima, Percy Nuñez Vargas, Edmar Almeida de Oliveira, Nadir Pallqui Camacho, Guido Pardo, Julie Peacock, Marielos Peña-Claros, Maria Cristina Peñuela-Mora, Georgia Pickavance, John Pipoly III, Nigel Pitman, Adriana Prieto, Thomas A. M. Pugh, Carlos Quesada, Hirma Ramirez-Angulo, Simone Matias de Almeida Reis, Maxime Rejou-Machain, Zorayda Restrepo Correa, Lily Rodriguez Bayona, Agustín Rudas, Rafael Salomão, Julio Serrano, Javier Silva Espejo, Natalino Silva, James Singh, Clement Stahl, Juliana Stropp, Varun Swamy, Joey Talbot, Hans ter Steege, John Terborgh, Raquel Thomas, Marisol Toledo, Armando Torres-Lezama, Luis Valenzuela Gamarra, Geertje van der Heijden, Peter van der Meer, Peter van der Hout, Rodolfo Vasquez Martinez, Simone Aparecida Vieira, Jeanneth Villalobos Cayo, Vincent Vos, Roderick Zagt, Pieter Zuidema, and David Galbraith

7700-Year Persistence of an Isolated, Free-Living Coral Assemblage in the Galapagos Islands: A Model for Coral Refugia?, Joshua Feingold, Bernhard Riegl, Katharine Jane Hendrickson, Lauren T. Toth, H. Cheng, R. L. Edwards, and R. B. Aronson


Contact- and Water-Mediated Effects of Macroalgae on the Physiology and Microbiome of Three Indo-Pacific Coral Species, Jenny Fong, Lindsey K. Deignan, Andrew G. Bauman, Peter D. Steinberg, Diane McDougald, and Peter A. Todd


The Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Deep-Sea Crustaceans in the Order Euphausiacea in the Vicinity of the DeepWater Horizon Oil Spill, Tamara Frank, Charles Douglas Fine, Eric A. Burdett, April Cook, and Tracey Sutton


Microbial Symbionts and Ecological Divergence of Caribbean Sponges: A New Perspective on an Ancient Association, Christopher Freeman, Cole Easson, Kenan O. Matterson, Robert W. Thacker, David M. Baker, and Valerie J. Paul


Fine-Scale Coral Connectivity Pathways in the Florida Reef Tract: Implications for Conservation and Restoration, Charles Frys, Antoine Saint-Amand, Matthieu Le Henaff, Joana Figueiredo, Alyson Kuba, Brian K. Walker, Jonathan Lambrechts, Valentin Vallaeys, David Vincent, and Emmanuel Hanert

Agent-based model of Eastern Pacific damselfish and sea urchin interactions shows increased coral reef erosion under post-ENSO conditions, Peter J. Glynn, Peter W. Glynn, Juan Maté, and Bernhard Riegl


Antibiotic Resistance in Marine Microbial Communities Proximal to a Florida Sewage Outfall System, Dale W. Griffin, Kenneth Banks, Kurtis Gregg, Sarah Shedler, and Brian K. Walker

Physiological Limits to Inshore Invasion of Indo-Pacific Lionfish (Pterois Spp.): Insights from the Functional Characteristics of Their Visual System and Hypoxia Tolerance, Aaron Hasenei, David Kerstetter, Andrij Horodysky, and Richard Brill

Swordfish Xiphias gladius Diet in the Florida Straits, Amy Marie Heemsoth, Amy Hirons, Caroline M. Collatos, and David Kerstetter


Regional Distribution of a Brain-Encysting Parasite Provides Insight on Parasite-Induced Host Behavioral Manipulation, Siri H. Helland-Riise, Lauren E. Nadler, Marco A. Vindas, Erik Bengston, Andrew V. Turner, Ida B. Johansen, Kelly L. Weinersmith, Ryan F. Hechinger, and Øyvind Øverli


Brain-Encysting Trematodes (Euhaplorchis californiensis) Decrease Raphe Serotonergic Activity in California Killifish (Fundulus parvipinnis), Siri H. Helland-Riise, Marco A. Vindas, Ida B. Johansen, Lauren E. Nadler, Kelly L. Weinersmith, Ryan F. Hechinger, and Øyvind Øverli

A Decade to Study Deep-Sea Life, Kerry L. Howell, Ana Hilario, A. Louise Allcock, David Bailey, Maria Baker, Malcolm R. Clark, Ana Colaco, Jon Copley, Erik E. Cordes, Roberto Danovaro, Awantha Dissanayake, Elva Escobar, Patricia Esquete, Austin J. Gallagher, Andrew R. Gates, Sylvie M. Gaudron, Christopher R. German, Kristina M. Gjerde, Nicholas D. Higgs, Nadine Le Bris, Lisa A. Levin, Elisabetta Manea, Craig McClain, Lenaick Menot, Nelia C. Mestre, Anna Metaxas, Rosanna Milligan, Agnes W. N. Muthumbi, Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, Sofia P. Ramalho, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Laura M. Robson, Alex D. Rogers, Javier Sellanes, Julia D. Sigwart, Kerry Sink, Paul V. R. Snelgrove, Paris V. Stefanoudis, Paulo Y. Sumida, Michelle L. Taylor, Andrew R. Thurber, Rui Vieira, Hiromi K. Watanabe, Lucy C. Woodall, and Joana R. Xavier


A Blueprint for an Inclusive, Global Deep-Sea Ocean Decade Field Program, Kerry L. Howell, Ana Hilário, A. Louise Allcock, David M. Bailey, Maria Baker, Malcolm R. Clark, Ana Colaço, Jon Copley, Erik E. Cordes, Roberto Danovaro, Awantha Dissanayake, Elva Escobar, Patricia Esquete, Austin J. Gallagher, Andrew R. Gates, Sylvie M. Gaudron, Christopher R. German, Kristina M. Gjerde, Nicholas D. Higgs, Nadine Le Bris, Lisa A. Levin, Elisabetta Manea, Craig McClain, Lenaick Menot, Nelia C. Mestre, Anna Metaxas, Rosanna J. Milligan, Agnes W.N. Muthumbi, Bhavani E. Narayanaswamy, Sofia P. Ramalho, and Eva Ramirez-Llodra

Corals in the hottest reefs in the world exhibit symbiont fidelity not flexibility, Emily Howells, Andrew G. Bauman, Grace O. Vaughan, Benjamin C. C. Hume, Christian R. Voolstra, and John A. Burt


Accreting coral reefs in a highly urbanized environment, Fraser A. Januchowski-Hartley, Andrew G. Bauman, Kyle M. Morgan, Jovena C. L. Seah, Danwei Huang, and Peter A. Todd


Thermal Stress-Related Spatiotemporal Variations in High-Latitude Coral Reef Benthic Communities, Nicholas P. Jones, Joana Figueiredo, and David S. Gilliam

Pore Water Conditions Driving Calcium Carbonate Dissolution in Reef Sands, Adam Kessler, Angus Rogers, Tyler Cyronak, Michael F. Bourke, Harald Hasler-Sheetal, Ronnie N. Glud, Chris Greening, Filip J. R. Meysman, Bradley D. Eyre, and Perran L. M. Cook


Porewater Carbonate Chemistry Dynamics in a Temperate and a Subtropical Seagrass System, Theodor Kindeberg, Nicholas R. Bates, Travis A. Courtney, Tyler Cyronak, Alyssa Griffin, Fred T. Mackenzie, May-Linn Paulsen, and Andreas J. Andersson


Seasonal Movements and Habitat Use of Juvenile Smooth Hammerhead Sharks in the Western North Atlantic Ocean and Significance for Management, Ryan K. Logan, Jeremy Vaudo, Lara L. Sousa, Mark Sampson, Bradley M. Wetherbee, and Mahmood S. Shivji


Reproductive Ecology of Dragonfishes (Stomiiformes: Stomiidae) in the Gulf of Mexico, Alex Marks, David Kerstetter, David Wyanski, and Tracey Sutton


Taxonomic Richness and Diversity of Larval Fish Assemblages in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico: Links to Oceanographic Conditions, Corinne R. Meinert, Kimberly Clausen-Sparks, Maëlle Cornic, Tracey Sutton, and Jay R. Rooker

A Revision of the Unusual Feather Star Genus Atopocrinus with a Description of a New Species (Echinodermata: Crinoidea), Charles Messing


Erratum: CHARLES G. MESSING (2020) A Revision of the Unusual Feather Star Genus Atopocrinus with a Description of a New Species (Echinodermata: Crinoidea). Zootaxa, 4731: 471–491., Charles G. Messing


Behavioural Effects of the Common Brain-Infecting Parasite Pseudoloma neurophilia in Laboratory Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Helene L. E. Midttun, Marco A. Vindas, Lauren E. Nadler, Øyvind Øverli, and Ida B. Johansen

Evidence for Seasonal Cycles in Deep‐Sea Fish Abundances: A Great Migration in the Deep SE Atlantic, Rosanna Milligan, E. M. Scott, D. O. B. Jones, B. J. Bett, A. J. Jamieson, R. O'Brien, S. Pereira Costa, G. T. Rowe, H. A. Ruhl, K. L. Smith Jr., P. de Susanne, M. F. Vardaro, and D. M. Bailey


Dispersion Overrides Environmental Variability as a Primary Driver of the Horizontal Assemblage Structure of the Mesopelagic Fish Family Myctophidae in the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Rosanna Milligan and Tracey Sutton

Abundance and diversity of deep-sea crustaceans (Decapoda, Lophogastrida, and Euphausiacea) in the micronekton of Bear Seamount, New England Seamount Chain, V. R. Miranda, M. Vecchione, and Tamara M. Frank

The Shallow-Water Crinoid Fauna of Lakshadweep Atolls, North-Western Indian Ocean, B. Mohammednowshad, K. K. Idreesbabu, Usha V. Parameswaran, Charles G. Messing, and S. Sureshkumar

Effects of macroalgae on coral fecundity in a degraded coral reef system, Yann Monteil, Aaron Teo, Jenny Fong, Andrew G. Bauman, and Peter A. Todd


Hiding in Plain Sight: Elopomorph Larvae Are Important Contributors to Fish Biodiversity in a Low-Latitude Oceanic Ecosystem, Jon A. Moore, Dante Fenolio, April Coan, and Tracey Sutton


The Global Abundance of Tree Palms, Robert Muscarella, Thaise Emilio, Oliver L. Phillips, Simon L. Lewis, Ferry Slik, William J. Baker, Thomas L. P. Couvreur, Wolf L. Eiserhardt, Jens-Christian Svenning, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Shin-Ichiro Aiba, Everton C. de Almeida, Samuel S. de Almeida, Edmar Almeida de Oliveira, Esteban Alvarez-Davila, Luciana F. Alves, Carlos Mariano Alvez-Valles, Fabricio Alvim Carvalho, Fernando Alzate Guarin, Ana Andrade, Luis E. O. C. Aragao, Alejandro Araujo Murakami, Luzmila Arroyo, Peter S. Ashton, Gerardo A. Aymard Corredor, Timothy R. Baker, Plinio Barbosa de Camargo, Jos Barlow, Jean-Francois Bastin, Natacha Nssi Bengone, Erika Berenguer, Nicholas Berry, Lilian Blanc, Katrin Bohning-Gaese, Damien Bonal, Frans Bongers, Matt Bradford, Fabian Brambach, Francis Q. Brearley, Steven W. Brewer, Jose L. C. Camargo, David G. Campbell, Carolina V. Castilho, Wendeson Castro, Damien Catchpole, Carlos E. Ceron Martinez, Shengbin Chen, Phourin Chhang, Percival Cho, Wanlop Chutipong, Connie Clark, Murray Collins, James A. Comiskey, Massiel Nataly Corrales Medina, Flavia R. C. Costa, Heike Culmsee, Heriberto David-Higuita, Pirya Davidar, Jhon del Aguila-Pasquel, Geraldine Derroire, Anthony Di Fiore, Tran Van Do, Jean-Louis Doucet, Aurelie Dourdain, Donald R. Drake, Andreas Ensslin, Terry Erwin, Corneille E. N. Ewango, Robert M. Ewers, Sophie Fauset, Ted R. Feldpausch, Joice Ferreira, Leandro Valle Ferreira, Markus Fischer, Janet Franklin, Gabriella M. Fredriksson, Thomas W. Gillespie, Martin Gilpin, Christelle Gonmadje, Arachchige Upali Nimal Gunatilleke, Khalid Rehman Hakeem, Jefferson S. Hall, Keith C. Hamer, David J. Harris, Rhett D. Harrison, Andrew Hector, Andreas Hemp, Bruno Herault, Carlos Gabriel Hidalgo Pizango, Euridice N. Honorio Corando, Wannes Hubau, Mohammad Shah Hussain, Faridah-Hanum Ibrahim, Nobuo Imai, Carlos A. Joly, Shijo Joseph, Anitha K, Kuswata Kartawinata, Justin Kassi, Timothy J. Killeen, Kanehiro Kitayama, Bente Bang Klitgard, Robert Kooyman, Nicolas Labriere, Eileen Larney, Yves Laumonier, Susan G. Laurance, William F. Laurance, Michael J. Lawes, Aurora Levesley, Janvier Lisingo, Thomas Lovejoy, Jon C. Lovett, Xinghui Lu, Anne Mette Lykke, William E. Magnusson, Ni Putu Diana Mahayani, Yadvinder Malhi, Asyraf Mansor, Jon Luis Marcelo Peña, Ben Hur Marimon Jr., Andrew R. Marshall, Karina Melgaco, Casimiro Mendoza Bautista, Vianet Mihindou, Jerome Millet, William Milliken, D. Mohandass, Abel Lorenzo Monteagudo Mendoza, Badru Mugerwa, Hidetoshi Nagamasu, Laszlo Nagy, Naret Seuaturien, Marcelo T. Nascimento, David A. Neill, Luiz Menini Neto, Rueben Nilus, Mario Percy Nuñez Vargas, Eddy Nurtjahya, R. Nazare O. de Araujo, Onrizal Onrizal, Walter A. Palacios, Sonia Palacios-Ramos, Marc Parren, Ekanada Paudel, Paulo S. Morandi, R. Toby Pennington, Georgia Picavance, John J. Pipoly III, Nigel C. A. Pitman, Erny Poedjirahajoe, Lourens Poorter, John R. Poulsen, P. Rama Chandra Prasad, Adriana Prieto, Jean-Philippe Puyravaud, Lan Qie, Carlos A. Quesada, Hirma Ramirez-Angulo, Jean Claude Razafimahaimodison, Jan Meindert Reitsma, Edilson J. Requena-Rojas, Zoraya Restrepo Correa, Carlos Reynel Rodriguez, Anand Roopsind, Francesco Rovero, Andes Rozak, Agustin Rudas Lleras, Ervan Rutishauser, Gemma Rutten, Ruwan Punchi-Manage, Rafael P. Salomao, Hoang Van Sam, Swapan Kumar Sarker, Manichanh Satdichanh, Juliana Schietti, Christine B. Schmitt, Beatriz Schwantes Marimon, Feyera Senbeta, Lila Nath Sharma, Douglas Sheil, Rodrigo Sierra, Javier E. Silva-Espejo, Marcos Silveira, Bonaventure Sonke, Marc K. Steininger, Robert Steinmetz, Tariq Stevart, Raman Sukumar, Aisha Sultana, Terry C. H. Sunderland, Hebbalalu Satyanarayana Suresh, Jianwei Tang, Edmund Tanner, Hans ter Steege, John W. Terborgh, Ida Theilade, Jonathan Timberlake, Armando Torres-Lezama, Peter Umunay, Maria Uriarte, Luis Valenzuela Gamarra, Martin van de Bult, Peter van der Hout, Rodolfo Vasquez Martinez, Ima Celia Guimaraes Vieira, Simone A. Vieira, Emilio Vilanova, Jeanneth Villalobos Cayo, Ophelia Wang, Campbell O. Webb, Edward L. Webb, Lee White, Timothy J. S. Whitfeld, Serge Wich, Simon Willcock, Susan K. Wiser, Kenneth R. Young, Rahmad Zakaria, Runguo Zang, Charles E. Zartman, Irie Casimir Zo-Bi, and Henrik Balslev


Birds Ruffled by Big-City Lights, Lauren E. Nadler


Flies Walk the Line for Serotonin, Lauren E. Nadler


Making a Bee-Line for Food with Octopamine, Lauren E. Nadler


A brain-infecting parasite impacts host metabolism both during exposure and after infection is established, Lauren E. Nadler, Erik Bengston, Erika J. Eliason, Cameron Hassibi, Siri H. Helland-Riise, Ida B. Johansen, Garfield T. Kwan, Martin Tresguerres, Andrew V. Turner, Kelly L. Weinersmith, Øyvind Øverli, and Ryan F. Hechinger

Seasonal, lunar, and diel patterns in spawning by the giant barrel sponge, Xestospongia muta, Karen L. Neely and C. B. Butler

Disparities in Spawning Times Between in situ and ex situ Pillar Corals, Karen L. Neely, Cindy L. Lewis, and Kevin A. Macaulay


Effectiveness of Topical Antibiotics in Treating Corals Affected by Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, Karen L. Neely, Kevin A. Macaulay, Emily K. Hower, and Michelle A. Dobler

Size-Controlled SrTiO3 Nanoparticles Photodecorated with Pd Cocatalysts for Photocatalytic Organic Dye Degradation, Mary O. Olagunju, Xavier Poole, Patricia Blackwelder, Melonie P. Thomas, Beth S. Guiton, Dharmendra Shukla, Joshua L. Cohn, Bapurao Surnar, Shanta Dhar, Elsayed M. Zahran, Leonidas G. Bachas, and Marc R. Knecht

Structural and Mechanical Properties of Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis) CaCO3 Aragonite Skeletons, Cleaned by Chemical Bleaching and Biological Processes, Mahmoud Omer, Alejandro Carrasco-Pena, Nina Orlovskaya, Boyce E. Collins, Sergey N. Yarmolenko, Jagannathan Sankar, Ghatu Subhash, David S. Gilliam, and John E. Fauth


Analysis of surfactant-associated bacteria in the sea surface microlayer using deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing and synthetic aperture radar, Georgia Parks, Cayla W. Dean, John Alexander Kluge, Alexander Soloviev, Mahmood S. Shivji, Aurelien Tartar, Kathryn L. Howe, Susanne Lehner, Egbert Schwarz, Hui Shen, William Perrie, and Paul Schuler

Ocean Acidification Partially Mitigates the Negative Effects of Warming on the Recruitment of the Coral Orbicella faveolata, Kelly A. Pitts, Justin E. Campbell, Joana Figueiredo, and Nicole Fogarty

Contrasting shifts in coral assemblages with increasing disturbances, Morgan S. Pratchett, Michael J. McWilliam, and Bernhard Riegl


Pelagic Habitat Partitioning of Late-Larval and Juvenile Tunas in the Oceanic Gulf of Mexico, Nina Pruzinsky, Rosanna Milligan, and Tracey Sutton


Global Phylogeography Suggests Extensive Eucosmopolitanism in Mesopelagic Fishes (Maurolicus: Sternoptychidae), D. J. Reese, Jan Y. Poulsen, Tracey Sutton, Paulo A. S. Cost, and Mauricio F. Landaeta