
Submissions from 2010

Teaching Academic Survival Skills through Directed Learning Activities at a University Writing Center, Kevin Dvorak

The Curious Researcher/The Curious Writer Presentation, Kevin Dvorak

What We Need to Know about Working with Second Language & Bilingual Writers: Attitudes, Principles, Strategies, and Issues, Kevin Dvorak

Exploring Unchartered Professional Ground(s): Notes from Hosting Four Mini-­Regional Conferences in SWCA 2010—Experiment and Experience, Kevin Dvorak, L. Bokus, Shanti Bruce, C. Cozzens, K. Jordan, and S. Price

Collaborative Efforts to Encourage Faculty Ownership of WAC, Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

Using Creative, Writing-­Based Directed Learning Activities in Teaching and Tutoring Underprepared First-­year College Writers, Kevin Dvorak, Shanti Bruce, and D. Pichardo

Using Spanish While Tutoring English: A Qualitative Study of Sessions Involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Kevin Dvorak, Shanti Bruce, and A. Valdes

Building Bridges between a University Writing Center and a Local High School, Kevin Dvorak, J. Cerderiras, and K. Mejia

Stay-­at-­home Professionals: Facilitating Professional Development without Leaving Home, Kevin Dvorak and Harry Denny

Building Bridges between a University Writing Center and a Local High School, Kevin Dvorak, D. Pichardo, K. Palacio, and T. Atwell

¿Usando español para tutoría en ingles?: A Study of Writing Center Tutoring Sessions involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Kevin Dvorak and A. Valdes

Say What? The History, Function, and Cultural Concerns of Offensive Language, Megan Fitzgerald

Telling the Story: What to Expect Working for Your College Newspaper, Megan Fitzgerald

Five Things to Teach in 1101, Juliette Kitchens

Who Tells Our Story?: [Re]Inscribing Agency in [Re]Visions of Lore, Juliette Kitchens

Writing Center Praxis, Juliette Kitchens

a little bit of nothing about everything, Elana Lanczi

Dance Improvisation Masterclass, Elana Lanczi

Dress Code/Respond If You Please, Elana Lanczi

Florida Dance Education Organization Conference, Elana Lanczi

haveNOT, Elana Lanczi

Improvisation Skills Workshop Series, Elana Lanczi

Bacchanalia, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Academic Services Tutoring Workshop, Claire Lutkewitte

A Sticky Wiki: When Things Don’t Go Well in Writing Classrooms, Claire Lutkewitte

Digital Native Instructors, Claire Lutkewitte

Digital Native Instructors, Claire Lutkewitte

When Students Seek Tutors’ Help in Composing Multimodal Documents, Claire Lutkewitte

Laziness and the Technê of New Media, Eric Daniel Mason


Interdisciplinary Approaches to Community Development and Sustainability through Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurs, Judith Mckay

The Typology of Family Violence, Judith Mckay

Encouraging Interaction: Collaboration in the Classroom, Janine Morris

Feeding an Image: Identity Formation and the Experience of Consumption, Janine Morris

Google Maps Identity Search: Identity and Self-Construction, Janine Morris

Isolating the Body: Confronting Idealized Representations of Corporeality in Literature, Janine Morris

It's Bigger than Coffee: Starbucks Mediation of Consumer Identity, Janine Morris

Remixing Google Maps as Portolios: The Cartography Mix, Janine Morris

The Spectacle of Lady Gaga's Gender Performance, Janine Morris

Tools Beyond the Text: Supplementing the Syllabus to Achieve Student Engagement, Janine Morris

Visual Violence, Bosies as Depositories, and Performative Metaphors in the Plays of Adrienne Kennedy, Janine Morris


The Silence of Sirens, Jessica Muñiz-Collado

10 to the Power of Ten, Annette M. Piskel

Reflections: Book Arts, Annette M. Piskel

Think Re purpose, Renew, Reuse Initiative, Annette M. Piskel

A Breath of Fresh Air: Comics as Alternative Discourse, Molly J. Scanlon

Comics Journalism as a Challenge to Mainstream Media, Molly J. Scanlon

Comics Journalism as Alternative Discourse in the 21st Century, Molly J. Scanlon

Making the Leap: The Role of the Writing Center in Transitioning from High School to College Writing, Molly J. Scanlon

Negotiating Collaboration and Concepts of Audience in the Writing Classroom, Molly J. Scanlon

Nothing to Fall Back On: Assessing Style in Student Writing, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Style as Assessment Tool: Innovative Responses to Student Writing, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Submissions from 2009

Beginning Belting Workshop, Bill J. Adams

Nostalgia, Consumerism, and Sport: The NHL Winter Classic as Spectacle for Sale, Stephen Andon

Religion on a Frozen Pond: The Materialization of Place and Devil in the Film Mystery, Alaska, Stephen Andon

The 1965 MFDP Congressional Challenge and the Discourse of Jamie L. Whitten, Stephen Andon

Creative Approaches to the 21st Century Writing Center, Shanti Bruce

Learning by Listening: How Student and Professor Experiences Can Guide EFL Teaching Practices, Shanti Bruce

Rendering Care Readable in the Feminist Writing Classroom, Kelly A. Concannon

The Maternal Wall in Academe, Kelly A. Concannon

The State of the Profession: Writing Centers and Student Success at Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), Kevin Dvorak

Creative Approaches to the 21st Century Writing Center, Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

Learning by Listening: How Student and Professor Experiences Can Guide EFL Teaching Practices, Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

History and Function of Offensive Language, Megan Fitzgerald

Offensive Language and Radio Morning Shows, Megan Fitzgerald

Say What? History and Function of Offensive Language, Megan Fitzgerald

Developing and Using Rubrics, Juliette Kitchens

Teachers Who Tutor and Tutors Who Teach: Building Foundations for Student Success, Juliette Kitchens

The Feeble Banter Portion of the Fight: Humor, Confidence, and Humanity in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Juliette Kitchens

Performance and Activism, Elana Lanczi

Assignment Sequencing Workshop, Claire Lutkewitte

Digital Places: Sustaining a Writing Center's Online Presence(s) Using Computer Technologies, Claire Lutkewitte

"Designed to Tell": The Emotional Narrative of Design, Eric Mason

A Phenomenological Study of The Role of Social Capital and Transformative Narrative in Community Building, Judith Mckay

Family Violence: A Typology and the Implications for Mediation, Judith Mckay

Transformational Narratives: Integrating Writing, Family Therapy and Conflict Resolution to Create New Paradigms for Individual and Social Change, Judith Mckay

Angels and Demons: How Mediations Rise and Fall through Narrative, Judith Mckay and R. Toumey

Collaboration, Community and Confidence? Examining the Benefit of Graduate Student Societies, Janine Morris

Encouraging Interaction: Collaboration and Gender in the Classroom, Janine Morris

Sight’s Insight, Annette M. Piskel

La Colección Visible de Arte Contemporáneo de temática gay, lésbica y transexual como motor de transformación social y memoria de un tiempo de cambio, Joanne Pol

Rereading the Past: Style’s Place in Our Disciplinary Memory, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Submissions from 2008

Beginning Belting Workshop, Bill J. Adams

Beginning Belting Workshop, Bill J. Adams

Musical Theatre Adjudicator, Bill J. Adams

The FSU Sod Cemetery: Creating identity through place and mobility, Stephen Andon

Get to Plerk: Infusing Our Writing Centers with Play and Creativity, Shanti Bruce

Reality: Teacher/Scholar/Leader, Shanti Bruce

Mindfulness in the Writing Center, Kelly A. Concannon

Who Cares? A Care-ful Examination of First-Year Writing, Kelly A. Concannon

Character Improv, Mark Duncan

Creative Tutorials: The Good, the Bad, and the Unexpected, Kevin Dvorak

Focus: Intercultural/L2 Issues, Kevin Dvorak

Potential Positives and Pitfalls of Making Writing Center Work More Fun on Six Levels: Tutoring, Outreach, Administration, Space, Training, and Research, Kevin Dvorak

A Discussion with the Authors of ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors about Developing a Tutor Training Program with an ELL Focus, Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

Exploring Writing Center Work at Hispanic-­Serving Institutions (HSIs)., Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

Writing Center Realities, Kevin Dvorak and Shanti Bruce

Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going?: Checking the Map and Plotting a Course, Kevin Dvorak, C. Cozzens, M. Erodice, and C. Ervin

Offensive language on morning radio show programs, Megan Fitzgerald

Say What? High School Journalists' First Amendment Rights, Megan Fitzgerald

Beyond the Handbook: Alternative Approaches to Teaching Grammar;, Juliette Kitchens