
Submissions from 2012

Modern Dance at Play, Elana Lanczi

Modern Dance Masterclass, Elana Lanczi

State of Change, Elana Lanczi

1st Annual Juried Painting Show, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

61st Annual All Florida Competition & Exhibition, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Appropriated Gender, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Artistic Visions II – Women In The Visual Arts, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Art & Life: The Spirit of Haiti, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Continuum, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Mammography Art Initiative, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Blurring the Lines between Writing Centers & Writing Classrooms: How Writing Fellows, Embedded Tutoring, and Course-­‐Based Tutoring Programs can Improve First-­‐year Composition Courses, Claire Lutkewitte

Blurring the Lines between Writing Centers & Writing Classrooms: How Writing Fellows, Embedded Tutoring, and Course-Based Tutoring Programs can Improve First-year Composition Courses, Claire Lutkewitte

Looking Ahead: How will Emerging Technological Trends Shape the Composition Classroom?, Claire Lutkewitte

Multimodal Composition in a Globalized Classroom, Claire Lutkewitte

Multimodal Composition in a Globalized Classroom, Claire Lutkewitte

What Counts as Multimodal Composition and Why Does it Matter?: A Path Through the Growing Research, Claire Lutkewitte

Applying Old and New Technologies and Approaches to Connect the Academy and the Community: Using Transformational Narratives to Create New Paradigms for Individual and Social Change, Judith Mckay

Conflict Coaching: Learning from the Masters, Judith Mckay

The Latest Research, Trends and Interventions in Family Violence, Judith Mckay

Teaching Copyright and Fair Use: Implications for Writing Instructors, Janine Morris

Where I Write Me: Assessing the Potentials of Blogging and Voice, Janine Morris

New Tricks, Jessica Muñiz-Collado

Song of the Shirt, Annette M. Piskel

Narratives of Othering: Immigrants in South Africa's Newspapers, J. Ramaprasad, K. Lang, and Whitney Sessa Lehmann

Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention: Predicting Behavioral Intention and Attitude, J. Ramaprasad, Whitney Sessa Lehmann, and K. Lang

Negotiating Issues of Literacy and Writer Identity in the Multimodal Medium of Comics, Molly J. Scanlon

Blurring the Lines Between Writing Centers and Writing Classrooms: How Writing Fellows, Embedded Tutoring, and Course-Based Tutoring Programs Can Improve First-year Composition Courses, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Writing Style and the Rhetorical Tradition, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Submissions from 2011

To Belt or Not To Belt?, Bill J. Adams

To Belt or Not To Belt?, Bill J. Adams

Sports Apparel DIYers: Circumventing Corporate Authority and Subverting Hypermasculinity in Sports Fandom, Stephen Andon

From Barbarella to Sky Doll: A Comparative Study of Representations of Sexuality in Feminist Science Fiction Comics, Melissa Bianchi

Broadening the Circle: Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Writers in the Writing Center, Shanti Bruce

Conversations about Applying to M.A. and Ph.D. Programs, Shanti Bruce

Multidisciplinary Faculty Panel Tutor Training, Shanti Bruce

The SWCA, In Print and Online, Shanti Bruce

Turning the Tide on Conventional Thought Regarding the Tutoring of Bilingual Students, Shanti Bruce

¿Usando español para tutoría en ingles?: A Study of Writing Center Tutoring Sessions involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Shanti Bruce

Beyond ‘Be Nice!’: Exposing the Role of Care in Service Learning Sites, Kelly A. Concannon

Dirty Little Secrets?: Revising Composition’s Narratives through Students, Kelly A. Concannon

Discussion Leader. Research Network Forum, Kelly A. Concannon

Laramie Project, Kelly A. Concannon

Speak UP! Exploring the Ethical Dimensions of Language Use, Kelly A. Concannon

Their Last Five Words: Students Who Care, Writing that Matters, Kelly A. Concannon

Making Private Writing Public: Reflections on a National Day on Writing Event, Kelly A. Concannon and Star Vanguri

Comedy of the Mask, Mark Duncan

Language, Language, and the Teaching of Language, Kevin Dvorak

SWCA Florida Director’s Day, Kevin Dvorak

Turning the Tide at 30: A Session with SWCA Board Members, Kevin Dvorak

Writing Across the Curriculum Workshops, Kevin Dvorak

Writing Process & Editing, Kevin Dvorak

¿Usando español para tutoría en ingles?: A Study of Writing Center Tutoring Sessions involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Kevin Dvorak, Shanti Bruce, P. Gillespie, D. Suarez, and A. Valdes

Fair Trade: Importing and Exporting Organizational Work Across Regional Lines: Regional Leaders' Network, Part II, Kevin Dvorak, S. Grogan, and R. Kjesrud

Turning the Tide on Conventional Thought Regarding the Tutoring of Bilingual Students, Kevin Dvorak, A. Valdes, and Shanti Bruce

Using the Schema-Triggered Affect Model to Examine Disposition Formation in the Context of Sports News, William Kinnally, Firat Tuzunkan, Arthur A. Raney, Megan Fitzgerald, and Jason Kemmit Smith

Dance, Community and Technology, Elana Lanczi

Dance Improvisation Masterclass, Elana Lanczi

Florida Dance Education Organization Conference, Elana Lanczi

Florida Waterways Dance Project: Collaborative Projects, Elana Lanczi

Glory (in pieces), Elana Lanczi

Night Visions, Elana Lanczi

Vertical Sprawl, Elana Lanczi

BFA Show – Cluster Fluff, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

SHE, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Young Blood: So Fresh 2011, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno

Applying to PhD Programs in Rhetoric and Composition, Claire Lutkewitte

A Voice from the Back of the Composition Classroom: How Space Constructs an Instructor’s Identity, Claire Lutkewitte

Digital Natives in the Composition Classroom, Claire Lutkewitte

Teaching Multimedia Workshop, Claire Lutkewitte

Teaching Multimedia Workshop, Claire Lutkewitte

The Spirit of Web 2.0 in Composition Classrooms Reflects Savvy Economics, Claire Lutkewitte

Family Violence: New Perspectives and Approaches, Judith Mckay

Farming, Fishing, Boating and Development: The Need for Multidisciplinary Approaches to Conflict Regarding Water in South Florida, Judith Mckay

Transformational Guide to Mediation Stories, Judith Mckay

Infographics and Data Visualization: Experimenting with Adobe Creative Cloud in First-Year Composition, Janine Morris

Book Fold Shelves, Annette M. Piskel

Intercultural Communication and Cultural Difference in Web Comics, Molly J. Scanlon

Knowledge and Power: Comics Journalism and War Discourse, Molly J. Scanlon

Applying to MFA and Ph.D. Programs in Writing, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Removed from Reality: Rhetorical Distance as a Measure of Stylistic Effectiveness, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Scaffolding the High-School-to-College Transition: Three Perspectives, Star Medzerian Vanguri

See What I See: Analyzing Perceptions of Writing Contexts, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Their Last Five Words: Students Who Care, Writing that Matters, Star Medzerian Vanguri

Submissions from 2010

To Belt or Not To Belt?, Bill J. Adams

The Commodification of Sport via the Development of Mass-Produced Memorabilia, Stephen Andon

The Nostalgic Appeal of Authentic Sports Memorabilia Collectibles, Stephen Andon

Collaborative Efforts to Encourage Faculty Ownership of WAC, Shanti Bruce

Re-­inventing Writing Program Administration in a Time of Economic Calamity, Shanti Bruce

The Curious Researcher and Writer, Shanti Bruce

Using Creative, Writing-Based Directed Learning Activities in Teaching and Tutoring Underprepared First-Year College Writers, Shanti Bruce

Using Spanish While Tutoring English: A Qualitative Study of Sessions Involving Bilingual Tutors and Students, Shanti Bruce

Hooked on a Feeling: Remixing Genres in Composition Studies, Kelly A. Concannon

Resisting Student Resistance: Teaching Circles Workshop, Kelly A. Concannon

The College Fear Factor: Teaching Circles Workshop, Kelly A. Concannon

You Can Ignore My Face, But You Can’t Ignore My Feelings, Kelly A. Concannon

A Rockwell Christmas, Mark Duncan

Love and Insults, Mark Duncan

Mask and Improv, Mark Duncan

Development on a Dime: Creating Micro-­Regional Development Opportunities for Directors and Tutors, Kevin Dvorak

"Re-­writing Program Planning and Goal-­setting." In “Re-­inventing Writing Program Administration in a Time of Economic Calamity”, Kevin Dvorak