"Experiential Learning Programs as Change Agents in Higher Education" by Patrick M. Green, Theresa Castor et al.

Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education



The National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) Fellows are academic professionals who engage in a community of practice and explore their practitioner-scholar identity through research and scholarly inquiry into experiential education. During some monthly meetings, the discussion focused on how to infuse equity, diversity, and inclusion in internship programs. The fellows ruminated on strategies to create quality internship programs and how to embed experiential learning opportunities into the curriculum so more students could access them. Collectively, these comments highlight what is not always stated but ever-present; that is, the fellows’ justice orientation. The monthly meeting of NSEE Fellows consistently explored our practices with experiential education programs, from internships and working with employers to teaching internship courses. During each meeting, the NSEE Fellows interrogated their practice, raised questions about experiential education programs, and inquired into the most promising approaches that fostered student success in the context of their higher education institutions. The core question that emerged during these meetings became: What are you advocating for in your experiential education program to foster student success?

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