
Experiential Learning & Teaching in Higher Education

Manuscript Guidelines

Contributions should be between 2,000 to 6,000 words in length. The ELTHE editorial board urges contributors to be sensitive to the social implications of language and to seek wording free of discriminatory overtones.

Authors’ names should not appear on manuscripts; instead, a cover sheet, with the author’s name and address and the title of the article, should accompany each manuscript. Authors should not refer to themselves in the first person in the submitted text or notes if such references would identify them; any necessary references to the author’s previous work, for example, should be in the third person. If the contribution includes any quotations, images, or graphics that exceed fair use, the author must provide a copy of written permission from the copyright holder.

For a collaboratively written submission, all co-authors and contributors must be named on the cover sheet only. ELTHE does not accept unsolicited reviews, nor does it accept essays previously published in any language. An essay is considered previously published if it appears in print or in an online outlet with the traits of publication.

In the event that the author wishes to include lengthy quotations, tables, or images that fall under copyright laws, the author is responsible for securing and providing to ELTHE written permission from the copyright owner. Submissions without the necessary permissions will not be reviewed.

Because the submission of an essay simultaneously to more than one refereed journal can result in duplication of efforts, it is ELTHE’s policy not to review work under consideration by other journals. An essay found to have been simultaneously submitted elsewhere will not be published in ELTHE even if it has already been accepted for publication by the editorial board.