Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Dissertation: Understanding the Effectiveness of Incarceration on Juvenile Offending through a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Do the "Get Tough" Policies Work?, Jacqueline Anita Black
Dissertation: Creating a Culture of Completion in Two-Year Institutions: Examining the Influence of Participation in the Community College Completion Corps on Institutional Stakeholders, Jennifer Blalock
Dissertation: The Design and Implementation of Online Radiology Modules Using the ADDIE Process and Rapid Prototyping, Leslie Bofill
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Leader-Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in a Federal Government Organization, Shawn Boockoff
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Comparison of Manual Signing and PECS Within a Functional Communication Training Context, Lloyd Boudloche JR
Thesis: Population Fluctuation of the Nodular Coral Psammocora stellata in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador: An Indicator of Community Resilience and Implications for Future Management, Kathryn Brown
Dissertation: Closing the Achievement Gap in Mathematics for Students with Learning Disabilities Utilizing the Resource Room as an Intervention, Esta H. Brownstein
Thesis: An Endemic Commensal Leucothoid Discovered in the Tunicate Cnemidocarpa bicornuta, from New Zealand (Crustacea, Amphipoda), Kaitlyn M. Brucker
Dissertation: Men and College Enrollment: A Grounded Theory Study on Understanding how Gender Stereotypes Influence Men and Their Decision-Making, Mark Bukowski
Thesis: Geographic and Depth Distributions of Decapod Shrimps (Caridea: Oplophoridae) from the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico with Notes on Ontogeny and Reproductive Seasonality, Eric A. Burdett
Dissertation: Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Nova Multilingual Neuropsychological Battery (NMNB), Annelly Bure-Reyes
Dissertation: Factors that Affect Faculty Use of Course Management Systems in Traditional Courses at Private 4-year Historically Black Colleges and Universities: An Empirical Approach, Hyacinth L. Burton
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Assessment of Student Perceptions of Career Services With a Technical College, Markisha C. Butler
Thesis: Beach Nourishment: Effects on the Hatching & Emergence Success Rates of Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), Loggerhead (Caretta caretta), and Green (Chelonia mydas) Sea Turtles, Jenna Caderas
Thesis: Systematic Patterning of Sediments in French Polynesian Coral Reef Systems, Andrew Calhoun
Dissertation: Algorithmic Foundations of Heuristic Search using Higher-Order Polygon Inequalities, Newton Henry Campbell Jr.
Dissertation: An Exploration of Home-based Therapists’ Supervisory Experiences: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Cherre Camper
Dissertation: Development of a Cybersecurity Skills Index: A Scenarios-Based, Hands-On Measure of Non-IT Professionals' Cybersecurity Skills, Melissa Carlton
Dissertation: Five-Factor Model as a Predictor for Spoken Dialog Systems, Teresa G. Carter
Dissertation: A Big Idea: The Rollout of Open SUNY, Karen E. Case
Dissertation: Social Grief: A Grounded Theory of Utilizing Status Updates on Facebook as a Contemporary Ritual, Celese Catania-Opris
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Effects on Reading Achievement of Low Socioeconomic Third Graders After Participation in a Computerized Reading Support Program, Vanessa Chapman
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Predictive Modeling of Enrollment and Academic Success in Secondary Chemistry, Nathan Lee Charnock
Dissertation: Validation of a Pressure Pain Threshold Scale in Patients Diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia, Scott William Cheatham
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of Changes in Montessori Early Childhood Teachers as a Result of Specialized Training, Ambar J. Cipolloni
Dissertation: Using Differentiated Instructional Strategies to Improve Early Elementary Comprehension Skills, Deborah S. Cirincione
Dissertation: The Effectiveness of a Computer-Based Program on the Reading Performance of Fourth-Grade Students, Latonya L. Cooper
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Teaching Professionalism in Nursing: A Quantitative Survey of Beginning Student Nurse Perceptions of Professional Values Interpreted Within a Leadership Context, Jocelyn J. Corrao
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Integrating Reading into Math Instruction to Increase Academic Achievement of English Language Learners, Camelia A. Courtright
Thesis: Bacterial Indicators of Fecal Pollution: Exploring Relationships between Fecal Coliform and Enterococcus Groups in Central and South Florida Surface Waters, Shelby G. Craig
Thesis: Anatomical Study of the Greater Palatine Artery: Clinical Implications for Palatal Graft Procedures, Nina Marie Karin Cunningham
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Impact of the Perceptions and Attitudes of Administrators on School Discipline Policy, Brante C. Dashiell
Dissertation: The Experiences of Black MFT Doctoral Degree Holders with White Professors: A Phenomenological Study, Juliana M. Deans
Dissertation: A Usability and Learnability Case Study of Glass Flight Deck Interfaces and Pilot Interactions through Scenario-based Training, Thomas James De Cino
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Phenomenological Study of Nurse Administrators: Leading the Multigenerational Workforce of Registered Nurses, Johanna E. Desir
Thesis: Comparison of Resistance to Sliding between Brackets and Archwires Utilizing Various Ligature Materials, Jagdesh Dudani
Dissertation: Veterans Treatment Courts: Pure Pretextualism or a Venue for Veterans' Needs?, John William Erickson Jr.
Dissertation: Emotional intelligence and empathy of nursing students in an immersive capstone clinical course, Michelle L. Finch
Thesis: The Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of Deep-Sea Crustaceans of the Order Euphausiacea (Malacostraca: Eucarida) from the northern Gulf of Mexico with notes on reproductive seasonality., Charles Douglas Fine
Thesis: Reef Fish Spatial Distribution and Benthic Habitat Associations on the Southeast Florida Reef Tract, Dana Fisco
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study on Physical Fitness Policies Among Police Departments in North Carolina, Jay H. Fortenbery
Thesis: Changes in Tursiops truncatus Distribution and Behavior in the Drowned Cayes, Belize, and Correlation to Human Impacts, Jazmin Garcia
Dissertation: Enhancing the Couple Alliance and Developing a Dyadic Orientation in Discursive Couples Therapy: A Conversation Analysis of Therapists', Samira Y. Garcia
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of Cultural Differences on the Supervisory Process in a Graduate School Program, Nancy M. Gauvin
Thesis: Distribution, Abundance and Movement of Fish among Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats in Biscayne Bay, Patrick C. Goebel
Thesis: Coral Genotype Influence on Growth and Stress Resistance in Acropora cervicornis: Investigating Potential Energy Tradeoffs, Peter T. Grasso
Thesis: Establishing an Ecological Baseline of Macroinfaunal Assemblages in Nearshore Sediments of Southeast Florida, Candace Grimes
Dissertation: Child Abuse, Intimate Partner Violence, and Resiliency in Incarcerated Women: Attachment as a PTSD Moderator, Cassandra Groth
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Development of a Measure to Determine Opinion Leadership, Kathleen P. Hagen
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of the Willingness of US Intelligence Community Analysts to Contribute Knowledge to a Knowledge Management System (KMS) in a Highly Classified and Sensitive Environment, Robert Hambly
Dissertation: A Study of Data Sharing Practices within Scholarly Research Communities, Mary Harward
Dissertation: Influence of Academic Self-Efficacy on the Early Academic Success of Underrepresented Minority Nursing Students Enrolled in the First Semester of a Baccalaureate Nursing Program, Connie Hataway
Dissertation: Qualitative descriptive study of the experiences of nurse educators in developing and implementing concurrent enrollment ADN-BSN programs, Janice Evans Hawkins
Dissertation: Exploration of the Transition and Retention Experiences of Military In-Residence Secondary Boarding School Alumni at 4-Year Universities, Robert E. Hayhurst
Thesis: Can Skeletal Morphology Support New Molecular Phylogenies of Antedonidae (Crinoidea: Comatulida)?, Brenna Hays
Dissertation: An Empirical Assessment of Employee Cyberslacking in the Public Sector, Wilnelia Hernández
Dissertation: Blended Learning for Faculty Professional Development Incorporating Knowledge Management Principles, Julie E. Hewitt
Dissertation: Community College Faculty Dispositions Towards Blended Learning, Robin A. Hill
Thesis: Tooth Borne Anchorage: A Comparative Analysis, Shane Hodson
Dissertation: Toward a Model of 12-Step Engagement: Predicting Recovery Involvement in Narcotics Anonymous, Hillary L. Howrey
Dissertation: Using Mobile Phones for Teaching and Learning in Chinese Traditional Undergraduate Education, Guchun Huang
Dissertation: Assistive Technology Provision by Occupational Therapists : A Process and Tools for Managing Clients with Spinal Cord Injury, Ikechukwu Anthony Igbo
Applied Clinical Project (ACP): Incorporating Solution-Focused Group Therapy Into a Refugee Resettlement Agency: A Participatory Action Research Project with Stakeholders, Fanya Jabouin-Monnay
Dissertation: Effect of Lighting on Performance of Tasks Requiring Near Vision in Older Adults, Karen Leigh James
Thesis: An Evaluation of the Seagrass Habitat in North Biscayne Bay, Florida, in Relation to a Changing Environment and Urbanization in the Port of Miami Harbor Basin 2005-2011, Sara M. Jarossy
Thesis: Effects of EMF Emissions from Undersea Electric Cables on Coral Reef Fishes, Robert F. Jermain
Dissertation: A Case Study Analysis of Dehumanization in Rwanda and Darfur, Carlyn M. Jorgensen
Thesis: Population Demographics and Sexual Reproduction Potential of the Pillar Coral, Dendrogyra cylindrus, on the Florida Reef Tract, Lystina Kabay
Thesis: Effect of pH and Recharge Protocol on Fluoride Release from Orthodontic Band Adhesives, Erica Kader
Thesis: Comparison of the Microgap between Titanium and Modified Zirconia Abutments after Cyclic Loading: A Pilot Study, Serafeim Kallithrakas
Dissertation: Teaching Strategies to Prepare Prelicensure Nursing Students to Teach-back, Mariann Kerr
Dissertation: A Study of the Factors that Lead to Burnout in the Accounting Profession, Stephen N. Kervin
Dissertation: Effects of a Music Literacy Integration Intervention on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy and Proactive Attitudes Toward Music Integration in Classroom Instruction, Mary Louise Keyloun Cruz
Dissertation: Tharu Barghar-Mukhiya Indigenous Model: A Case Study of Tharu Community of Nepal, Narayan B. Khadka
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Improving Eighth Grade Students' Reading Comprehension Through the Use of the Collision Plus Arts-Integrated Program, Taneka L. Knight
Dissertation: Memory Performance in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Neocortical vs. Dual Pathologies, Brandon M. Korman
Thesis: Using Regression-Based Effect Size Meta-Analysis to Investigate Coral Responses to Climate Change, Niklas Alexander Kornder
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Are Executive Positions Being Refused?, Jared Koyle
Thesis: Transgenerational Effects of Thermal Stress: Impacts On and Beyond Coral Reproduction, Alyson Kuba
Thesis: Impact of Gastric Acid Induced Surface Changes on Mechanical Behavior and Optical Characteristics of Dental Ceramics, Aditi Kulkarni
Thesis: Acoustic Repertoire of Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) Bachelor Groups in the Waters Surrounding Ischia, Italy (Tyrrhenian Sea), Cristina M. Ledon
Dissertation: Conflict Analysis of Economic Perceptions and Misperceptions in the United States, Miryam Lindberg
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Systematic Review of Online Developmental Mathematics Adaptive Learning Technology Intervention Investigation, Nova A. Lishon-Savarino
Dissertation: An Investigation of Factors that Influence Registered Nurses’ Intentions to Use E-Learning Systems in Completing Higher Degrees in Nursing, Pauline G. Little
Dissertation: Occupational Therapy Services and Clinical Decision Making in Oncology Care: A Mixed Methods Approach, Sheila M. Longpre'
Dissertation: Capturing, Eliciting, and Prioritizing (CEP) Non-Functional Requirements Metadata during the Early Stages of Agile Software Development, Richard Rabin Maiti
Dissertation: Mutable Class Design Pattern, Nikolay Malitsky
Capstone: Evaluation of a cervical cancer surveillance program at a community health center, NaQuita Jackson Manning
Thesis: Reproductive Ecology of Dragonfishes (Family: Stomiidae) in the Gulf of Mexico, Alex D. Marks
Dissertation: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Resistance to Using Multi-Method Authentication Systems in Public-Access Environments, Joseph Marnell
Dissertation: Effect of Stance Symmetry on Perturbation-Induced Protective Stepping in Persons Poststroke and Controls, Katherine M. Martinez
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Change Agents Who Use Opinion Leaders to Integrate Classroom Technology, Christopher Masullo
Dissertation: Effective Teaching Practices in Online Higher Education, Kim McMurtry
Dissertation: A Study of the Success of Group Formation in Virtual Teams Using Computer-Mediated Communications, Eliel Melón-Ramos
Dissertation: Senior nursing students' knowledge, attitudes, and confidence with end-of-life care, Blanca E. Miller
Dissertation: Motherhood redefined: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of lesbian mothers and the sociopolitical conflicts that shape their narratives, Melissa Miller-Munoz
Thesis: Abundance and Diversity of Deep-Sea Crustaceans of Bear Seamount, New England Seamount Chain, Valerie Renee Miranda
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Diffusion of Iowa Communications Network Two Decades Latter: Opinion Leaders and Innovation, Ali Mirmehdi
Dissertation: Enhanced Method Call Tree for Comprehensive Detection of Symptoms of Cross Cutting Concerns, Saleem Obaidullah Mir
Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Educating as a Vocation: A Phenomenological Study of Womanist Educational Leaders, Aisha A. Moore