Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Ashley Russom

Committee Member

Nydia Cummings


Adaptive Learning Technology, Developmental Mathematics, Online, Post-Secondary


This systematic review paper reviews instructional strategies for online developmental mathematics courses offered at post-secondary institutions. Adaptive learning technology was thoroughly reviewed as an intervention strategy. Success rates and other data from studies are compared to draw conclusions about the most effective instructional strategies for teaching online developmental mathematics. The following databases were used to examine literature in the subject area: Elton B. Stephens Co. (EBSCOhost), Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC), ProQuest, Wiley - Blackwell Publishers, Journal Storage (JSTOR), and Gale Cengage Learning. These databases were selected from the NovaCat Online Library system via the Nova Southeastern University website. The documents reviewed in this research paper were used as data to give a diverse, concise quantitative and qualitative discussion of results for the comparison of the studies. The implications of this study may be useful to students, faculty, administrators, researchers, etc. The results of this systematic review showed adaptive learning technology’s assistive nature in course design and implementation. Strategies and course design were critical to the outcome of each study reviewed that incorporated adaptive learning technology. Further research is suggested to identify specific combinations of methodologies for most success completion rates of developmental mathematics courses offered at post-secondary institutions.

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