Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award

Fall 8-31-2016

Document Type

Dissertation - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Abraham S. Fischler College of Education


Susan Torbenson

Committee Member

Francisca Uvah


Assessment of Student Perceptions of Career Services Within a Technical College. Markisha C. Butler, 2016: Applied Dissertation, Nova Southeastern University, Abraham S. Fischler College of Education. Keywords: career centers, career planning, career readiness, college readiness, job placement This quantitative study, which used a descriptive design, was intended to be instrumental in collecting the perceptions of college students attending a technical college within the southeastern area of the United States. The purpose of the study was to acquire the perceptions of students involving the overall effectiveness of the career-services division and the student utilization of related services within the college research setting. Through the study, the researcher endeavored to collect perceptions from students. Analyzed data was used to determine the achievement of stated goals pertaining to career services that involved (a) career counseling, which assisted students in choosing a major; (b) career readiness that assisted students in developing workforce skills; and (c) employment acquisition, by utilizing résumés improvement and interviewing skills, as well as having provided students with resources for job placement. Data was also used to determine participants’ view of accessing career services via technology. Leaders of the technical college had neither assessed the overall usefulness of the technology, nor the effectiveness of the marketing strategy for student utilization of available services. Using quantitative inquiry and a descriptive design, perceptions were collected from 153 students attending the technical college. The data was used to answer the research questions that guided the study. The study determined that only about half of the students responding to the survey were aware of services available. Of those that were aware of services, only about one third utilized a portion of available services. Overall, students were pleased with the career preparedness from the technical college and had high expectations for future workforce employment based on their educational endeavors. Findings and recommendations of the study will be disseminated to college leaders for the purpose of improving career services to benefit students and potential employers. Findings may also be of benefit to administrators of other technical colleges with online career services.

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