"Gross Motor Assessment Tools for Children 0-12 Years of Age Using Tele" by Claire M. Grant, Anne Jones et al.


Objective: The objective of this review was to understand the scope of evidence relating to the use of telehealth for gross motor assessment tools in children 0-12 years of age.

Background: Telehealth has been widely used by physiotherapists since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, however little is known about the validity and reliability of using gross motor assessment tools via telehealth. Gross motor assessment tools are used by physiotherapists to understand motor function, support diagnoses of motor disorders, plan and evaluate interventions. Qualitative research identifies a lack of confidence by physiotherapists in undertaking physical assessment via telehealth.

Method: A comprehensive search was undertaken of MEDLINE, Scopus, CINAHL, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) and OTseeker in August 2022. Grey searching was also implemented. Two independent reviewers identified articles for inclusion and critically appraised the articles. Data was analysed using a narrative review.

Results: 34 studies met the inclusion criteria.

Author Bio(s)

Claire Grant, BPhysio, MPhil, is a clinical physiotherapist who works with children with developmental delays in Canberra, Australia. She is completing a Doctor of Philosophy at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.

A/Prof Anne Jones, PHD, is an associate professor and Head of Physiotherapy at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia. Anne has developed the cardiorespiratory/ acute care curriculum at JCU. As well Anne is a reviewer for journals including Physiotherapy, Medical Education, Focus on Health Professional Education and Internet Journal of Allied Health Science and Practice.

Dr Michael Crowe, PHD, completed his PHD in critical appraisal of qualitative and quantitative research. He has a Master of Biostatistics. He tutors, consults and lectures in research methods at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.

Dr Helen Land, PHD, is a Senior Lecturer and Clinical Educator in Physiotherapy in the College of Healthcare Sciences at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.




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