Publication, Copyright, Human Protections Policy
Policy for Investigating Complaints
If the IJAHSP (Journal) receives a complaint that a contribution infringes on copyright or other intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies, libelous materials, or otherwise unlawful materials, the Journal will investigate the complaint. Investigation will include a request that the parties involved substantiate their claims. The Journal will make a good faith determination whether or not to remove the allegedly wrongful material. A decision not to remove material will represent the Journal's belief that the complaint is without sufficient foundation, or if well-founded, that a legal defense or exemption may apply, such as fair use in the case of copyright infringement or truthfulness of a statement in the case of libel. The IJAHSP shall keep on record all documents related to the complaint and the investigation.
Policy on Conflicts of Interest
The Journal will publish articles only after the author(s) has confirmed that he/she has disclosed all potential conflicts of interest, and only if the resolution of conflict of interest is deemed favorable by the editorial board.
Policy on Use of Human Subjects in Research
The IJAHSP will publish research articles involving human subjects only after the author(s) has verified that that he/she has followed all laws and regulations concerning the protections afforded human subjects in research studies within the jurisdiction in which a research study they describe was conducted, and only after the Editorial Board for the IJSHAP has determined that sufficient protections, equal to or greater than those of the United States (where the journal is based) have been afforded to the subjects of the study. For research conducted within the United States, the research protocol must have been approved by the appropriate institutional review board (IRB). In the case of exempt research, the IRB must have deemed the research protocol exempt and documentation must be made available to the IJAHSP upon request. Final decision to publish is that of the Editorial Board of the IJAHSP.
Data Sets
Manuscripts based on Data Set where the last data point occurred more 4 years prior to review by the journal will not be considered for publication. This policy is in place to assure the timeliness of results published by the journal.
Manuscripts that are ultimately rejected by the Associate Editor, may be appealed to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. However, it is very rare that the Editor-in-Chief will overturn a rejection by an Associate Editor that is based on blinded review.
Copyright Policy
Presentation of contributions to the IJAHSP is made possible by transfer of copyright from the author to the IJAHSP. All elements of the Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, including its name, structure, and organization are also protected by copyright and are the property of Nova Southeastern University. Author's or other interested parties wishing to reprint manuscripts in other non-IJAHSP publications, must receive permission from the journal for doing so. Libraries wishing to store contributions presented by the journal for local retrieval may do so only if sufficient reference is given to the Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, and only if links to the original manuscript location are listed.

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