Purpose: Healthcare providers and educational programs share a challenge where limited resources make interprofessional education (IPE) and collaboration difficult. The purpose of this research was to investigate the impact of IPE, specifically The Greater Cincinnati Quality of Life Forum within the School of Health Science at Mount St. Joseph University, on students’ perceptions of communication skills, collaboration, and values of interprofessional practice as they relate to emergent topics within the community and healthcare. Methods: Consenting participants completed an electronic survey with five reflection questions. Qualitative assessment included analysis of text for emergent themes. Results: Four themes evolved impacting future practice: consciousness, roles and responsibilities, professional values and ethics, and skepticism of the IPE activity benefit. Analysis of data also revealed three learner-readiness categories: desire to know, desire to act, and questioning value and validity. Conclusion & Recommendations: This IPE activity aimed to integrate holistic patient care approaches within a supportive interprofessional team. Educators ought to consider alignment of IPE activities to the learner audience for better integration of the process. Future research should also include longitudinal assessment of students’ development through IPE activities.
Recommended Citation
Bayliss J, Hofmeyer E, Charles-Liscombe B, Clephane K, Matthias S, Glankler D, et al. Impact of an Interprofessional Education Quality of Life Forum on Students’ Perceptions and Commitment to Addressing Local Health Disparities and the Social Determinants of Health. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice. 2020 Jan 01;18(2), Article 7.