HCBE Faculty Articles

HCBE Faculty Articles


A selection of faculty published articles from the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship.


Submissions from 2016

Local Accounting Firms’ Pricing Responses to Entry of the Big Four Accounting Firms into China, Vikram Desai, Bixia Xu, and Tao Zeng

Employee Motivation based on the Hierarchy of Needs, Expectancy and the Two-Factor Theories Applied with Higher Education Employees, L. Devito, A. Brown, B. Bannister, M. Cianci, and Bahaudin Mujtaba

The Perceptions of Supplier-Buyer Relations and Its Affect on the Corporate Brand, Jeremy Flax, Geoff Bick, and Russell Abratt

Leadership Lessons from the Past: Examining the Work of Mary Parker Follett and Lillian Gilbreth, Jane Whitney Gibson and Jack Deem

Disharmony in New Harmony: Insights from the Narcissistic Leadership of Robert Owen, Jane Whitney Gibson, John Humphreys, Milorad Novicevik, and Mario Hayek


The Impact of Media Choice and Social Capital on Quality Improvement, Baiyun Gong, David S. Hoyte, and Regina A. Greenwood

Multiple Stakeholder Management and Corporate Reputation in South Africa, Daysen Govender and Russell Abratt


Cost-Effectiveness of Integrating a Clinical Decision Rule and Staged Imaging Protocol for Diagnosis of Appendicitis, Sean Gregory, Karen M. Kuntz, François Sainfort, and Anupam Kharbanda

An Empirical Explanation of Longitudinal Performance Profiles of Firms, TeWhan Hahn, Ravi Chinta, and Abdullah Kasem

IPO Performance at Announcement and in the Aftermarket, Judith Harris, Rebecca Abraham, and Joel Auerbach


Corporate Bond Pricing and Ownership Heterogeneity, Kershen Huang and Alex Petkevich

Investment Horizons and Information, Kershen Huang and Alex Petkevich


Moneyball for TV: A Model for Forecasting the Audience of New Dramatic Television Series, Starling Hunter, Ravi Chinta, Susan Smith, Awais Shamim, and Alya Bawazir


Predicting New TV Series Ratings from their Pilot Episode Scripts, Starling Hunter, Susan Smith, and Ravi Chinta

Strategic Human Resource Management and Global Expansion Lessons from the Euro Disney Challenges in France, G. Karadjova-Stoev and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba

Why Shouldn't You Invest in Companies with Revolving Door Lobbyists?, Emre Kuvvet

Organizational Creativity and the Top Management Team (TMT): An Interactionist Perspective, Eleanor Lawrence, Cynthia P. Ruppel, and Leslie Tworoger


Designing an Educational Website to Improve Quality of Supportive Oncology Care for Women with Ovarian Cancer: An Expert Usability Review and Analysis, Molly McClellan, Raghav Pavan Karumur, Rachel Isaksson Vogel, Sue V. Petzel, Julie Cragg, Daniel Chan, Julie Jacko, François Sainfort, and Melissa A. Geller

Employees and Sustainiability : The Role of Incentives, K. K. Merriman, S. Sen, Andrew J. Felo, and E. B. Litzky

Sustainability Reporting by U.S. Cities: A Review of Practice and Theory, Walter Moore, Cherie Baker, and Peter John Poznanski

Assessing your Value to Get a Raise, Bahaudin Mujtaba

Sustainable Operational Management for Effective Leadership and Efficiency in the Modern Global Workplace, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, Frank J. Cavico, T. Senatip, and S. Utantada

Autism Then and Now: Society and Science, Florence Neymotin

Individuals and Communities: The Importance of Neighbors Volunteering, Florence Neymotin

Cross-Cultural Management: An Examination of Task, Relationship and Work Overload Stress Orientations of Russians and Vietnamese, L. D. Nguyen, N. Ermasova, L. N.T. Pham, and Bahaudin Mujtaba

Defining and Identifying Stakeholders: Views from Management and Stakeholders, Kathleen O'Leary, S. Benn, and Russell Abratt

Funny, Scary, Dead: Negative Depictions of Male Homosexuality in American Advertising, Kathleen O'Leary and Blaine J. Branchik

Empirical Lessons from Failure of ERP Systems in Small and Medium Businesses, Brenton Pabst, Augusto Casas, and Ravi Chinta

Measuring Service Quality in Macau Luxury Hotels Using the QFD method: A Case Study, Chen-Kuo Pai, Shun-Hsing Chen, and David Hinds


Revised Sources of Guidance Measures: Six Events and Demographic Controls, Mark F. Peterson, Tais S. Barreto, and Peter B. Smith

Self-Employed Individuals with and without Employees: Individual, Social, and Economic Level Differences, Maria Petrescu

Online Piracy vs. Public Policy and Cultural Influencers, Maria Petrescu, John Gironda, and Pradeep Korgaonkar

Hispanics and Viral Advertising, Maria Petrescu, John Gironda, and Pradeep K. Korgaonkar

Executive Interview: Blazing New Territory in Outplacement: A Conversation with Tom Shea, Robert Preziosi

Student Perceptions of the Role of Emotional Intelligence in College Success: A Phenomenological Study, J. Ramirez, T. Griffin, E. Sherbert, and Arvind Gudi

Customer Acuity and Perception of International Retail Stores in Pakistan, M. Y. Siddiqui, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, and C. A. Rehman

Work strain, job satisfaction, and intention to quit: The moderating effect of long-term orientation, Randi L. Sims, Cynthia P. Ruppel, and P. Zeidler

Converging and Diverging Forces on Customer Satisfaction: Comparative Empirical Analysis of Hollywood Movies in US and China, Fiona Sussan and Ravi Chinta

Sufficiency Economy and Sustainability. Proceedings of the 2nd Multidisciplinary Research and Innovation for Globally Sustainable Development (MRIGSD) - Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, S. U-Tantada, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, M. Yolles, and A. Shoosanuk

Segmentation and Market Strategy: Qualitative Insights from B2B Technology Executives, Art T. Weinstein and William C. Johnson

Theranos - A Case Study on Customer Value and Technology, Art T. Weinstein, Alexander Sipala, Lauren Turkington, and Marla Stromberg

TONS: A Guide to Teaching On-line Sales Courses, Suri Weisfeld-Spolter, Cindy B. Rippe, Barbara Dastoor, and Shannon Cummins

Selling in an Asymmetric Retail World: Perspectives from India, Russia, and the U.S. on Buyer-Seller Information Differential, Perceived Adaptive Selling, and Purchase Intention, Suri Weisfeld-Spolter, Cindy B. Rippe, and Alan J. Dubinsky

The Effects of Self-Construal on Consumers Likelihood and Attitude towards Self-Gifting, Suri Weisfeld-Spolter and Maneesh Thakkar


Stress and Absenteeism in Civilian Employees Supervised by Army Sergeants: Empirical Evidence from Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Carey Williams and Ravi Chinta

An Experiment-Based Methodology to Understand the Dynamics of Group Decision Making, Thomas Wuerzer, Susan G. Mason, Don Holley, Aaron Wells, Amit Jain, and Alark Joshi

Ranching with Fire and Rangeland Fire Protection Associations: Livelihoods, Resiliency, and Adaptive Capacity of Rural Idaho, Thomas Wuerzer and Kyle McCormick

Planning for Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface, Thomas Wuerzer, S. R. Miller, J. Vos, E. Lindquist, M. Mowery, B. Stephens, and A. Grad

Guiding When the Consumer Is in Control: The Moderating Effect of Adaptive Selling on the Purchase Intention of the Multichannel Consumer, Yuliya V. Yurova, Cindy B. Rippe, Suri Weisfeld-Spolter, Dena Hale, and Fiona Sussan

Submissions from 2015

Consumption Patterns in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis: The Case of Baby Boomers, Rebecca Abraham and Charlie W. Harrington

Consumption Patterns of the Millenial Generational Cohort, Rebecca Abraham and Charlie W. Harrington

A Theoretical Model of Competitive Equilibria in the New Car Market, Rebecca Abraham, Charlie W. Harrington, and Mark W. Zikiye

Disruptive Technology as Antecedent to CEO Pay-Performance Sensitivity, Rebecca Abraham, Judith Harris, and Joel Auerbach

Quantitative Evidence of Collaborative Governance of Broward and Palm Beach Counties HIV Health Services Planning Councils in Two Different Legislative Cycles, James K. Agbodzakey


Oil Wealth, Resource Curse and Development: Any Lessons for Ghana?, James K. Agbodzakey, Felix Kumah-Abiwu, and Edward Brenya


The Key Enablers for the Adoption of Lean Thinking by Public Purchasing Departments, James K. Agbodzakey and Clifford P. McCue

Effectively Managing Employees to Get Results in a Diverse Workplace such as American Express, V. Alexander, C. J. Havercome, and Bahaudin Mujtaba

The Effect of Family Ownership and Control on Equity-Based Compensation: Evidence from S&P Small Cap Firms, Hyungkee Young Baek and Philip Louis Fazio

Ethical Maturity Scores of Future Arab Business Leaders Based on Gender, Age, Seniority, Management, and Ethics Training, A. Bakar, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, and A. Medjedel

Performance Outcomes of Behavioral Attributes in Buyer-Supplier Relationships, James Barry, Patricia M. Doney, and Sandra S. Graca

Gender Gap in German Management Positions and Recommendations for Equality, I. Bekdemir, M. Ackermann, L. Beil, and N. Croger

The Impact of Internal Brand Management on Employee Job Satisfaction, Brand Commitment and Intention to Stay, Michael T. Bendixen and Rose du Preez

JP Morgan Recruitment Practices in China: Legal Networking or Illegal Bribery, Frank J. Cavico

Academic Dishonesty in an Accounting Ethics Class, Frank J. Cavico, D. Ariail, and S. Vasa-Sideris

Personality Tests in Employment: A Continuing Legal, Ethical, and Practical Quandary, Frank J. Cavico, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, Eleanor Lawrence, and S. C. Muffler

"A Kiss Is but a Kiss": Cultural Mores, Ethical Relativism, and Sexual Harassment Liability, Frank J. Cavico, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, Stephen C. Muffler, and Maria Petrescu

Developing a Legal, Ethical, and Socially Responsible Mindset for Business Leadership, Frank J. Cavico, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, G. Nonet, and I. Rimanoczy

Unionization and College Athletics: An Emerging Legal, Ethical, and Practical Quandary, Frank J. Cavico, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, and R. Rosenberg

The Effects of Mianzi and Professional Relationship Guanxi on Auditor Fraud Detection, Siew H. Chan, Qian Song, Arnold M. Wright, and Sally Wright

The Moderating Roles of Subjective (Perceived) and Objective Task Complexity in System Use and Performance, Siew H. Chan, Qian Song, and Lee J. Yao


Phenomenological Study of Decline of Personal Health Records: Empirical Evidence from Thematic Analyses of Blogs’ Content, Ravi Chinta and Vijay V. Raghavan

Dollar-Cost Averaging: The Trade-Off Between Risk and Return, David D. Cho and Emre Kuvvet


Resistance or Acquiescence: Student Perception of Software Surveillance during a Team-Based Simulation, Kimberly Deranek, Grant P. Richards, Thomas Tworoger, and Edie K. Schmidt


Resistance or Acquiescence: Student Perception of Software Surveillance during a Team-Based Simulation, Kimberly Deranek, Grant P. Richards, Thomas Tworoger, and Edie K. Schmidt

Incumbent Audit Firm Pricing: A Response to Entry of the Big Four Accounting Firms in India, Renu Desai, Vikram Desai, and Barri A. Litt


Missed Policy Opportunities to Advance Health Equity by Recording Demographic Data in Electronic Health Records, Megan Daugherty Douglas, Daniel Dawes, Kisha B. Holden, and Dominic Mack

Employee Turnover in International Brand Hotels in Russia: A Comparison of Nationals and Foreign Nationals, Gary A. Dusek, Ruth Clarke, Yuliya Yurova, and Cynthia P. Ruppel

Encouraging Employees to Support Corporate Sustainability Efforts, Andrew J. Felo, Kimberly K. Merriman, Sagnika Sen, and Barrie E. Litzky

Viewing the Work of Lillian M. Gilbreth through the Lens of Critical Biography, Jane Whitney Gibson, Jack Deem, Jacqueline Einstein, and E. Henry


C. Bertrand Thompson and Management Consulting in Europe, Regina A. Greenwood, Daniel A. Wren, Julia Teahen, and Aurthur Bedeian

Disruptive Technology as Antecedent to CEO Pay-Performance Sensitivity, Judith Harris, Rebecca Abraham, and Joel Auerbach

The Knowledge-as-Object Metaphor: A Case of Semantic Pathology, David Hinds and Arvind Gudi


Induction of Tumor Inhibitory Anti-Angiogenic Response through Immunization with Interferon Gamma Primed Placental Endothelial Cells: ValloVax™, Thomas E. Ichim, Shuang Li, Hong Ma, Yuliya Yurova, Julia S. Syzmanski, Amit N. Patel, Santosh Kesari, Wei-Ping Min, and Samuel C. Wagner

Vicarious experience of justice: when unfair treatment of one’s colleague matters, L. Huang Jason, Ann Marie Ryan, and Bahaudin Mujtaba

Managing Innovation and Marketing in a Globally Dynamic Firm: Best Practices in Management at Diageo, I. Khan, S. Ostheimer, and Bahaudin Mujtaba

Corporate Fraud and Liquidity, Emre Kuvvet

Oil and Governance in Uganda, Terrell Manyak

Local Government Performance Assessment in Uganda, Terrell Manyak and Isaac Wasswa Katono

Sustainability Reporting: An Accountant's Perspective, Walter B. Moore and Peter John Poznanski

Kicking the cat: How you manage your anger at work matters, Bahaudin Mujtaba

Management Ethics and Social Responsibility amid Diversity across Nations, Bahaudin Mujtaba

From the Mission Control Room to the Board Room, Walter Natemeyer and Leslie Tworoger

Executive Interview. From the Mission Control Room to the Board Room: Interview with the Director of Mission Operations of NASA, Johnson Space Center, Paul Sean Hill, Walter Natemeyer and Leslie C. Tworoger

Leadership Orientations of Russian Working Adults: Do Age, Gender, Education, and Government Work Experience Make a Difference?, L. D. Nguyen, N. Ermasova, V. Geyfman, and Bahaudin Mujtaba

Business Ethics Development of Working Adults: A Study in Vietnam, L. Nguyen, Bahaudin G. Mujtaba, and Frank J. Cavico

Leading Innovation Change in Today's Competitive Environment, Miguel Orta and Edel Lemus

The Unprecedented Business Ethical Dilemma in the World Financial Markets, Miguel Orta and Edel Lemus

Maximizing Employee Happiness and Well-being: An Examination of Value Creation and Competitive Advantage at Zappos, R. A. Pelletier and Bahaudin G. Mujtaba

Descriptive Norms and Norm Innovations: Implications for Theorizing Level of Analysis, Mark F. Peterson and Tais S. Barreto

Viral Advertising: A Field Experiment on Viral Intentions and Purchase Intentions, Maria Petrescu, John Gironda, and Pradeep K. Korgaonkar