HCBE Faculty Articles

The Effects of Self-Construal on Consumers Likelihood and Attitude towards Self-Gifting

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Academy of Marketing Studies Journal



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This research explicates the role of self-construal in consumers' attitudes towards and likelihood to self-gift. The empirical evidence presented in the current study demonstrate that the people with Independent Self Construal have a more favorable attitude towards selfgifting and are more likely to self-gift than those with Interdependent Self Construal. Thus, the managers who are marketing their products and brands across the globe cannot standardize the message appeals, which are based on self-gifting. They have to take into account self-construal of the general population in the target country. Moreover, the results of this analysis provide some direction to marketers as to what appeals they should use. Both groups, Independents and Interdependents are more likely to self-gift in reward scenarios, and less likely in therapy ones. Therefore, marketers should avoid using therapeutic scenarios when trying to encourage self-gifting. In addition, though independents have a significantly more favorable attitude towards self-gifting and are more likely to self-gift than interdependents, the data suggests that they do not think terribly of selfgifts. This, taken together with their positive evaluation of the slogan "one for him, one for me" implies that the right appeal, can encourage interdependents to self-gift as well. More specifically, in light of present study's findings, marketers even in USA should use the slogans and messages that emphasize family and friends and their happiness while targeting people with interdependent self-construal rather than merely using communications that emphasize the worth of the individual, (i.e. You deserve it) only.





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