NSU College of Psychology Faculty Articles | College of Psychology | Nova Southeastern University
Faculty Articles

Faculty Articles


This is a select list of works produced by the faculty of the College of Psychology at Nova Southeastern University


Submissions from 2023

Emergency Communication Operators: Findings from the National Wellness Survey for Public Safety Personnel, Jessica R. Blalock, Ryan A. Black, Michael L. Bourke, and Vincent B. Van Hasselt

Content Analysis of Child and Adolescent Counseling Outcome Studies in Counseling Journals, Szu-Yu Chen, Ching-Chen Chen, Yi-Wen Su, Jung H. Hyun, and Zachary Pietrantoni


A thematic analysis of shared experiences of essential health and support personnel in the COVID-19 pandemic., Linda Carman Copel, Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Christine D. Byrne, Mu-Hsun Chen, Donna S. Havens, Peter Kaufmann, Heather Brom, Jennifer Dean Durning, Linda Maldonado, Patricia K. Bradley, Janell Mensinger, and Jennifer Yost

Characterization of Physical Function and Cancer-Related Physical Impairments in Hispanic Women With Breast Cancer: A Descriptive Study., Adrian Cristian, Muni Rubens, Chloe Cristian, Grace Wang, and Jane Mendez


Race differences in pain and pain-related risk factors among former professional American-style football players., Robert R. Edwards, Can Ozan Tan, Inana Dairi, Alicia J. Whittington, Julius Dewayne Thomas, Claudia M. Campbell, Edgar Ross, Herman A. Taylor, Marc Weisskopf, Aaron L. Baggish, Ross Zafonte, and Rachel Grashow

Training Male Sexual Abuse Survivors as Peer Leaders to Deliver Motivational Interviewing and Trauma-Informed Affirmative Care., Amy E. Ellis, Steve Martino, Vanessa Simiola, Chyrell Bellamy, Maria O'Connell, and Joan M. Cook

Cognitive function and impact on driving after SARS-COV-2 infection in a man with long-standing HIV infection: a case report., Juan Gonzalez, Neil Patel, and Raymond L. Ownby

“Put on Your Walking Shoes”: A Phenomenological Study of Clients’ Experience of Walk and Talk Therapy, Arie T. Greenleaf, Joseph M. Williams, Jackie Leibsohn, Jiwoo Park, and Bailey Walther

On being honest about dishonesty: The social costs of taking nuanced (but realistic) moral stances., Elizabeth Huppert, Nicholas Herzog, Justin F. Landy, and Emma Levine

On being honest about dishonesty: The social costs of taking nuanced (but realistic) moral stances., Elizabeth Huppert, Nicholas Herzog, Justin F. Landy, and Emma Levine

Foreign-born counselor educators’ professional identity development, Jung H. Hyun, Szu-Yu Chen, Kara M. Hurt-Avila, and Caroline O’Hara

Trauma experiences, posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and psychological well-being of Syrian refugees in Jordan and the United States., Jeffery L. Kibler and Oraib Toukhly


Editorial: Appraisal processes in moral judgment: resolving moral issues through cognition and emotion., Justin F. Landy and Tom R. Kupfer


What drives opposition to suicide? Two exploratory studies of normative judgments, Justin F. Landy and Pritika Shah


Racial Concordance on Healthcare Use within Hispanic Population Subgroups., Alyson Ma, Jason Campbell, Alison Sanchez, Steven Sumner, and Mindy Ma

Perceptions and Experiences of School Counselor Trainees on Self-Care Grounded in Mindfulness and Social–Emotional Learning, Kyoung Mi Choi and Jung H. Hyun


Long Covid & Antidepressants, Rafael Rivas-Vázquez, Enrique J. Carrazana, Mark A. Blais, Gustavo J. Rey, Emma Rivas-Vázquez, and Alan Quintana


Sex differences in metabolic phenotype and hypothalamic inflammation in the 3xTg-AD mouse model of Alzheimer's disease., Lisa S. Robison, Olivia J. Gannon, Abigail E. Salinero, Charly Abi-Ghanem, Richard D. Kelly, David A. Riccio, Febronia M. Mansour, and Kristen L. Zuloaga

O te peinas, o te haces rolos: Intersectional discrimination, identity conflict, and mental health among Latinx sexual minoritized adults., Benjamin F. Shepherd, Roberto Rentería, Cristalís Capielo Rosario, and Paula M. Brochu


The Effect of Acute Aerobic Exercise on Measures of Stress and Inflammation in Healthy Young Adults, Julien Tartar, Anthony Ricci, Jonathan Banks, Hannah Murphy, Cassandra Evans, Jose Antonio, and Jaime Tartar

Age-Related Differences in Mind Wandering: The Role of Emotional Valence., Matthew S. Welhaf, Jonathan B. Banks, and Julie M. Bugg

Submissions from 2022

Correction to: Individual differences in dimensions of mind wandering: the mediating role of emotional valence and intentionality., Jonathan B. Banks and Matthew S. Welhaf


First Responder Peer Support Programs, Emily M. Cnapich, Samantha Rodriguez, Bailee B. Schuhmann, Judy Couwels, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Jessica Blalock


A Common Language for Gulf War Illness (GWI) Research Studies: GWI Common Data Elements, Devra E. Cohen, Kimberly A. Sullivan, Rebecca B McNeil, Gulf War Illness Common Data Elements Working Group, Symptoms Assessment Working Group, J Wesson Ashford, Alison Bested, James Bunker, Amanpreet K Cheema, Dane Cook, Jeffrey Cournoyer, Travis Craddock, Julia Golier, Anthony Hardie, Drew A Helmer, Jacob B. Lindheimer, Patricia Janulewicz Lloyd, Kathleen Kerr, Maxine Krengel, Shree Nadkarni, Shannon Nugent, Bonnie Paris, Matthew Reinhard, Peter Rumm, Aaron Schneiderman, Kellie J Sims, Lea Steele, Marsha Turner, Systems Assessment Working Group, Laila Abdullah, Maria M. Abreu, Mohamed Abu-Donia, Kristina Aenlle, Jimmy Arocho, Elizabeth G. Balbin, James N. Baraniuk, Karen Block, Michelle L. Block, Bryann DeBeer, Brian Engdahl, Nikolay Filipov, Mary Ann Fletcher, Victor Kalasinsky, Efi G. Kokkotou, Kristy Lidie, Deborah M. Little, William Loging, Mariana Morris, Lubov Nathanson, Montra Denise Nichols, Giulio Pasinetti, Dikoma C. Shungu, Paula Waziry, Jon VanLeeuwen, and Jarred Younger

Asian American faculty's racialised experiences in Christian higher education, Jung H. Hyun, Paul Youngbin Kim, Hee-Sun Cheon, and David Leong


Typologies of stress appraisal and problem-focused coping: associations with compliance with public health recommendations during the COVID-19 pandemic., Justin F. Landy, Aya Shigeto, Daniel J. Laxman, and Lawrence M. Scheier


Racial Disparities in Health Care Utilization, the Affordable Care Act and Racial Concordance Preference, Alyson Ma, Alison Sanchez, and Mindy Ma


War in the COVID-19 Era: Mental Health Concerns in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, Christopher Markosian, Christopher M. Layne, Varduhi Petrosyan, Shant Shekherdimian, Cheryl A. Kennedy, and Vahe Khachadourian


Does High Scatter on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition General Ability Index Reduce Validity in Predicting Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition indexes?, Joseph J. Ryan, David S. Kreiner, Samuel T Gontkovsky, Charles J. Golden, and Gordon Teichner


Firefighter Stress and Mental Health: Introduction to the Special Issue, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Michael L. Bourke, and Bailee B. Schuhmann

Submissions from 2021


How do we get to trauma-informed practice? Retention and application of learning by practitioners trained using the core curriculum on childhood trauma., Robert Abramovitz, Sonya Dublin, Laura Katz, and Christopher M. Layne


The Relationship Between Racial/Ethnic Concordance and Hypertension Control, Francesca Adriano, Raoul J. Burchette, Alyson C. Ma, Alison Sanchez, and Mindy Ma


Training Frequency, Weight, and Mental Well-being During COVID-19 Lockdown in Professional Mixed Martial Arts Fighters, Arman Ali, Corey Peacock, and Jaime L. Tartar


Neurofilament Light (NFL) in Division II Female Soccer Players: A Potential Biomarker for Brain Trauma, Jose Antonio, Dominick Cabrera, Sarah Knafo, Julius Thomas, Corey Peacock, and Jaime L. Tartar


The Role of Working Memory in Reading Abilities, Brittny Arias, William Goulart, Samantha Gestido, Zachary Peart, D'anna Sydow, and Charles Golden


Individual Differences in Dimensions of Mind Wandering: The Mediating Role of Emotional Valence and Intentionality, Jonathan B. Banks and Matthew S. Welhaf


Working Memory Load Selectively Influences Response Inhibition in a Stop Signal Task, Leanne Boucher, Brandi L. Viparina, and W. Matthew Collins


It’s Interpersonal: Internalized Weight Bias and Suicidality are Associated Indirectly Via Perceived Burdensomeness and Thwarted Belongingness, Paula M. Brochu, Laurie A. S. Veillette, Jose Martinez Serrano, and Matthew Seidl


Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder: Theory, Treatment, and Advocacy, Olivia Carelli and Amy E. Ellis


Modeling Neuroimmune Interactions in Human Subjects and Animal Models to Predict Subtype-Specific Multidrug Treatments for Gulf War Illness., Francisco Javier Carrera Arias, Kristina Aenlle, Maria Abreu, Mary A. Holschbach, Lindsay T. Michalovicz, Kimberly A Kelly, Nancy Klimas, James P O'Callaghan, and Travis Craddock


Improving Antioxidant Capacity in Children With Autism: A Randomized, Double-Blind Controlled Study With Cysteine-Rich Whey Protein, Ana Maria Castejon, Jordan Ashley Spaw, Irina Rozenfeld, Nurit Sheinberg, Susan Kabot, Alexander Shaw, Patrick Hardigan, Rogerio Faillace, and Edward E. Packer


Gulf War Illness Clinical Trials and Interventions Consortium (GWICTIC): A collaborative research infrastructure for intervention and implementation., Amanpreet K Cheema, Rebecca B McNeil, Travis Craddock, Gordon Broderick, Maria Abreu, Kristina Aenlle, Drew A Helmer, J Wesson Ashford, Kimberly Sullivan, Alison Bested, Devra Cohen, Dikoma Shungu, Helena Chandler, Mary Ann Fletcher, Maxine Krengel, and Nancy Klimas


A Randomized Phase II Remote Study to Assess Bacopa for Gulf War Illness Associated Cognitive Dysfunction: Design and Methods of a National Study, Amanpreet K. Cheema, Laura E. Wiener, Rebecca B McNeil, Maria M. Abreu, Travis Craddock, Mary A. Fletcher, Drew A Helmer, J Wesson Ashford, Kimberly Sullivan, and Nancy G. Klimas


Abstinence from Chronic Methylphenidate Exposure Modifies Cannabinoid Receptor 1 Levels in the Brain in a Dose-dependent Manner, Carly Connor, John Hamilton, Lisa Robison, Michael Hadjiargyrou, David Komatsu, and Panayotis Thanos


Exploring the Shared Experiences of Yazidis Who Survived Genocide., Wendy Cook, Thomas D. Kennedy, Ronald Chenail, David B. Detullio, and William Alex Edmonds


Adolescent Aggression and Suicidality: A Meta-Analysis, David B. Detullio, Thomas D. Kennedy, and Danielle Horrigan Millen


JPP Student Journal Club Commentary: Predictors of HbA1c Trajectories in Predominantly Black Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes, Karen Dimentstein and Jessica M. Valenzuela


Adolescent Athletes and Suicide: A Model for Treatment and Prevention, William Alex Edmonds, Lindsay L. Craig, Rachel Christopher, Thomas D. Kennedy, and Derek Mann


Study Design and Interventions for a Peer-Delivered Motivational Interviewing Group Treatment for Sexual and Gender Minority Male Sexual Trauma Survivors, Amy E. Ellis, Steve Martino, Vanessa L. Simiola, Margaret-Anne Mackintosh, Chyrell Bellamy, and Joan M. Cook


The Effects of an Energy Drink on Measures of Cognition and Physical Performance, Cassandra Evans, Veronica Mekhail, Jackie Kaminski, Corey Peacock, Jaime L. Tartar, and Juan Carlos Santana


An Integrated Response to Surfside: Lessons Learned, Cassondra Feldman, Elad Edri, and Jennifer Davidtz


Suicidality in Homeless Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review, Yuri Castro Flach and Timothy S. Razza


NASP Report of Graduate Education in School Psychology: 2018–2019, Daniel L. Gadke, Sarah A. Valley-Gray, and Eric Rossen


Violence, Older Adults, and Serious Mental Illness, Renata F. S. Goldhagen and Jennifer Davidtz


Concordance of Symptom Validity and Performance Validity Indicators in Neuropsychological Testing: Comparison of the MMPI-2-RF Infrequent Responses Scale and TOMM in Detecting Overstated Pathology in Court-Ordered Forensic, Quasi-Forensic, and Non-Forensic Acquired Brain Injury Outpatients, Samuel T. Gontkovsky and Charles Golden


Relative Subtest Scatter on the WAIS-IV in a Clinical Sample Referred for Outpatient Neuropsychological Evaluation, Samuel T. Gontkovsky, David S. Kreiner, Joseph J. Ryan, Charles J. Golden, and Gordon Teichner


The Interplay between Achievement Scores in Math Ability, Visual Working Memory, and Perceptual Reasoning across Race in an Adult Population, D'Shawn L. Harrigan, Kayla Kotalik, Brittny Arias, and Charles Golden


Restrictive Eating Disorders in Higher Weight Persons: A Systematic Review of Atypical Anorexia Nervosa Prevalence and Consecutive Admission Literature, Erin N. Harrop, Janell L. Mensinger, Megan Moore, and Taryn Lindhorst


Suicide and Suicidality in Children and Adolescents with Chronic Illness: A Systematic Review, Julia Iannucci and Barry Nierenberg


Outcomes of a Statewide Advocacy Event., Melanie M. Iarussi, Elizabeth Kelley Mautz, and Margaret Taylor


Detection Barriers of Multiple Sclerosis on Disease Progression and Management: A Systematic Review, Lubna Jahjah and Charles Golden


Post-Traumatic Stress Impact on Health Outcomes in Gulf War Illness, Mary G. Jeffrey, Fanny Collado, Jeffrey Kibler, Christian DeLucia, Stephen Craig Messer, Nancy Klimas, and Travis J. A. Craddock


Post-Traumatic Stress Impact on Health Outcomes in Gulf War Illness, Mary G. Jeffrey, Fanny Collado, Jeffrey L. Kibler, Christian DeLucia, Stephen Craig Messer, Nancy Klimas, and Travis Craddock


The Correlation between Inattentiveness and Depression in an Adult Population Sample, Nisha Kajani, Lara Rifai, Kayla Kotalik, Erica L. Ailes, Lisa K. Lashley, and Charles Golden


A Randomized Double-Blind Evaluation of the Gastrointestinal, Body Composition, Stress Response and Cognitive Function Impacts of Creatine Supplementation in Healthy Adults, Douglas S. Kalman, Corbin Hohl, Brent Petersen, Sara Flynn, Cassandra Evans, Jose Antonio, and Jaime L. Tartar


Identifying Bereavement-Related Markers of Mental and Behavioral Health Problems Among Clinic-Referred Adolescents, Julie B. Kaplow, Rachel Wamser-Nanney, Christopher M. Layne, Amanda N. Burnside, Cheryl A. King, Li-Jung Liang, Alan Steinberg, Ernestine Cabady Briggs, Lisa Suarez, and Robert S. Pynoos


The Intersection of Childhood Trauma and Addiction, Shannon Karl


The COVID-19 Study of Healthcare and Support Personnel (CHAMPS): Protocol for a Longitudinal Observational Study., Peter G. Kaufmann, Donna S. Havens, Janell L. Mensinger, Patricia K. Bradley, Heather M. Brom, Linda C. Copel, Alexander Costello, Christine D'Annunzio, Jennifer Dean Durning, Linda Maldonado, Ann Barrow McKenzie, Suzanne C. Smeltzer, Jennifer Yost, and CHAMPS Study Investigators


Towards a Better Understanding of PTSD/Hypertension Associations: Examining Sociodemographic Aspects, Jeffrey L. Kibler and Mindy Ma


Serial Neurologic Assessment in Pediatrics (SNAP): A New Tool for Bedside Neurologic Assessment of Critically Ill Children, Matthew P. Kirschen, Katherine A. Smith, Megan Snyder, Bingqing Zhang, John Flibotte, Lauren Heimall, Katrina Budzynski, Ryan DeLeo, Jackelyn Cona, Claire Bocage, Lynn Hur, Madeline Winters, Richard S. Hanna, Janell L. Mensinger, Jimmy Huh, Shih-Shan Lang, Frances K. Barg, Judy A. Shea, Rebecca Ichord, Robert A. Berg, Joshua M. Levine, Vinay Nadkarni, and Alexis Topjian


Involuntary Psychiatric Admissions Initiated by Two US Police Departments: A Descriptive Analysis, Kristin E. Klimley Margres, Bethany L. Broj, Brittany Plombon, Caroline Haskamp, Rachel Chistopher, Estefania V. Masias, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Ryan A. Black

Disgusting Democrats and Repulsive Republicans: Members of Political Outgroups Are Considered Physically Gross., Justin F. Landy, Joshua Rottman, Carlota Batres, and Kristin L. Leimgruber


From Resilience and Restoration to Resistance and Resource Caravans: A Developmental Framework for Advancing the Disaster Field., Christopher M. Layne, Josef I Ruzek, and Kelly Dixon


Learning Environment and Evidence among Professionals and Students Satisfaction (LEAPS), Experienced During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Evelyn Lengetti, Mary Ann Cantrell, Nicole DellaCroce, Lisa Diewald, Janell L. Mensinger, and Rebecca Shenkman


The Gut Microbiome and Alzheimer’s Disease, Alejandra Lopez and Charles Golden


Developing Psychological Well-Being in Distressed Older Patients, Jodie E. B. Maccarrone and Barry Nierenberg

Exposure to Trauma, PTSD and Persistent Pain in Older Adults: A Systematic Review, Jodie E. B. Maccarrone, Ashley M. Stripling, Julia Iannucci, and Barry Nierenberg


Exposure to Trauma, PTSD and Persistent Pain in Older Adults: A Systematic Review, Jodie E. B. Maccarrone, Ashley M. Stripling, Julia Iannucci, and Barry Nierenberg


Psychological Correlates of Arbovirus Preventive Health Behaviour, Bindu S. Mayi, Weylin R. Sternglanz, Nathalia Aldana, and Madhavi Menon


Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Self-Reported Somatic Anxiety, Bailey E. McDonald, Samantha C. Spagna, Brittany D. Parker, Charles Golden, Kristen Willeumier, and Daniel Amen


Neuropsychological Differentiation of Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia, Bailey McDonald, Samantha Spagna, and Charles Golden


Positive Correlation between High Mate Value and Slow Life History Strategy is Moderated by Trait Heritability, Jackie McDowell and Valerie Starratt


Symptoms Contributing to Mobility Limitations and Fear of Falls in Older Adults, Michelle McKay, Janell L. Mensinger, Melissa O'Connor, Alexander Costello, and Suzanne Leveille


Traumatic Stress, Body Shame, and Internalized Weight Stigma as Mediators of Change in Disordered Eating: A Single-Arm Pilot Study of the Body Trust® Framework, Janell L. Mensinger


Treatment Outcomes and Trajectories of Change in Patients Attributing Their Eating Disorder Onset to Anti-obesity Messaging, Janell L. Mensinger, Shelbi A. Cox, and Jennifer R. Henretty


Intimate Partner Violence: The Relationship between Risk Factors and Symptom Severity, Danielle Horrigan Millen, Thomas D. Kennedy, Ryan A. Black, David L. Shapiro, and Lenore E. Walker


Reconnecting Youth: Beyond Individualized Programs and Risks, Randy Myers, Tim Goddard, and Jennifer Davidtz


Cognitive Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Etiane Navarro and Charles Golden


An Evaluation of Remotely Administered Reaction Time Subtests, Christina Nunez, Bailey McDonald, Samantha Spagna, and Charles Golden


Get Up And Go! An Evaluation of Fitness and Memory, Christina Nunez, Alexandria G. Nuccio, Sophia Perez, and Charles Golden


COVID-19 Pandemic-related Changes in Weight, Health Behaviors, and Professional Practice: A Study of Dietitians, Tracy L. Oliver, Lisa Diewald, Janell L. Mensinger, Rebecca Shenkman, and C Hallen Moore


Effects of Interview Training with Simulated Patients on Suicide, Threat, and Abuse Assessment, Corin L. Osborn and Ralph E. Cash


The Effect of Type 2 Diabetes on Attention and Executive Functioning in Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients, Zachary Peart, Samantha Spagna, Bailey McDonald, Brittny Arias, D'anna Sydow, and Charles Golden


Measuring Regional Cerebral Blood Flow with Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) in Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder, Sophia Perez, Bailey McDonald, Samantha Spagna, Charles Golden, Kristen Willeumier, and Daniel Amen


Assessment of Stress, Burnout, and Resilience in Crime Scene Investigators, Brittany Plombon, Caroline Haskamp, Bailee B. Schuhmann, Teresa Bryant, Vincent B. Van Hasselt, and Ryan A. Black


Youth Suicide in the School Context, Scott Poland and Sara Ferguson


Periodically Disturbing the Spatial Structure of Biofilms Can Affect the Production of an Essential Virulence Factor in, Rebecca J Quinn, Ivana M. Barraza, Laura García-Diéguez, Camryn Pajon, Lauren E. Krausfeldt, Kerollos Ibrahim, Laura A. Enzinna, Morgan E. Thorn, Omar Tonsi Eldakar, Travis J. A. Craddock, and Robert P. Smith


A Correlation between Reading Fluency and Processing Speed in a Child Population, Lara Rifai, Nisha Kajani, Kayla Kotalik, Ana Lopez, Lisa K. Lashley, and Charles Golden


College Student Mental Health in an Animal-Assisted Intervention Program: A Preliminary Study, Ariann Evans Robino, Virginia Kiefer Corrigan, Bridget Anderson, Stephen R. Werre, Julee P. Farley, Susan West Marmagas, and Virginia Buechener-Maxwell


Maintenance of Relationship and Individual Functioning Gains Following Online Relationship Programs for Low‐Income Couples, McKenzie K. Roddy, Kayla Knopp, Emily Georgia Salivar, and Brian D. Doss