CNSO Faculty Articles

CNSO Faculty Articles



Submissions from 2011

Biogeographic patterns of reef fish community structure in the northeastern Arabian Peninsula, John A. Burt, David A. Feary, Andrew G. Bauman, Paolo Usseglio, Georgenes Cavalcante, and Peter F. Sale

Functorial Polar Functions, Ricardo Enrique Carrera

On Hull Classes of l-groups and Covering Classes of Spaces, Ricardo Enrique Carrera and Anthony W. Hager


Can a Road-Driven Car Outrace a Free-Falling Car?, Diego Castano


Conicoid Mirrors, Diego Castano and Lawrence Carl Hawkins

Water Currents and Water Budget in a Coastal Megastructure, Palm Jumeirah Lagoon, Dubai, UAE, Georgenes Cavalcante, Björn Kjerfve, David A. Feary, Andrew G. Bauman, and Paolo Usseglio

Human bone marrow-derived stem cell proliferation is inhibited by hepatocyte growth factor via increasing the cell cycle inhibitors p53, p21 and p27, Ketian Chen, Carlos Perez-Stable, Gianluca D'Ippolito, Paul C. Schiller, Bernard A. Roos, and Guy A. Howard

Generation of Melamine Polymer Condensates upon Hypergolic Ignition of Dicyanamide Ionic Liquids, Konstantin Chingin, Richard H. Perry, Steven D. Chambreau, Ghanshyam L. Vaghjiani, and Richard N. Zare


Aposematic Signal Variation Predicts Male-Male Interactions in a Polymorphic Poison Frog, Laura Crothers, Eben Gering, and Molly Cummings

Peptide-Conjugated PAMAM Dendrimer as a Universal DNA Vaccine Platform to Target Antigen-Presenting Cells, Pirouz M. Daftarian; Angel E. Kaifer; Wei Li; Bonnie B. Blomberg; Daniela Frasca; Felix Roth; Raquibul Chowdhury; 21st Century Biochemicals, Inc.; Husain Ala Al Sayegh; Patricia Blackwelder; Luca Inverardi; Victor L. Perez; Vance Lemmon; and Paolo Serafini

Applying Genetic Techniques to Study Remote Shark Fisheries in Northeastern Madagascar, Phaedra Doukakis, Robert H. Hanner, Mahmood S. Shivji, Cecilia Bartholomew, Demian D. Chapman, Eugene Wong, and George Amato

Restoring Tigers to the Caspian Region, Carlos A. Driscoll; Shu-Jin Luo; David W. Macdonald; E, Dinerstein; I. Chestin; O. Pereladova; and Stephen J. O'Brien

A Suite of Genetic Markers Useful in Assessing Wildcat (Felis silvestris ssp.)— Domestic Cat (Felis silvestris catus) Admixture, Carlos A. Driscoll, Nobuyuki Yamaguchi, Stephen J. O'Brien, and David W. Macdonald

Turbulent Viscosity Variability in Self-Preserving Far Wake with Zero Net Momentum, Katya Dubrovin, Ephim Golbraikh, Michael Gedalin, and Alexander Soloviev


Novel male-biased expression in paralogs of the aphid slimfast nutrient amino acid transporter expansion, R. P. Duncan, Lubov Nathanson, and A. C. Wilson


The Group-Level Consequences of Sexual Conflict in Multigroup Populations, Omar Tonsi Eldakar and Andrew C. Gallup


Eight Criticisms Not to Make About Group Selection, Omar Tonsi Eldakar and David Sloan Wilson

On the Eigenvalues of Quaternion Matrices, F. O. Farid, Qing-Wen Wang, and Fuzhen Zhang

Regime Shifts in a Socio-Ecological Model of Farmland Abandonment, Joana Figueiredo and Henrique M. Pereira

Development and Characterization of 10 Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci for the Blue Shark, Prionace glauca, and Their Cross Shark-Species Amplification, Sean Fitzpatrick, Mahmood S. Shivji, Demian D. Chapman, and Paulo A. Prodohl

Detecting End-Member Structural and Biological Elements of a Coral Reef Using a Single-Beam Acoustic Ground Discrimination System, Greg Foster, Victor S. Ticzon, Bernhard Riegl, and Peter J. Mumby


Contagious Yawning and Seasonal Climate Variation, Andrew C. Gallup and Omar Tonsi Eldakar


Study of the Far Wake of a Large Ship, M. Gilman, Alexander Soloviev, and H. Graber


Speciation of Water‐Soluble Inorganic, Organic, and Total Nitrogen in a Background Marine Environment: Cloud Water, Rainwater, and Aerosol Particles, Adriana Gioda, Gabriel J. Reyes-Rodriguez, Gilmarie Santos-Figueroa, Jeffrey L. Collett Jr., Stefano Decesari, Maria da Conceição K. V. Ramos, Heleno J. C. Bezerra Netto, Francisco R. de Aquino Neto, and Olga L. Mayol-Bracero

Reef Coral Reproduction in the Eastern Pacific: Costa Rica, Panamá, and the Galápagos Islands (Ecuador). VI. Agariciidae, Pavona clavus, Peter W. Glynn, Susan B. Colley, Hector M. Guzman, I. C. Enochs, J. Cortes, J. L. Mate, and Joshua S. Feingold

Sponge Biodiversity of the Jason Islands and Stanley, Falkland Islands with Descriptions of Twelve New Species, Claire Goodwin, Jennifer Jones, Karen L. Neely, and Paul Brickle

Strong Influence of Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-DP Gene Variants on Development of Persistent Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Carriers in the Han Chinese Population, Xiuchan Guo, Yong Zhang, Ji Li, Jingchen Ma, Zuli Wei, Wenjie Tan, and Stephen J. O'Brien

DNA Barcoding of Billfishes, Robert Hanner, Robin Floyd, Andrea Bernard, Bruce B. Collette, and Mahmood S. Shivji


Analyzing Spatial Patterns in Modern Carbonate Sand Bodies From Great Bahama Bank, Paul Mitch Harris, Samuel J. Purkis, and James Ellis

Catchability of Pelagic Trawls for Sampling Deep-Living Nekton in the Mid-North Atlantic, M. Heino, F. M. Porteiro, Tracey Sutton, Tone Falkenhaug, O. R. Godo, and Uwe Piatkowski

Growth Rates of Florida Corals from 1937 to 1996 and Their Response to Climate Change, Kevin P. Helmle, Richard E. Dodge, Peter K. Swart, Dwight K. Gledhill, and C. Mark Eakin

Effects of Crowding and Wave Exposure on Cirrus Morphology of the Acorn Barnacle, Semibalanus balanoides, J. Matthew Hoch


Regional and temporal differences in gene expression of LH(BETA)T(AG) retinoblastoma tumors, S. K. Houston, Yolanda Pina, J. Clarke, Tulay Koru-Sengul, W. K. Scott, Lubov Nathanson, A. C. Schefler, and T. G. Murray

The Regular Topology on C(X), Wolf Iberkleid, Ramiro Lafuente-Rodriguez, and Warren William McGovern


Conrad Frames, Wolf Iberkleid, Jorge Martinez, and Warren William McGovern

Spatial Analysis of the Invasion of Lionfish in the Western Atlantic and Caribbean, Matthew W. Johnston and Samuel J. Purkis


Inhibition of Rab5 Activation During Insulin Receptor-Mediated Endocytosis, Ivan Jozic, Gustavo Blanco, and M. Alejandro Barbieri


GM-CSF Production Allows the Identification of Immunoprevalent Antigens Recognized by Human CD4+ T Cells Following Smallpox Vaccination, Valeria A. Judkowski, Alcinette Bunying, Feng Ge, Jon R. Appel, Kingyee Law, Atima Sharma, Claudia Raja-Gabaglia, Patricia Norori, Radleigh Santos, Marc Giulianotti, Mark K. Slifka, Daniel C. Douek, Barney S. Graham, and Clemencia Pinilla


A Search for Young Stars in the S0 Galaxies of a Super-Group at z=0.37, Dennis W. Just, Dennis Zaritsky, Kim-Vy H. Tran, Anthony H. Gonzalez, Stefan Kautsch, and John Moustakas

Progress Towards a Reference Genome for Sunflower, N. C. Kane, Navdeep Gill, M. G. King, J. E. Bowers, H. Berges, J. Gouzy, E. Bachlava, N. B. Langlade, Z. Lai, M. Stewart, J. M. Burke, C. Vincourt, S. J. Knapp, and L. H. Rieseberg


Sailfish Habitat Utilization and Vertical Movements in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits, David W. Kerstetter, Shannon Michael Bayse, Jenny Fenton, and John E. Graves

Species Range Shifts Due to Environmental Changes in Scaled Squid, Pholidoteuthis massyae and Bathyal Octopus, Muusoctopus eureka, Vladimir Laptikhovsky, Alexander Arkhipkin, Paul Brickle, Sarah Hearne, and Karen L. Neely


The ideal retraction property for completely regular semigroups, Edmond W.H. Lee

Cross Varieties of Aperiodic Monoids with Central Idempotents, Edmond W. H. Lee


Finite Basis Problem for 2-Testable Monoids, Edmond W. H. Lee

Minimal Non-finitely Based Monoids, Edmond W. H. Lee and Jian Rong Li

Limit Varieties Generated by Completely 0-Simple Semigroups, Edmond W. H. Lee and Mikhail V. Volkov

Genetic, Spatial, and Temporal Components of Precise Spawning Synchrony in Reef Building Corals of the Montastraea annularis Species Complex, Don R. Levitan, Nicole D. Fogarty, Javier Jara, Katie E. Lotterhos, and Nancy Knowlton


Severe 2010 Cold-Water Event Caused Unprecedented Mortality to Corals of the Florida Reef Tract and Reversed Previous Survivorship Patterns, Diego Lirman, Stephanie Schopmeyer, Derek Manzello, Lewis J. Gramer, William F. Precht, Frank E. Muller-Karger, Kenneth Banks, Brian Barnes, Erich Bartels, Amanda Bourque, James Byrne, Scott Donahue, Janice Duquesnel, Louis Fisher, David S. Gilliam, James C. Hendee, Meaghan E. Johnson, Kerry Maxwell, Erin McDevitt, Jamie Monty, Digna Rueda, Rob Ruzicka, and Sara Thanner


Suppression Subtractive Hybridization PCR Isolation of cDNAs from a Caribbean Soft Coral, Jose V. Lopez, Angela Ledger, Lory Z. Santiago-Vázquez, Mihai Pop, Dan D. Sommer, Llanie K. Ranzer, Robert A. Feldman, and Russell G. Kerr


Differentiation of Solutions of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems with Respect to Boundary Data, Jeffrey W. Lyons


Adaptive Evolution of the Matrix Extracellular Phosphoglycoprotein in Mammals, Joao P. Machado, Warren E. Johnson, Stephen J. O'Brien, Vitor Vasconcelos, and Agostinho Antunes

Characterization of a comprehensive flavor database, Karina Martinez-Mayorga, Terry L. Peppard, Austin B. Yongye, Radleigh Santos, Marc Giulianotti, and Jose L. Medina-Franco


Fine-Structural Analysis of Black Band Disease-Infected Coral Reveals Boring Cyanobacteria and Novel Bacteria, Aaron Miller, Patricia Blackwelder, Husain Ala Al Sayegh, and Laurie L. Richardson

Reproductive Divergence between Growth Forms of Lake Winnipeg Walleye (Sander vitreus), M. D. Moles, T. A. Johnston, B. W. Robinson, Andrea Bernard, C. C. Wilson, M. D. Wiegand, and W. C. Leggett


Global Human Footprint on the Linkage between Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning in Reef Fishes, Camilo Mora, Octavio Aburto-Oropeza, Arturo Ayala Bocos, Paula M. Ayotte, Stuart Banks, Andrew G. Bauman, Maria Beger, Sandra Bessudo, David J. Booth, Eran Brokovich, Andrew Brooks, Pascale Chabanet, Josh Eli Cinner, Jorge Cortes, Juan J. Cruz-Motta, Amilcar Cupul Magaña, Edward E. DeMartini, Graham J. Edgar, David A. Feary, Sebastian C. A. Ferse, Alan M. Friedlander, Kevin J. Gaston, Charlotte Gough, Nicholas A. J. Graham, Alison Green, Hector M. Guzman, Marah Hardt, Michel Kulbicki, Yves Letourneur, Andres López Pérez, Michel Loreau, Yossi Loya, Camilo Martinez, Ismael Mascareñas-Osorio, Tau Morove, Marc-Olivier Nadon, Yohei Nakamura, Gustavo Paredes, Nicholas V.C. Polunin, Morgan S. Pratchett, Hector Reyes Bonilla, Fernando Rivera, Enric Sala, Stuart A. Sandin, German Soler, Rick Stuart-Smith, Emmanuel Tessier, Derek P. Tittensor, Mark Tupper, Paolo Usseglio, Laurent Vigliola, Laurent Wantiez, Ivor D. Williams, Shaun K. Wilson, and Fernando A. Zapata

Exciton Peak Redshifting and Broadening in Polyaniline Chains During Ion-Induced Hydrophobic Collapse and Aggregation, Louis R. Nemzer and Arthur J. Epstein


A Comparison of Circle Hook and J Hook Performance in a Western Equatorial Atlantic Ocean Pelagic Longline Fishery, J. C. Pacheco, David W. Kerstetter, Fabio H.V. Hazin, R. S. S. L. Segundo, John E. Graves, F. Carvalho, and P. E. Travassos


A Molecular Phylogeny of Living Primates, Polina L. Perelman, Warren E. Johnson, Christian Roos, Hector Seuanez, Julie E. Horvath, Miguel A. M. Moreira, Bailey Kessing, J. U. Pontius, Melody E. Roelke, Yves Rumpler, Maria P. C. Schneider, Artur Silva, Stephen J. O'Brien, and Jill Pecon-Slattery

Implications of Reef Ecosystem Change for the Stability and Maintenance of Coral Reef Islands, Chris T. Perry, Paul S. Kench, Scott G. Smithers, Bernhard Riegl, Hiroya Yamano, and Michael J. O'Leary

Detecting Reaction Intermediates in Liquids on the Millisecond Time Scale Using Desorption Electrospray Ionization, Richard H. Perry, Maurizio Splendore, Allis Chien, Nick K. Davis, and Richard N. Zare


Green Marine Construction, Sylvain Pioch, Kirk Kilfoyle, Harold Levrel, and Richard E. Spieler


Ecological Design of Marine Construction for Socio-Economic Benefits: Ecosystem Integration of a Pipeline in Coral Reef Area, Sylvain Pioch, Philippe Saussola, Kirk Kilfoyle, and Richard E. Spieler

The biogeography of parasitism in sticklebacks: distance, habitat differences and the similarity in parasite occurrence and abundance, R. Poulin, Christopher A. Blanar, D. W. Thieltges, and D. J. Marcogliese

The Most Temperature-Adapted Corals Have an Achilles' Heel, Samuel J. Purkis, Dorothy-Ellen A. Renegar, and Bernhard Riegl

Survey of Larval Euphausia superb Lipid Content Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula During Late Autumn 2006, Jennifer Putland and Tracey Sutton

Methods to Preserve Coral Reef Futures, Bernhard Riegl and Samuel J. Purkis


Present Limits to Heat-Adaptability in Corals and Population-Level Responses to Climate Extremes, Bernhard Riegl, Samuel J. Purkis, Ashraf S. Al-Cibahy, Mohammed A. Abdel-Moati, and Ove Hoegh-Guldberg

Use and Implications of the Harmonic Mean Model on Mixtures for Basic Research and Drug Discovery, Radleigh Santos, Marc Giulianotti, Colette T. Dooley, Clemencia Pinilla, Jon R. Appel, and Richard A. Houghten


Exploring identity through genetic and genealogical research: development of a collaborative course between humanities and biology, Emily F. Schmitt Lavin and James Doan


Breaking through the spiral ceiling: an American woman becomes a DNA scientist by Laura L. Mays Hoopes, Emily F. Schmitt Lavin and Laura L. Mays

Association of Host Genetic Risk Factors with the Course of Cytomegalovirus Retinitis in Patients Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Efe Sezgin, Mark Van Natta, Alka Ahuja, Alice Lyon, Sunil Srivastava, Jennifer L. Troyer, Stephen J. O'Brien, Douglas A. Jabs, and Studies of the Ocular Complications of AIDS Research Group


Evolution of a Major Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Defect in the Domestic Cat and Other Felidae: Phylogenetic Timing and the Role of Hypercarnivory, Binu Shrestha, J. Michael Reed, Philip T. Starks, Gretchen E. Kaufman, Jared V. Goldstone, Melody E. Roelke, Stephen J. O'Brien, Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Laurence Frank, and Michael H. Court

Design Principles and Applications of Engineered Microbial Consortia, Robert P. Smith

Probability Sampling of Stony Coral Populations in the Florida Keys, Steven G. Smith, Dione W. Swanson, Mark Chiappone, Steven Miller, and Jerald Ault

Theory of the NS-omega Model, Iuliana Stanculescu, William Layton, and Catalin Trenchea

High Mating Frequency and Variation with Lineage Ratio in Dependent-Lineage Harvester Ants, S. S. Suni and Omar T. Eldakar


A New Species of Leucothoid Amphipod, Anamixis bananarama, sp. n., from Shallow Coral Reefs in French Polynesia (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Leucothoidae), James Darwin Thomas and Traudl Krapp-Shickel

On the Unitary Diagonalisation of a Special Class of Quaternion Matrices, Clive Cheong Took, Danilo P. Mandic, and Fuzhen Zhang

Genome-Wide Association Study Implicates PARD3B-Based AIDS Restriction, Jennifer L. Troyer, George W. Nelson, J. A. Lautenberger, Leslie Chinn, Carl McIntosh, Randall C. Johnson, Efe Sezgin, Bailey Kessing, Michael Malasky, Sher L. Hendrickson, Guan Li, J. U. Pontius, M. Tang, Ping An, Cheryl Winkler, Sophie Limou, Sigrid le Clerc, Olivier Delaneau, Jean-Francois Zagury, Hanneke Schuitemaker, Danielle van Manen, Jay H. Bream, Edward Gomperts, Susan Buchbinder, James J. Goedert, Gregory Kirk, and Stephen J. O'Brien

FIV Diversity: FIVPle Subtype Composition May Influence Disease Outcome in African Lions, Jennifer L. Troyer, Melody E. Roelke, Jillian M. Jespersen, Natalie Baggett, Valerie A. Buckley-Beason, Dan MacNulty, Meggan Craft, Craig Packer, Jill Pecon-Slattery, and Stephen J. O'Brien

Dietary Niche Overlap in a Nearshore Elasmobranch Mesopredator Community, Jeremy Vaudo and Michael Heithaus

Characterization by a Novel Assay of Molecularly Cloned and Expressed L-Methionine γ -Lyase/L-2-Aminobutyrate Deaminase (MEGL/2ABD) from the Oral Pathogenic Organism Porphyromonas gingivalis., Paula A. Faria Waziry, Brad Schmier, David Morcos, Pavanapuresan P. Vaidyanathan, Arun Malhotra, Harold E. Laubach, and K. V. Venkatachalam

Defects in Apoptosis Increase Memory CD8+ T cells Following Infection of Bim^-/- Fas^lpr/lpr Mice, Ashley E. Weant, Ryan D. Michalek, Katie E. Crump, Andrew P. Konopitski, and Jason M. Grayson


Using Movements, Genetics and Trophic Ecology to Differentiate Inshore from Offshore Aggregations of Humpback Whales in the Gulf of Alaska, Briana H. Witteveen, Jan M. Straley, Ellen Chenoweth, C. Scott Baker, Jay Barlow, Craig Matkin, Christine M. Gabriele, Janet Nielsen, Debbie Steel, Olga von Ziegesar, Alexander G. Andrews, and Amy Hirons

Trophic Levels of North Pacific Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) Through Analysis of Stable Isotopes: Implications on Prey and Resource Quality, Briana H. Witteveen, Graham A. J. Worthy, Kate M. Wynne, Amy Hirons, Alexander G. Andrews III, and Russell W. Markel

Contractive Matrices of Hua Type, Guanghui Xu, Changqing Xu, and Fuzhen Zhang

Consensus Models of Activity Landscapes with Multiple Chemical, Conformer, and Property Representations, Austin B. Yongye, Kendall Byler, Radleigh Santos, Karina Martinez-Mayorga, Gerald M. Maggiora, and Jose L. Medina-Franco

Submissions from 2010


Water-Soluble SOA from Alkene Ozonolysis: Composition and Droplet Activation Kinetics Inferences from Analysis of CCN Activity, A. Asa-Awuku, A. Nenes, Song Gao, R. C. Flagan, and John H. Seinfeld

Genetic variation of 15 autosomal microsatellite loci in a Tamil population from Tamil Nadu, Southern India, Kuppareddi Balamurugan, S. Kanthimathi, M. Vijaya, G. Suhasini, George Duncan, Martin Tracey, and Bruce Budowle


Investigating SNPs Flanking the D1S80 Locus in a Tamil Population from India, Kuppareddi Balamurugan, Robert S. Pomeroy, George Duncan, and Martin Tracey

Tropical harmful algal blooms: An emerging threat to coral reef communities?, Andrew G. Bauman, John A. Burt, David A. Feary, Elise Marquis, and Paolo Usseglio


Post-Paleozoic Crinoid Radiation in Response to Benthic Predation Preceded the Mesozoic Marine Revolution, Tomasz K. Baumiller, Mariusz A. Salamon, Przemysław Gorzelak, Richard Mooi, Charles G. Messing, and Forest J. Gahn

Exposure to a mixture of zinc and copper decreases survival and fecundity of Discocotyle sagittata (Leuckart) parasitizing juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L, Christopher A. Blanar, D. L. MacLatchy, J. Kieffer, and K. R. Munkittrick

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) in Wild Pallas' Cats, Meredith Brown, Bariushaa Munkhtsog, Jennifer L. Troyer, Steve Ross, Rani Sellers, Amanda E. Fine, William Swanson, Melody E. Roelke, and Stephen J. O'Brien

A “Rosetta Stone” for Metazoan Zooplankton: DNA Barcode Analysis of Species Diversity of the Sargasso Sea (Northwest Atlantic Ocean), Ann Bucklin, Brian D. Ortman, Robert M. Jennings, Lisa M. Nigro, Christopher J. Sweetman, Nancy J. Copley, Tracey Sutton, and Peter Wiebe


The Influence of Wave Exposure on Coral Community Development on Man-Made Breakwater Reefs, with a Comparison to a Natural Reef, John A. Burt, David A. Feary, Paolo Usseglio, Andrew G. Bauman, and Peter F. Sale

Co(II) Halide Complexes with 2-amino-3-methylpyridinium and 2-amino-5-methylpyridinium: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Magnetic Properties, David J. Carnevale, Christopher P. Landee, Mark M. Turnbull, Mon Winn, and Fan Xiao

Genetic Associations of Variants in Genes Encoding HIV-Dependency Factors Required for HIV-1 Infection, Leslie Chinn, M. Tang, Bailey Kessing, J. A. Lautenberger, Jennifer L. Troyer, Michael Malasky, Carl McIntosh, Gregory D. Kirk, Steven M. Wolinsky, Susan Buchbinder, Edward Gomperts, James J. Goedert, and Stephen J. O'Brien


Molecular Evolution and the Role of Oxidative Stress in the Expansion and Functional Diversification of Cytosolic Glutathione Transferases, Rute R. da Fonseca, Warren E. Johnson, Stephen J. O'Brien, Vitor Vasconcelos, and Agostinho Antunes