Peace and Conflict Studies (ISSN 1082-7307) is committed to interdisciplinary explorations of conflict resolution, peace building, humanitarian assistance, and other mechanisms that seek to prevent and control violence. PCS is also interested in articles focusing on social change and nonviolence, including such areas as sustainable development, reflective practice, action research, human rights, peace education, and intercultural relations. Views expressed in articles and other contributions that appear in PCS do not necessarily reflect endorsement by the Editorial Board or Staff. PCS provides a forum for dialogue around various ideas, assessments, recommendations, and critiques.
Peace and Conflict Studies is indexed and/or abstracted in Peace Research Abstracts Journal, Public Affairs Information Service, Scopus, Sociological Abstracts, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, Political Science Manuscripts, International Political Science Abstracts and Worldviews.
Current Issue: Volume 31, Number 1 (2024)
When Is It Convenient for Indigenous Women to Influence State Policies?
Alaide Vences Estudillo, Norma Don Juan Pérez, Patricia Torres Sandoval, and Fabiola Del Jurado Mendoza
Heads Above the Parapet: Personal Motivation and Professional Practice Among Northern Ireland's Community of Grassroots Peace Practitioners
Ann C. Kelleher Dr., Anna Leon-Guerrero Dr., and Maureen Hetherington CEO retired
Ecological Niches Applied to Socioeconomic Phenomena: The Case of the Colombian Internal Conflict
Alexander Alegría, Laura Jiménez, and Jhon Jairo Alvarado-Quintero
Mobilizing for Peace: Civil Society’s Influence on the Peace Process between the Colombian Government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) (2010-2021)
Cécile Mouly and Esperanza Hernández Delgado
Finding Identity Complexity Through Dialogue
Johanna Solomon