About This Journal | Peace and Conflict Studies | Peace & Conflict Studies | Nova Southeastern University

About This Journal

Peace and Conflict Studies (ISSN 1082-7307) is committed to interdisciplinary explorations on conflict resolution, peace building, humanitarian assistance, and other alternative mechanisms that seek to prevent and control violence. PCS is also interested in articles focusing on social change and nonviolence: sustainable development, ecological balance, community revitalization, reflective practice, action research, social justice, human rights, peace education, gender equality, intercultural relations, grassroots movements and organizational transformations. Manuscripts may address various human experiences, social issues, and policy agendas that are connected to the research literature, practice, and experiential learning in the fields. As a semiannual academic journal, PCS is available in online format at (a href=”http://nsuworks.nova.edu/pcs”>http://nsuworks.nova.edu/pcs). The online version contains author names and their paper abstracts. Views expressed in articles and other contributions that appear in PCS may not necessarily reflect endorsement by the Editorial Board or Staff. PCS provides opportunities and forums for dialogs over various ideas, assessments, recommendations, and critiques.

Peace and Conflict Studies is indexed and/or abstracted in Peace Research Abstracts Journal, Public Affairs Information Service, Scopus, Sociological Abstracts, Psychological Abstracts, PsycINFO, Political Science Manuscripts, International Political Science Abstracts and Worldviews.

Peace and Conflict Studies is published twice a year by the Network of Peace and Conflict Studies sponsored by the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies at NSU. We greatly appreciate the support provided either currently or in the past by the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies, Halmos College of Arts and Sciences, Nova Southeastern University; the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University; Middle Georgia College; Mershon Center of the Ohio State University; and the Center for International Studies, University of Missouri at St. Louis. Support has also been given by the Lentz Peace Research Association and the Political Science Manuscripts.