

Purpose: Burnout continues to be an important concern for athletic trainers working in the collegiate sport setting. The purpose of the study was to examine the relationships between working hours, sleep, and burnout among athletic trainers providing patient care in the collegiate setting. Methods: A web-based (Qualtrics, Provo, UT) cross-sectional study using a self-reported questionnaire was used to collect demographics and data on working hours, sleep, and burnout. The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) was used to determine burnout. Results: The mean age of our participants (n=1006) was 33 ∓ 9 years; 37.6% (n=378) were male, 61.5% (619), and 1.1% (n=9) chose not to identify. Participants reported moderate burnout (61.55 ± 12.59) on the CBI, additionally a mean score of 66.41 (± 13.42) on the personal-related subscale, 63.91 (± 13.35) on the work-related subscale, and 53.94 (± 19.75) on the client-related subscale. Working more than 50 hours per a week caused collegiate athletic trainers to experience higher levels of personal and work-related burnout (67.34 (± 13.30) and 64.86 (± 13.64) respectively) as compared to those who worked less than 49 hours per week (63.54 (± 13.40) and 60.95 (± 11.96) respectively). Participants report an average of 6.77 (± .95) hours of sleep per night. Those who report less than 6.9 hours of sleep per night scored a mean of 70.48 (± 13.58) on the personal-related subscale, whereas those who report more than 7 hours of sleep per night scored a mean of 63.97 (± 12.71). Conclusions: Overall, athletic trainers in the collegiate setting are experiencing moderate levels of burnout. Athletic trainers who worked over 40 hours a week and slept less than 7 hours per night had higher levels of burnout. Sleep is an important factor in recovery and likely a strategy to prevent burnout.

Author Bio(s)

Stephanie M. Singe is an associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology. Her research focus is on work-life balance and other factors that influence the job satisfaction and quality of life of an athletic trainer. She is lead author of the position statement on Facilitating Work-Life Balance in Athletic Training Practice Settings.

Catherine G. Mydosh earned her Bachelor's of Science from the University of Connecticut in Exercise Science. She is enrolled in the Graduate Program for Athletic Training at the University of Connecticut. She completed this research paper as part of her honors thesis.

Alexandrva H Cairns is a second year PhD student in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut. Her research interests include work-life balance among athletic trainers, and more specifically perceptions of patient care and clinician well-being.

Christianne M. Eason is the President of Sport Safety at the Korey Stringer Institute which is housed in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut. Her research interests include the work-life interface of athletic trainers, specifically organizational factors and sports safety advocacy.





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