

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze and evaluate evidence supporting curcumin lowering the systemic inflammatory marker, CRP in humans. Methods: A systematic literature search was completed using PubMed and MEDLINE databases. Results: After inclusion and exclusion criteria, 9 studies were evaluated, and the percent change of CRP blood levels was calculated and analyzed. Results: The results for these studies show strong statistical significance for the C3 complex with Bioperine and nano curcumin. Bioactive curcumin exhibits a higher percent decrease of blood level CRP than trials using only curcumin or turmeric. Conclusion: Overall bioactive curcumin/ curcumin with Bioperine are alternative treatments for lowering the systemic inflammation marker, CRP.

Author Bio(s)

Lauren Katakowski is a Master's student at Central Michigan University, in the program of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Susan Hewlings, Ph.D., RD, is a professor at Central Michigan University for the Nutrition and Dietetics program.


Margret Danowski, Health Professions Librarian, Central Michigan University, for her assistance with the literature search.





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