Volume 18, Number 1 (2020)
Perceptions of the Impact of Non-contact Boxing on Social and Community Engagement for Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease: A qualitative study
Casey E. Humphrey, Dana M. Howell, and Melba Custer
An Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Evidence-based Practice
Jennifer L. Gresham - Anderson, Kathleen M. Williamson, and Satyanarayana Ayinagadda
Student Experiences with Engagement in a Nursing and Physical Therapy Interprofessional Education Simulation
Sarah Koplow, Melissa Morris, Shari Rone-Adams, Heather Hettrick, Bini Litwin, Lisa B. Soontupe, and Archana Vatwani
Opioids and an Active Population: Athletic Trainers' Perceptions
Dana Karlene Bates
The Allied Health Work Readiness Study: Identifying Personal Characteristics Signalling Work Readiness in Allied Health Students
Maxine O'Brien, Kelli Troy, and Jayne Kirkpatrick
An Interprofessional Clinical Placement in a Primary Healthcare Setting: A Pilot Study
Christina Aggar, Beth Mozolic-Staunton, Renee Joyce Lovi, Maggie Scorey, Melissa Kemp, Tara Walker, and Sian Lewis
Athletic Training Assessment of Knowledge Inconsistent with Perceptions of Knowledge Needs: Part II
Jessica R. Edler and Lindsey E. Eberman
The Effectiveness of Kinesiotaping for Patients with Fractured Ribs: A Single-subject Experimental Design
Simone Dafoe, Leigh Rushworth, and Kathy Stiller
Changing Weight Management Self-efficacy Among Obese Puerto Rican Adults: A Quantitative Study using a Health Coaching Intervention
Richard Valentin Ayala and Josh Bernstein
Empathy and Regard: Perspectives Held by Graduate Students of Rehabilitation Sciences
Alexia E. Metz and Allison Christoff, OTD, OTR/L
Educational Impact on Therapists’ Knowledge, Beliefs, and Actions: A Pilot Study
Elena Wong Espiritu, Natalie N. Michaels, and Steven Busby
Student Perceptions of Barriers to Professional Exam Success
Kathryn E. Webster
Opinion Piece
Cognitive Evaluation: Is It Time to Require Standardized Assessments?
Daniel P. Swiatek and Vanessa D. Jewell

- Editor-in-Chief
- Cheryl J. Hill
- Managing Editor
- Gena Meroth
- Associate Editors
- Karen A. Grimmer
- Saravana Kumar
- Shari Rone-Adams
- Pradeep Vanguri
- Copy Editors
- Joann Gallichio
- Joy Moulton
- Maureen O'Hara
- Formatting Editors
- Kathleen Hagen
- Reviewers
- Dean Arnison
- Susan Barnard
- Susan Cahill
- Jerome Danoff
- Valentin C. Dones III
- Carol L. Chevalier
- Caroline Fryer
- Judith Parker Kent
- L.S. Katrina Li
- Corey Peacock
- Emily Pevin
- Anna Phillips
- Caroline Scrivani
- Tobin Silver
- Elizabeth J. Walters