Volume 16, Number 1 (2018)
Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity of Students in a Physical Therapy Program – A Pilot Survey
Olaide Oluwole-Sangoseni and Michelle Jenkins-Unterberg
The Neuro Clinic: A Pilot Model to Facilitate Student Clinical Development through In-Class Patient Experiences while Meeting Community Need
Rosanne M. Thomas and Jamie Bayliss
Fostering PT-PTA Student Relationships, Pilot Study
Kelly Hawthorne, Christina Cohoon, and Eric Chambers
National Survey of Lymphedema Therapists’ Dosing of Complete Decongestive Therapy in Breast Cancer Survivors with Lymphedema
Katie M. Polo, Peter J. Rundquist, Nathaniel D. Krumdick, and Gail L. Gamble
Plyometric Exercises from a Knee Anterior Cruciate Ligament Prevention Program on the Rate of Isometric Torque Development and Vertical Jump Height
Jeffrey R. Doeringer, Sam Johnson, Marc Norcorss, and Mark Hoffman
Normative Grip Strength Values in Males and Females, ages 50 to 89 years old
James R. Roush, Kaylee L. Gombold, and R. Curtis Bay
Are Audience Response Systems Worth the Cost? Comparing Question-Driven Teaching Strategies for Emergency Medical Technician Education
Lauren M. Maloney, James P. Dilger, Paul A. Werfel, and Linda M. Cimino
Case Studies
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis- A Case Report
Renee M. Horner, Douglas S. Gardenhire, and Ralph D. Zimmerman
Addressing Opioid Misuse and Abuse through Interprofessional Engagement and Education
Marta J. Brooks, Suzanne E. Holm, Shelene Thomas, and Amy J. Rich

- Editor-in-Chief
- Cheryl J. Hill
- Copy Editors
- Eric Shamus
- Joann Gallichio
- Maureen O'Hara
- Associate Editors
- Bini Litwin
- Leon Nehmad
- Leah Nof
- Hugh Rappa
- Peter Sprague
- Formatting Editor
- Tennille Tomlinson
- Reviewers
- Jennifer Anderson
- Megan Colas
- Megan Fink
- Caroline Fryer
- Susan Gordon
- Thomas M. Gormely
- Heather Hettrick
- Shylie F. Macintosh
- Luis A Ramos
- Kelby Shamash
- Kimberly B. Smith
- Peter A. Sprague
- Debra Stern
- Matthew Wittstein
- Thomas Wong