Volume 12, Number 3 (2014)
Some Study “Pearls”
Robert Grosz
Building Research Capacity in Regional, Rural and Remote Allied Health Services: Lessons from Evidence and Experience
Saravana Kumar and Wendy Q. Ducat
Effect of Cueing on Learning Transfer Among Health Profession Students Engaged in a Case-Based Analogical Reasoning Exercise
Timothy Speicher, Alexandra Bell, Marijke Kehrhahn, and Douglas Casa
Issue of Adjustment to Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion Devices
Emily F. Piven, Ursel Lovett, Homer Nazeran, and Julia Bader
The Walking Interview: An Ethnographic Approach to Understanding Disability
Mary Butler and Sarah Derrett
A Qualitative Evaluation of Blood Pressure Screening Procedures in the Illinois WISEWOMEN Program
James Broadbear, Barbara Broadbear, Adrian Lyde, and Sharon Mills
Health Promotion Strategies Derived from a Metropolitan Police Weight Loss Competition with Weight Loss Comparisons by Gender and BMI Category
Robert Boyce, Tyler Willett, Allen Mullins, Glenn Jones, and Randy Cottrell