Faculty Articles
Submissions from 2015
Female Farmworkers’ Access to and Experiences with Prenatal Care in South Florida, Jamie Mazzurco, Steven F. Zhang, Nilda Hernandez, and Maria I. Fernandez
Identifying opportunities in EHR to improve the quality of antibiotic allergy data, jaclynn Moskow, Nicole J. Cook, Carissa Lippmann, St Anthony Amofah, and Angela S. Garcia
Educator’s Podium: Interprofessional Education on a Mission., Leon Nehmad, Sherrol Reynold, and Paula L. Anderson-Worts
A case of panic to pulmonary embolism., M Ng, Naushira Pandya, B Conry, and R Gale
Select Sensibly: A Pilot Educational Initiative for Reduction of Surgical Supply Expense., K T. Nguyen, Naushira Pandya, B D. Smith, J P. Bradley, S B. Glasberg, D H. Song, A K. Kasabian, and N Tanna
Health literacy predicts participant understanding of orally-presented informed consent information., Raymond L. Ownby, A Acevedo, K Goodman, J Caballero, and D Waldrop-Valverde
Response to letter to the editor re: immediate intramedullary flexible nailing of open pediatric tibial shaft fractures., Naushira Pandya and E W. Edmonds
ERK1, 2, and 5 expression and activation in dopaminergic brain regions during postnatal development, Mayur S. Parmar, Juliann D. Jaumotte, Michael J. Zigmond, and Jane E. Cavanaugh
Curcumin, Hesperidin, and Rutin Selectively Interfere with Apoptosis Signaling and Attenuate Streptozotocin-Induced Oxidative Stress-Mediated Hyperglycemia, Mayur S. Parmar, Ismail Syed, Joshua P. Gray, and Sidhartha D. Ray
Time-dependent changes in the mouse hippocampal synaptic membrane proteome after contextual fear conditioning., P Rao-Ruiz, K E. Carney, Naushira Pandya, R J. van der Loo, M H. Verheijen, P van Nierop, A B. Smit, and S Spijker
Created a series of articles on spirituality and medicine-asked to be Guest Editor, Janet L. Roseman
Cultivating Courage with Joan of Arc, Janet L. Roseman
Dance Was Her Religion: The Spiritual Choreography of Isadora Duncan, Ruth St., Janet L. Roseman
If Joan of Arc Had Cancer, Janet L. Roseman
How do medical students respond to the concept of compassion without being cued on its importance?, Janet L. Roseman and Arif M. Rana
Ultraviolet-Fluorescent Tattoo Facilitates Accurate Identification of Biopsy Sites, K. Russell, R. Schleichert, B. Baum, M. Villacorat, Patrick C. Hardigan, J. Thomas, and E. Weiss
A Teaching Guide for Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, Mark Sandhouse
Body Weight, Body Image and Self-Concept in Men, Elliot Sklar
Consequences of single sport specialization in the pediatric and adolescent athlete., M Smucny, S N. Parikh, and Naushira Pandya
Environmental Influences on HIV Medication Adherence: The Role of Neighborhood Disorder, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, Maria A. Levi-Minzi, and Minxing Chen
Pain Treatment and Antiretroviral Medication Adherence among Vulnerable HIV-positive Patients, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, Maria A. Levi-Minzi, Theodore J. Cicero, Kiyomi Tsuyuki, and Catherine L. O'Grady
Wegener's Granulomatosis Eponym, David Thomas
Inferring Broad Regulatory Biology from Time Course Data: Have We Reached an Upper Bound under Constraints Typical of In Vivo Studies?, Saurabh Vashishtha, Gordon Broderick, Mary Ann Fletcher, Travis J. A. Craddock, and Nancy G. Klimas
Inferring Broad Regulatory Biology from Time Course Data: Have We Reached an Upper Bound under Constraints Typical of In Vivo Studies?, S Vashishtha, G Broderick, Travis J. A. Craddock, Mary A. Fletcher, and Nancy G. Klimas
387. Gene Delivery of APOE2 Reduces Amyloid Pathology in Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease, Lingzhi Zhao, Andrew J. Gottesdiener, Mayur S. Parmar, Christine Grevstad, David Havlicek, Jonathan Rosenberg, Stephen Kaminsky, Maria Chiuchiolo, Dolan Sondhi, Ronald G. Crystal, and Steven M. Paul
Submissions from 2014
Novel role of aminopeptidase-A in angiotensin-(1-7) metabolism post myocardial infarction., M S. Alghamri, Mariana Morris, J G. Meszaros, K M. Elased, and N Grobe
Development and Implementation of a Clinical and Business Intelligence System for the Florida Health Data Warehouse, Raed H. AlHazme and Arif M. Rana
Serious Arabic meaning, grammatical, and study design flaws in the study “Faxed Arabic Prescriptions: A medication error waiting to happen?”, Raed H. AlHazme, Arif M. Rana, and Alhussain Aodah
A qualitative study of physicians' views on compassionate patient care and spirituality: medicine as a spiritual practice?, G Anandarajah and Janet L. Roseman
Enriching Experience in Jamaica., Paula L. Anderson-Worts
A phase I dose-escalation study of MEDI-575, a PDGFRα monoclonal antibody, in adults with advanced solid tumors., C R. Becerra, P Conkling, N Vogelzang, H Wu, S Hong, R Narwal, M Liang, F Tavakkoli, and Naushira Pandya
All-cause pneumonia hospitalizations in children <2 years old in>sweden, 1998 to 2012: impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine introduction., A Berglund, M Ekelund, Mary A. Fletcher, and L Nyman
Accuracy of a new apex locator in ex-vivo teeth using scanning electron microscopy, Maria Bonilla, Taner Cem Sayin, Brenda Schobert, and Patrick C. Hardigan
EVOLUTION—Taking Charge and Growing Stronger: The Design, Acceptability, and Feasibility of a Secondary Prevention Empowerment Intervention for Young Women Living with HIV, Jennifer Brothers, Gary W. Harper, Maria I. Fernandez, and Sybil G. Hosek
A Mixed Methods Study of Health and Social Disparities among Substance-Using African American/Black Men who have Sex with Men, Mance E. Buttram and Steven P. Kurtz
Risk and Protective Factors associated with Personal Mastery among Sexual Minority African-American Female Sex Workers, Mance E. Buttram, Hilary L. Surratt, and Steven P. Kurtz
Interaction proteomics reveals brain region-specific AMPA receptor complexes., N Chen, Naushira Pandya, F Koopmans, V Castelo-Székelv, R C. van der Schors, A B. Smit, and K W. Li
Halitosis- Algorithm; 5Minute Clinical, Rebecca M. Cherner
Hidrocystoma; 5 Minute Clinical, Rebecca M. Cherner
Support for smoke-free multi-unit housing policies among racially and ethnically diverse, low-income seniors in south florida, Nicole J. Cook, Theodore L. Hollar, Summer Chavez, David Quinn, and Teina Phillips
The feasibility of coherent energy transfer in microtubules., Travis John Adrian Craddock, Douglas Friesen, Jonathan Mane, Stuart Hameroff, and Jack A. Tuszynski
A role for homeostatic drive in the perpetuation of complex chronic illness: Gulf War Illness and chronic fatigue syndrome., Travis John Adrian Craddock, P Fritsch, M A. Rice Jr., R M. del Rosario, David Miller, Mary A. Fletcher, Nancy G. Klimas, and G Broderick
Association between different hemoglobin a1c levels and clinical outcomes among elderly nursing home residents with type 2 diabetes mellitus., Keith L. Davis, Wenhui Wei, Juliana L. Meyers, Brett S. Kilpatrick, and Naushira Pandya
Use of basal insulin and the associated clinical outcomes among elderly nursing home residents with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a retrospective chart review study., K L. Davis, W Wei, J L. Meyers, B S. Kilpatrick, and Naushira Pandya
Family Violence Exposure and Associated Risk Factors for Child PTSD in a Mexican Sample, Kara S. Erolin, Elizabeth Wieling, and R. E. Aguilar Parra
Taking the pulse of aging: mapping pulse pressure and elasticity in cerebral arteries with optical methods., M Fabiani, K A. Low, C H. Tan, B Zimmerman, Mary A. Fletcher, N Schneider-Garces, E L. Maclin, A M. Chiarelli, B P. Sutton, and G Gratton
Oxytocin, social support, and sleep quality in low-income minority women living with HIV., E M. Fekete, J Seay, M H. Antoni, A J. Mendez, Mary A. Fletcher, A Szeto, and N Schneiderman
Pneumococcal empyema and complicated pneumonias: global trends in incidence, prevalence, and serotype epidemiology., Mary A. Fletcher, H J. Schmitt, M Syrochkina, and G Sylvester
HIV Risk among Substance-Using Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women (MSMW): Findings from South Florida, Mackey R. Friendman, Steven P. Kurtz, Mance E. Buttram, Chongyi Wei, Anthony J. Silvestre, and Ron Stall
Organoid cultures derived from patients with advanced prostate cancer., D Gao, I Vela, A Sboner, P J. Iaquinta, W R. Karthaus, A Gopalan, C Dowling, J N. Wanjala, E A. Undvall, V K. Arora, J Wongvipat, M Kossai, S Ramazanoglu, L P. Barboza, W Di, Z Cao, Q F. Zhang, I Sirota, L Ran, T Y. MacDonald, H Beltran, J M. Mosquera, K A. Touijer, P T. Scardino, V P. Laudone, K R. Curtis, D E. Rathkopf, Mariana Morris, and D C. Danila
Evaluation of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy using current perception threshold and clinical evaluations., K A. Griffith, D J. Couture, S Zhu, Naushira Pandya, M E. Johantgen, G Cavaletti, J M. Davenport, L J. Tanguay, A Choflet, T Milliron, E Glass, N Gambill, C L. Renn, and S G. Dorsey
Analysis of pharmacists' use of Twitter, Z Hajar, K A. Clauson, and Robin J. Jacobs
Stress management skills, cortisol awakening response, and post-exertional malaise in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome., D L. Hall, E G. Lattie, M H. Antoni, Mary A. Fletcher, S Czaja, D Perdomo, and Nancy G. Klimas
Broward Health Family and Internal Medicine residents' Geriatric rotation curriculum manual (to ACGME standards), Elizabeth Muller Hames
Broward Health Geriatric Medicine Fellowship new curriculum manual (to ACGME standards), Elizabeth Muller Hames
Progress Report, Elizabeth Muller Hames
Resilience Processes Demonstrated by Young Gay and Bisexual Men Living with HIV: Implications for Intervention, Gary W. Harper, Douglas Bruce, Sybil G. Hosek, Maria I. Fernandez, and Brian A. Rood
Surgical utility of Afirma: effects of high cancer prevalence and oncocytic cell types in patients with indeterminate thyroid cytology., R Mack Harrell and David N. Bimston
The role of whole-brain radiation therapy after stereotactic radiation surgery for brain metastases., Shaakir Hasan, Ashish H. Shah, Amade Bregy, Trevine Albert, Arnold Markoe, Radka Stoyanova, Michael Thambuswamy, and Ricardo J. Komotar
Healthcare Spending and Prevention within the Affordable Care Act: Contrasting the Public Health and Medical Models of Prevention, Theodore L. Hollar
No association found between the detection of either xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus or polytropic murine leukemia virus and chronic fatigue syndrome in a blinded, multi-site, prospective study by the establishment and use of the SolveCFS BioBank, D. M. Irlbeck, S. D. Verson, K. K. McCleary, L. Bateman, Nancy G. Klimas, C. W. Lapp, D. L. Peterson, J. R. Brown, K. S. Remlinger, D. A. Wilfret, and P. Ferondelis
Psychosocial and Neurohormonal Predictors of HIV Disease Progression (CD4 Cells and Viral Load): A 4 Year Prospective Study., G Ironson, C O'Cleirigh, Mahendra Kumar, L Kaplan, E Balbin, C B. Kelsch, Mary A. Fletcher, and N Schneiderman
Development of a culturally appropriate computer-delivered tailored internet-based health literacy intervention for spanish-dominant hispanics living with HIV., Robin J. Jacobs, Joshua Caballero, Raymond L. Ownby, and Michael N. Kane
A systematic review of eHealth interventions to improve health literacy., Robin J. Jacobs, Jennie Q. Lou, Raymond L. Ownby, and Joshua Caballero
HIV Testing Among Sexually Active Hispanic/Latino MSM in Miami-Dade County and New York City: Opportunities for Increasing Acceptance and Frequency of Testing, Heather A. Joseph, Lisa Belcher, Lydia O'Donnell, Maria I. Fernandez, Pilgrim S. Spikes, and Stephen A. Flores
Attitudes about the competence of of charitable gift givers, M.N. Kane and Robin J. Jacobs
Stressful Life Events, Marital Satisfaction, and Marital Management Skills of Taiwanese Couples, Pei-Fen Li and Kandauda K.A.S. Wickrama
Alexithymia is linked to neurocognitive, psychological, neuroendocrine, and immune dysfunction in persons living with HIV., R C. McIntosh, G Ironson, M H. Antoni, Mahendra Kumar, Mary A. Fletcher, and N Schneiderman
AID and APOBECs span the gap between innate and adaptive immunity., Arnaud Moris, Shannon Marie Murray, and Sylvain Cardinaud
Nonmedical Prescription Drug Users in Private vs. Public Substance Abuse Treatment: A Cross Sectional Comparison of Demographic and HIV Risk Behavior Profiles, Catherine L. O'Grady, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, and Maria A. Levi-Minzi
Cellular oxidative stress response controls the antiviral and apoptotic programs in dengue virus-infected dendritic cells., David Olagnier, Suraj Peri, Courtney Steel, Nadine van Montfoort, Cindy Chiang, Vladimir Beljanski, Michael Slifker, Zhong He, Carmen N Nichols, Rongtuan Lin, Siddharth Balachandran, and John Hiscott
Negative and positive beliefs related to mood and health, Raymond L. Ownby, Amarilis Cruz Acevedo, Robin J. Jacobs, J Cabakkeri, and Drenna Waldrop-Valverde
Quality of life, health status, and health service utilization related to a new measure of health literacy: FLIGHT/VIDAS., Raymond L. Ownby, Amarilis Cruz Acevedo, Robin J. Jacobs, Joshua Caballero, and Drenna Waldrop-Valverde
Is the cloze procedure appropriate to evaluate health literacy in older individuals? Age effects in the test of functional health literacy in adults., Raymond L. Ownby, Amarilis Cruz Acevedo, Drenna Waldrop-Valverde, and Robin J. Jacobs
Abilities, skills and knowledge in measures of health literacy., Raymond L. Ownby, Amarilis Cruz Acevedo, Drenna Waldrop-Valverde, Robin J. Jacobs, and Joshua Caballero
Subtypes of sleep problems in patients with Alzheimer disease., Raymond L. Ownby, Gloria Peruyera, Amarilis Cruz Acevedo, David A. Loewenstein, and Steven Sevush
What's new in pediatric orthopaedics., Naushira Pandya, N Y. Otsuka, and J O. Sanders
Role of ERK1, 2, and 5 in dopamine neuron survival during aging, Mayur S. Parmar, Juliann D. Jaumotte, Stephanie L. Wyrostek, Michael J. Zigmond, and Jane E. Cavanaugh
Effects of Somatic Dysfunction on Leg Length and Weight Bearing, Yasmin Frank Qureshi, Andrew M. Kusienski, Julie Bemski, John Luksch, and Lacy Knowles
Gulf War Illness: Is there Lasting Damage to the Endocrine-Immune Circuitry?, Mark A. Rice Jr, Travis J. A. Craddock, Virginia A. Folcik, Ryan M. del Rosario, Zach M. Barnes, Nancy G. Klimas, Mary A. Fletcher, Joel P. Zysman, and Gordon Broderick
Evaluation and Management of the Older Adult with Chronic Kidney Disease, Kenya M. Rivas, Elizabeth Muller Hames, and Hady Al Masri
Dietary supplementation with resveratrol protects against striatal dopaminergic deficits produced by in utero LPS exposure, Katherine M. Rose, Mayur S. Parmar, and Jane E. Cavanaugh
Honoring the Medicine: searching for the embodiment of spiritual commitment and philosophy for student physicians., Janet L. Roseman
Reflections on the Sidney Project™: can we talk? Can we give voice to the taboo topics that are usually not embraced in residency medical education?, Janet L. Roseman
Gingival Margin Changes in Maxillary Anterior Sites After Single Immediate Implant Placement and Provisionalization: A 5-Year Retrospective Study of 47 Patients, Scott B. Ross, Gregory A. Pette, William B. Parker, and Patrick C. Hardigan
Clinical Osteopathically Integrated Learning Scenarios, Mark Sandhouse
Technical requirements to become an osteopathic physician, Mark Sandhouse
Ethnicity moderates the relationship between perceived stress and benefit finding in HIV+ men who have sex with men (MSM)., J S. Seay, E M. Fekete, M H. Antoni, G Ironson, Mary A. Fletcher, and N Schneiderman
Exploratory survey of Florida pharmacist’s experience with knowledge of, and perceptions about HIV preexposure prophylaxis, K. M. Shaeer, Elizabeth M. Sherman, S. Shafig, and Patrick C. Hardigan
Histone deacetylase inhibitors potentiate vesicular stomatitis virus oncolysis in prostate cancer cells by modulating NF-κB-dependent autophagy., Laura Shulak, Vladimir Beljanski, Cindy Chiang, Sucharita M Dutta, Julien Van Grevenynghe, S Mehdi Belgnaoui, Thi Lien-Anh Nguyên, Thomas Di Lenardo, O John Semmes, Rongtuan Lin, and John Hiscott
Educational debt: does it have an influence on initial job location and specialty choice?, J Snyder, Guy Martin Nehrenz, R Danielsen, and D Pedersen
Ambulatory Nephrology, Samuel K. Snyder
Ambulatory nephrology. Preface., Samuel K. Snyder
Workup for proteinuria., Samuel K. Snyder and J S. John
Obesity-related kidney disease, Samuel K. Snyder, G A. Turner, and A Turner
HIV Testing and Engagement in Care Among Highly Vulnerable Female Sex Workers: Implications for Treatment as Prevention Models, Hilary L. Surratt, Catherine L. O'Grady, Steven P. Kurtz, Mance E. Buttram, and Maria A. Levi-Minzi
Medication Adherence Challenges Among HIV Positive Substance Abusers: The Role of Food and Housing Insecurity, Hilary L. Surratt, Catherine L. O'Grady, Maria A. Levi-Minzi, and Steven P. Kurtz
Diabetes Foot Education: An Evidence Based Study in Long Term care Settings, Sweta Tewary, Naushira Pandya, and Nicole J. Cook
False Positive and Indeterminate HIV Test Overview, Justin Thomas, Victor A. Jaffe, Judith P. Schaffer, and Jose Abrue