NSU College of Computing and Engineering Faculty Articles | College of Computing and Engineering | Nova Southeastern University
CCE Faculty Articles

CCE Faculty Articles


A selection of faculty scholarship from the College of Computing and Engineering.


Submissions from 1998

Book Review of: Netizens: on the history and impact of Usenet and the Internet, Hauben M., Hauben R. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1997, Laurie P. Dringus

Dynamic Maintenance of Multidimensional Range Data Partitioning for Parallel Data Processing, Junping Sun and William I. Grosky

Submissions from 1997

Boyle, T. (1997). Design for multimedia learning, Gertrude W. Abramson

Hardway, D. & Will, R. (1997). Digital multimedia offers key to educational reform, Gertrude W. Abramson

Telecommunications: Graduate, in-service and faculty use, Gertrude W. Abramson

The editor’s pulpit: Educational applications of cutting-edge technologies, Gertrude W. Abramson

The editor's pulpit: Exemplary interactive software, Gertrude W. Abramson

The editor’s pulpit: School as scavenger hunt, Gertrude W. Abramson

Book Review of: Cooperative office systems, Schill A. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, 1996, Laurie P. Dringus


The HCI Educator’s Open House: A CHI97 Special Interest Group on Exchanging Resources, Delivery Formats, Learning Strategies, and Future Concerns, Laurie P. Dringus and Maxine S. Cohen

Total Least Squares Fitting of Two Point Sets in m-D, Jose A. Ramos and Erik I. Verriest

Mobile Location Tracking by Optimal Paging Zone Partitioning, Junping Sun and Hee C. Lee

Mobility Data Pattern Tracking via Multidimensional Data View Approach, Junping Sun and Hee C. Lee

Multilayered Model Strategy for Optimal Mobile Location Tracking, Junping Sun and Hee C. Lee

Optimal Mobile Location Tracking by Multilayered Model Strategy, Junping Sun and Hee C. Lee

Optimization of Paging Cost in Mobile Switching System by a Genetic Algorithm, Junping Sun and Hee C. Lee

Submissions from 1996

All aboard the Net via the Web, Gertrude W. Abramson

Computers in kindergarten, Gertrude W. Abramson

Fine-tune teaching with a presentation manager, Gertrude W. Abramson

Keys to the future, Gertrude W. Abramson

NECC’96 media and messages: McLuhan revisited, Gertrude W. Abramson

The editor’s pulpit: Accommodating change, Gertrude W. Abramson

The editor’s pulpit: Cyberspace issues and more, Gertrude W. Abramson

The editor’s pulpit: Expanding horizons, Gertrude W. Abramson


Educating HCI practitioners: evaluating what industry needs and academia delivers, Laurie P. Dringus, Andrew Sears, Mary Czerwinski, and Barbara Bernal-Thomas

Three-dimensional computation visualization for computer graphics rendering algorithms, David A. Goldman, Richard R. Eckert, and Maxine S. Cohen

Estimating Infiltration Parameters from Basic Soil Properties, Jose A. Ramos, Dirk Mallants, Jan Feyen, G. Van de Genachte, and J. A. Deckers

Decoupling Change from Design, Michael Van Hilst and David Notkin

Using C++ Templates to Implement Role Based Designs, Michael Van Hilst and David Notkin

Using Role Components in Implement Collaboration-Based Designs, Michael Van Hilst and David Notkin

Submissions from 1995

Authoring systems and constructivist learning, Gertrude W. Abramson

Case study review of Lion King Print Studio, Gertrude W. Abramson

Hypermedia-based teacher education, Gertrude W. Abramson

Review of "A Guide to Usability: Human Factors in Computing", edited by Jenny Preece, Maxine S. Cohen

Review of "Engineering Design: A Synthesis of Views", by Clive L. Dym, Maxine S. Cohen

Increasing Collaboration between Industry and Academia in HCI Education, Maxine S. Cohen, Laurie P. Dringus, Andrew Sears, and Susan B. Hornstein


An iterative usability evaluation procedure for interactive online courses, Laurie P. Dringus


Interface issues associated with using the Internet as a link to online courses, Laurie P. Dringus

An Identification Algorithm for the 2-D Separable-In-Denominator Filter, Jose A. Ramos

State Space Identification of Linear Deterministic Rainfall-Runoff Models, Jose A. Ramos, Dirk Mallants, and Jan Feyen

Submissions from 1994

Helping teachers create high-order, highly-motivating, hypermedia-based learning experiences. Part II: IBM LinkWay, Gertrude W. Abramson

Report on the STATE 94 Conference, Gertrude W. Abramson


WEB teaching networks in Taiwan, Gertrude W. Abramson

A Subspace Algorithm for Identifying 2-D Separable in Denominator Filters, Jose A. Ramos

Submissions from 1993

Academic computing as a learning community, Gertrude W. Abramson

Gayeski, D., ed. (1993). Multimedia for Learning: development, application, evaluation, Gertrude W. Abramson

Linkway features and design, Gertrude W. Abramson

Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT): Education improvement planning conference, Gertrude W. Abramson

STATE, NCATE, ISTE, and STATE 94 Panel, Gertrude W. Abramson

Technology and the teacher education accreditation process, Gertrude W. Abramson

Thalmann, N., ed. (1993). Virtual Worlds and Multimedia, Gertrude W. Abramson

The dilemma of preparing preservice teachers: Sharing ideas at STATE 93, Gertrude W. Abramson

The information processing/keyboarding simulation, Gertrude W. Abramson and Cordelia Twomey

Book Review of: Paradigm shift: the new promise of information technology, Tapscott D. (ed), Caston A. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, NY, 1993, Laurie P. Dringus

A Subspace Algorithm for Balanced State Space System Identification, Jose A. Ramos and Marc Moonen

Dynamic Selectivity Estimation for Multidimensional Queries, Junping Sun, William I. Grosky, and Farshad Fotouhi

Spatial Region Filtering in IRAF PROS, Michael Van Hilst, E. Mandel, J. Roll, D. Schmidt, and R. Burg

Submissions from 1992

Digital images in hypermedia productions, Gertrude W. Abramson

Dologite, D. (1992). Using Computers. Third edition, Gertrude W. Abramson

Helping teachers create high-order, highly-motivating, hypermedia-based learning experiences. Part I: HyperCard (MAC), Gertrude W. Abramson

Luther, A. (1992). Designing Interactive Multimedia, Gertrude W. Abramson

New Dimensions of Learning Technology, Gertrude W. Abramson

New Dimensions of Learning Technology, Gertrude W. Abramson

STATE 92 Conference Overview, Gertrude W. Abramson

Review of "Human-Machine Interactive Systems", edited by Allen Klinger, Maxine S. Cohen

Fast Generation and Display of Iso-Surface Wireframes, Michael J. Laszlo

Computer-based Task Representation: a methodology for improving system design, David G. Payne, Maxine S. Cohen, and Richard E. Pastore

A Process-Oriented Scientific Database model, J. Michael Pratt and Maxine S. Cohen

A Subspace Identification Algorithm for Descriptor Systems, Jose A. Ramos, Marc Moonen, Bart De Moor, and Shaohua Tan

Submissions from 1991

Carmen Sandiego makes learning fun, Gertrude W. Abramson

Liebhold, M. and Hoffert, E. (1991). "Toward an open environment for digital video". Communications of the ACM, 34(3),103‑112, Gertrude W. Abramson

Teacher is the Key in Quality Education, Gertrude W. Abramson

Computerized Task Analysis, Maxine S. Cohen, David G. Payne, and Richard E. Pastore

Modeling the Rainfall-Runoff Process with a Bilinear State-Space Model, Jose A. Ramos, Marc Moonen, and Dirk Mallants

Submissions from 1990

Using a computer tool to build a life skill, Gertrude W. Abramson


Writing to Read Program, Gertrude W. Abramson

A Kalman-Tracking Filter Approach to Nonlinear Programming, Jose A. Ramos

A 2-D Realization Theory for Markov Chains, Jose A. Ramos and Erik I. Verriest

A Fast Algorithm for Finding Global Minima of Error Functions in Layered Neural Networks, Junping Sun, William I. Grosky, and Mohamad H. Hassoun

SAOImage, Michael Van Hilst

Submissions from 1989

Developing effective CBI: essential issues for alpha‑test consideration, Gertrude W. Abramson

Help!, Gertrude W. Abramson

Oral business communication enhanced by video cassette technology, Gertrude W. Abramson

Book review: READINGS IN HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH ed. by Ronald M . Baecker & William A.S. Buxton (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc ., 1987), Maxine S. Cohen

Primitives for the Manipulation of Three-Dimensional Subdivisions, Michael J. Laszlo and David P. Dobkin

A Note on a Cross Riccatian and Related Properties for Symmetric Stochastic Realizations, Jose A. Ramos and Erik I. Verriest

Submissions from 1988


Back to the design table, Gertrude W. Abramson

Ghani, J. A. (1988). "Diffusion of microcomputers in an Academic Community", Computer Education, 12(4), Gertrude W. Abramson

Strengthen teaching with technology: Educational computing at Baruch, Gertrude W. Abramson

Image Tracking Analysis and Simulation, Jose A. Ramos, M. Nadal, and J. R. Roman

Submissions from 1987

Keller, A. (1987). When machines teach: Designing computer courseware, Gertrude W. Abramson

Review of "Empirical Studies of Programmers" by E. Soloway and S. Iyengar, Maxine S. Cohen

A Note on a Cross Riccatian and Related Properties for Symmetric Stochastic Realizations, Jose A. Ramos and Erik I. Verriest

Submissions from 1986

Athey, T. and Zmud, R. (1986); Capron, H. (1987); Dologite, D. (1987); Parker, C. (1987); Sullivan, D, Lewis, T. and Cook, C. (1988); Szymanski, R., Szymanski, D., Morris, N. and Pulschen, D. (1988). Comparative book review: introductory data processing textbooks, Gertrude W. Abramson

Bork, A. (1986). Learning with personal computers, Gertrude W. Abramson

Computing issues for teachers, Gertrude W. Abramson

Gebhardt‑Seele, P. (1986). The computer and the child: a Montessori approach, Gertrude W. Abramson

Holligan, P. (1986). Access to academic networks, Gertrude W. Abramson

Maffei, A.C. (1986). Classroom Computers: a practical guide for effective teaching, Gertrude W. Abramson

Yazdani, M. (1986). "Artificial intelligence and education: a critical overview" in (K. Gill, ed.,, Gertrude W. Abramson