September 27, 2016
Facilitating Innovation in College Environments: The Innov8 Academy
9-27-2016 10:00 AM
9-27-2016 10:20 AM
In general, faculty technology adoption lags behind administration, research, and learning support. The Innov8 Academy was developed at Polk State College to increase faculty confidence and utilization in effectively integrating technology into instruction using the action research process. Innov8 Academy sought to build formal institutional support mechanisms that would encourage self-growth and the widespread implementation of technologies that would impact student learning and success. Program participants attended an intensive four-day summer institute and monthly community of practice sessions. At the conclusion of each cohort, participants shared their findings through a poster session with the entire academic community. Currently, three cohorts completed Innov8 Academy with the fourth cohort in progress. This session will share the implementation process and supporting strategies used to develop the culture of innovation.
Concurrent Session
Institutional level targeted
Higher Ed
Presenter(s) Biography
Nathan Neuman is the Director of Instructional Technology and eLearning at Polk State College. His interests include differentiated teaching strategies, innovation, and CrossFit. He is enrolled in the Organizational Leadership Ed.D. program at Southeastern University.
Kristen Jernigan is the Instruction and eLearning Librarian at Polk State College. Her interests include innovation, gaming, and FYE. She is enrolled in the Instructional Design and Technology Master’s program at the University of Central Florida.
Brian Marchman
Facilitating Innovation in College Environments: The Innov8 Academy
In general, faculty technology adoption lags behind administration, research, and learning support. The Innov8 Academy was developed at Polk State College to increase faculty confidence and utilization in effectively integrating technology into instruction using the action research process. Innov8 Academy sought to build formal institutional support mechanisms that would encourage self-growth and the widespread implementation of technologies that would impact student learning and success. Program participants attended an intensive four-day summer institute and monthly community of practice sessions. At the conclusion of each cohort, participants shared their findings through a poster session with the entire academic community. Currently, three cohorts completed Innov8 Academy with the fourth cohort in progress. This session will share the implementation process and supporting strategies used to develop the culture of innovation.