Florida Distance Learning Association Conference
Join us VIRTUALLY for the FDLA 2024 Conference: Blazing New Paths with Digital Engagement February 7th - 9th, 2024
The Florida Distance Learning Association’s (FDLA) Annual Conference is the premier event for professionals in the distance learning industry in Florida. This year’s fall conference promises to deliver another exciting and informative program that will bring together distance learning practitioners within Florida.
The format of this event allows attendees to learn about relevant topics from many different points of view. Sessions will be targeted to the K-12 audience, higher education, and virtually all distance learning stakeholders. The moderate size makes it possible for attendees to actively participate. This conference is an opportunity to share ideas, learn about distance learning programs and products, and gain a better understanding of the field. Network with other distance learning colleagues and exchange innovative ideas. The FDLA Conference will offer you and your staff keynote speakers, panel discussions, poster sessions, and breakout sessions on current topics and research in online learning, and vendors exhibiting an array of distance learning technologies and services. This conference is for K-12 and higher education administrators and teachers from both public and private online schools/programs. Come be a part of our energetic and growing community of practice!
Browse the contents of Florida Distance Learning Association Conference:
- FDLA 2024: Blazing New Paths with Digital Engagement
- FDLA 2022: Navigating through the Chaos Toward a New Normal
- FDLA 2021 Emerging with New Digital Potentials
- FDLA 2020 Distance Learning: Raising the Bar for K-20
- FDLA 2019 Venture Higher: Expanding the Possibilities of Distance Learning
- FDLA 2017: Driving Distance Learning to Excellence
- FDLA 2016: The Force of Distance Learning: Engagement!
- FDLA 2015: Celebrate Distance Learning: DEVELOP! COLLABORATE! LEAD!
- FDLA 2014: Changing the Game: Testing the Boundaries of Distance Education
- FDLA 2013: In the Cloud and Beyond: Building Community and Expanding Distance Education
- FDLA 2011