September 27, 2016
Flipping your classroom: strategies and tools that work.
9-27-2016 10:00 AM
9-27-2016 10:20 AM
Although the flipped classroom is no longer a new topic, some educators who are reluctant to this approach may be unknowingly implementing it. Conversely, other educators who consider that they have flipped their classrooms, have really not done so. In this presentation, we will discuss definitions of the flipped or inverted classroom. In addition, we will share the strategies and tools that we have used to effectively flip our online college classrooms. Furthermore, an online manual that synthesizes and illustrates these tools will be shared with the audience.
Concurrent Session
Institutional level targeted
Higher Ed
Target Level (additional info)
K-12 teachers could also benefit from this presentation.
Presenter(s) Biography
Dr. Jennifer Reeves is an Associate Professor and the Director of Athletic Administration at the Abraham S. Fischler College of Education (FCE) at Nova Southeastern University. Dr. Reeves received her PhD in Educational Psychology, with emphases in Sport Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and Statistics and Measurement, from Florida State University. Dr. Reeves is chair of the Technology Integration Learning Community at FCE and specializes in research methods, quantitative data analysis, survey design, assessment of student learning, retention, program evaluation, attention and performance, technology integration, online learning communities, and mobile learning. She regularly presents at national conferences and recently had two articles accepted for publication, Online professional development embedded with mobile learning: An examination of teachers’ attitudes, engagement, and dispositions in the British Journal of Educational Technology; and Mobile learning in Pre-kindergarten: Using student feedback to inform practice in the Journal of Educational Technology & Society.
Jennifer Reeves, NSU
Flipping your classroom: strategies and tools that work.
Although the flipped classroom is no longer a new topic, some educators who are reluctant to this approach may be unknowingly implementing it. Conversely, other educators who consider that they have flipped their classrooms, have really not done so. In this presentation, we will discuss definitions of the flipped or inverted classroom. In addition, we will share the strategies and tools that we have used to effectively flip our online college classrooms. Furthermore, an online manual that synthesizes and illustrates these tools will be shared with the audience.