

This paper details one faculty members approach to developing a prototype module for a computer based instruction (CBI) course in foundational neuroscience for physical therapy students. The process was based on the generic instructional systems design model, ADDIE. ADDIE is an acronym for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Each step has an outcome that feeds the subsequent step or results in modification of the prior step in order to reach the desired outcome. The analysis section summarizes the state of the global academic environment in health professions education and the environment at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) where the project took place. Events that led to development of the CBI course module are described and results of a national and local survey analysis to determine the level of interest in a CBI course for foundational neuroscience are reported. The design section outlines formation of the design team for the CBI module and describes the pedagogy of the module. Development explains the rational for determining the mode of CBI delivery, reports the amount of faculty time required for module development, and lists the equipment needed and skills required. Implementation reviews the process employed for peer validation of content and for student editorial feedback. Evaluation consists of a summary pre and post-test of results and qualitative feedback provided by test students.




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