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Volume 22, Number 12 - December 2017
Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Research Skills: A Qualitative Study
Eda Elmas and Selami Aydin
Training Impact on Novice and Experienced Research Coordinators
Linda S. Behar-Horenstein; JoNell Efantis Potter Ph.D.; Alena Prikhidko PhD, candidate; Stephanie Swords MA, CCRP; Stephen Sonstein PhD; and H Robert Kolb RN BS CCRC
Exploring Perceptions of Key Events in a Qualitative Research Class: Applying Some Principles of Collaborative Analytic Inquiry in Practice
Janet C. Richards and Steve Haberlin
In the Light of Shared Words: Collaborative Writing in a Research Study on Student Voice in Spanish Schools
Teresa Susinos Rada, Noelia Ceballos López, and Ángela Saiz Linares
Teaching Students How to Make Their Dreams Come True: An Autoethnography of Developing and Teaching the Dream Research Methods Course
E. James Baesler
Older People in a Community Gospel Choir: Musical Engagement and Social Connection
Dawn Joseph and Jane Southcott
HIV in the Heartland: Experiences of Living with HIV in Urban and Rural Areas of the Midwest
Sarah B. Donley and C. Patrice Lockett
Music to Mend Heartache: Song Choices to Match, Change, and Distract Mood
Rhiannon Kallis and Anna V. Ortiz Juarez-Paz
Reaction to Safety Equipment Technology in the Workplace and Implications: A Study of the Firefighter’s Hood
Brian W. Ward
The Parents’ Values of Early Childhood Education and Care in Russia: Discovering the Dimensions via Coding and Category Clustering
Olga Savinskaya
The Core of Professional Growth in Work-Related Teacher Education
Leena Aarto-Pesonen and Päivi Tynjälä
MyStory: Scary Head…
Gonca Soyer and Mehmet Soyer
How To Articles
Journal Conversations: Building the Research Self-Efficacy of an Aboriginal Early Career Academic
Michelle L. Dickson
Following the Flâneur: The Methodological Possibilities and Applications of Flânerie in New Urban Spaces
Jessica Rizk and Anton Birioukov
An Expose of the Relationship between Paradigm, Method and Design in Research
Godswill Makombe Prof