"Pre-Service Foreign Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Research Skills:" by Eda Elmas and Selami Aydin


While research skills seem significant for effective and successful foreign language teaching and learning, few studies focused on how English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers perceive research skills in the EFL teaching and learning processes. Research also lacks how EFL teachers perceive research skills and to what extent they are aware of the role, teacher as researcher. Thus, this study aims to explore pre-service EFL teachers’ perceptions of research skills for a deeper understanding of how their perceptions of research skills affect or contribute to the teaching and learning processes. The sample group in the study consisted of 44 pre-service EFL teachers studying at a state university. A background questionnaire, diaries, reflections and interviews were the tools to collect qualitative data. Results showed that research activities develop pre-service EFL teachers’ content knowledge, research skills and target language proficiency, while they perceive several problems during the process. The study suggests that research skills should be a must course in pre- and in-service teacher education programs.


English as a Foreign Language, Teachers, Perceptions, Research Skills, Qualitative Research

Author Bio(s)

Eda Elmas is a lecturer in English Preparatory School at Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey. She holds MA degree in English Language and Literature. Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed directly to: edaelmas1@gmail.com.

Selami Aydin, the corresponding author, is an associate professor at the Department of English Language Teaching at Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey. His research has been mainly in EFL writing, language testing, affective factors and technology in EFL learning and teaching. His articles appeared in national and international journals. Aydin teaches ELT courses for pre-service English teachers. Correspondence regarding this article can also be addressed directly to: selami.aydin@medeniyet.edu.tr.

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