NSU Oceanography Faculty Reports | Department of Marine and Environmental Sciences | Nova Southeastern University
Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Reports

Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Reports



Submissions from 2022


Workshops Report for Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Community Fish, Mobile Invertebrates, Sessile Invertebrates and Infauna, Rachel Bassett, Stacey L. Harter, Randy Clark, Ian Zink, Katherine Hornick, Jennifer Hart, Hanna Bliska, Melissa Carle, Tracey Sutton, Amanda Demopoulos, Andy David, Kristopher Benson, Jill Bourque, Martha Nizinski, Nancy Prouty, Stephanie Sharuga, Alicia Caporaso, Jennifer Le, Jennifer Herting, Cheryl Morrison, and Matthew Poti


A Review of Impact Assessments for Deep-Sea Fisheries on the High Seas, Laura Kaikkonen, Lissette Victorero, Matthew Gianni, Teresa Amaro, Sofia Graça Aranha, Peter J. Auster, David M. Bailey, James Bell, Angelika Brandt, Jeff Drazen, Malcolm R. Clark, Cherisse Du Preez, Isa Elegbede Olalekan, Elva Escobar-Briones, Eva Giacomello, Kerry L. Howell, Andrew F. Johnson, Lisa Levin, Lucien Maloueki, Rosanna J. Milligan, Tina N. Molodtsova, Stephen Oduware, Tabitha R R Pearman, Christopher K. Pham, Sofia P. Ramalho, Ashley A. Rowden, Tracey Sutton, Michelle Taylor, Les Watling, and Patience Whitten

Submissions from 2020


Critical Habitats and Biodiversity: Inventory, Thresholds and Governance, Alex Rogers, Octavio Aburto-Oropeza, Ward Appeltans, Jorge Assis, Lisa T. Ballance, Philippe Cury, Carlos M. Duarte, Fabio Favoretto, Joy Kumagai, Catherine Lovelock, Patricia Miloslavich, Aidi Niamir, David Obura, Bethan C. O'Leary, Gabriel Reygondeau, Callum Roberts, Yvonne Sadovy, Tracey Sutton, Derek P. Tittensor, and Enriqueta Velarde


Cruise Report: EX-17-11 Gulf of Mexico 2017 (ROV and Mapping), Michael P. White, Brian R. C. Kennedy, Diva Amon, Charles G. Messing, and Alexandra M. Avila

Submissions from 2018


Southeast Florida Reef-Wide Post-Irma Coral Disease Surveys, Brian K. Walker


Southeast Florida Large (>2 Meter) Diseased Coral Colony Intervention Summary Report, Brian K. Walker and Alysha Brunelle

Submissions from 2017


Fishes of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge Collected During the MAR-ECO Cruise in June-July 2004: An Annotated Checklist, Filipe M. Porteiro, Tracey Sutton, Ingvar Byrkjedal, Alexy M. Orlov, Mikko Heino, Gui Menezes, and Odd Aksel Bergstad


Characterize the Condition of Previously Known and Newly Identified Large Dense Acropora cervicornis Patches in Southeast Florida, Brian K. Walker

Submissions from 2016


Science-Based Policy Plan for Australia's Coral Reefs, David Booth, Lauren Nadler, Steve Doo, Elizabeth Madin, and Sue-Ann Watson


North American Botanic Garden Strategy for Plant Conservation 2016-2020, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, American Public Gardens Association, Asociacion Mexicana de Jardines, Center for Plant Conservation, Plant Conservation Alliance, Pam Allenstein, Robert Bye, Jennifer Ceska, John Clark, Jenny Cruse-Sanders, Gerard Donnelly, Christopher Dunn, Anne Frances, David Galbraith, Jordan Golubov, Gennadyi Gurman, Kayri Havens, Abby Hird Meyer, Douglas Justice, Edelmira Linares, Maria Magdalena Hernandez, Beatriz Maruri Aguilar, Mike Maunder, Ray Mims, Greg Mueller, Jennifer Ramp Neale, Martin Nicholson, Ari Novy, Susan Pell, John J. Pipoly III, Diane Ragone, Peter Raven, Erin Riggs, Kate Sackman, Emiliano Sanchez Martinez, Suzanne Sharrock, Casey Sclar, Paul Smith, Murphy Westwood, Rebecca Wolf, and Peter Wyse Jackson

Submissions from 2015


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Fishery-Independent Baseline Assessment, Kirk Kilfoyle, Brian K. Walker, Dana P. Fisco, Steven G. Smith, and Richard E. Spieler


Can Indoor Plants Clean a Sick Building?, John J. Pipoly III

FL-Friendly Container Gardening, John J. Pipoly III

Florida-Friendly Butterfly Gardening, John J. Pipoly III


ADCP Mooring System on the Southeast Florida Shelf, Alexander Soloviev, Cayla Whitney Dean, Robert H. Weisberg, Mark E. Luther, and Jon Wood


FDOU Project 26A Part 5 Task 1 - Our Florida Reefs (OFR) Survey Outreach Efforts, Brian K. Walker and Amanda Rose Costaregni


Southeast Florida Large Coral Assessment 2015, Brian K. Walker and Katelyn Klug

Submissions from 2014


Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP) Local Action Strategy (LAS) Project 3B “Southeast Florida Coral Reef Fishery-Independent Baseline Assessment” – 2012-2013 Interim Report, Kirk Kilfoyle, Brian K. Walker, Steven G. Smith, and Richard E. Spieler

Florida-Friendly Landscaping(Tm) Right Plant, Right Place; Integrated Pest Management; and Attracting Wildlife, John J. Pipoly III


Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping(Tm), John J. Pipoly III

Landscape Mulches, Recycling Yard Waste, and Fertilizing Appropriately, Adam Pitcher and John J. Pipoly III


Southeast Florida Shallow-Water Habitat Mapping & Coral Reef Community Characterization, Brian K. Walker and Katelyn Klug

Submissions from 2013


Florida Keys Population Abundance Estimates for Nine Coral Species Proposed for Listing Under the U.S. Endangered Species Act, Steven Miller, William F. Precht, Leanne M. Rutten, and Mark Chiappone


Scottish Nephrops Survey Phase III: Evaluation of Measures for Reducing Bycatch and Discards in a Nephrops Fishery, Rosanna Milligan, Amaya Albalat, and Douglas Neil


Integrated Conceptual Ecosystem Model Development for the Southeast Florida Coastal Marine Ecosystem, William K. Nuttle (editor), Pamela J. Fletcher (editor), Kenneth Banks, Christopher Bergh, Joseph N. Boyer, Thomas P. Carsey, David S. Gilliam, Christopher R. Kelble, Donna J. Lee, Thomas N. Lee, David K. Loomis, Frank E. Marshall, Peter B. Ortner, and Bernhard Riegl


Florida-Friendly Shrubs for Perimeter Plantings, John J. Pipoly III and Sandra L. Granson


Shrubs Recommended for Use as Perimeter Plantings (Informal or Formal Hedge) in South Florida, John J. Pipoly III and Sandra L. Granson


Accuracy Assessment of NOAA's Florida Keys Benthic Habitat Map, Brian K. Walker, Ian Rodericks, and Amanda Costaregni

Submissions from 2012


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2011 Year 9 Final Report, David S. Gilliam


Assessment of Natural Resource Condition in and Adjacent to the Dry Tortugas National Park, Christopher F.G. Jeffrey, Sarah D. Hile, Christine M. Addison, Jerald Ault, Carolyn Currin, Don Field, Nicole D. Fogarty, Jiangang Luo, Vanessa McDonough, Doug Morrison, Gregory A. Piniak, Varis Ransibrahmanakul, Steve G. Smith, and Shay Viehman


Deep-Water Benthic Habitat Characterization and Cable Impact Assessment for the South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF), Charles Messing, Brian K. Walker, and John K. Reed


Characterization of Benthic Communities, Gregory A. Piniak, Shay Viehman, Christine M. Addison, and Nicole D. Fogarty


Siting Study for a Hydrokinetic Energy Project Located Offshore Southeastern Florida: Protocols for Survey Methodology for Offshore Marine Hydrokinetic Energy Projects, Charles Vinick, Charles Messing, Brian K. Walker, John K. Reed, and Stephanie Rogers


Characterizing and Determining the Extent of Coral Reefs and Associated Resources in Southeast Florida through the Acquisition of High-Resolution Bathymetry and Benthic Habitat Mapping, Brian K. Walker, Amanda Costaregni, Ian Rodericks, Greg Lewis, and Nick Gadbois

Submissions from 2011


Boynton-Delray Coastal Water Quality Monitoring Program, Thomas P. Carsey, Charles M. Featherstone, Kelly D. Goodwin, Christopher D. Sinigalliano, S. Jack Stamates, Jia-Zhong Zhang, John Proni, Joseph R. Bishop, Cheryl J. Brown, Madeleine M. Adler, Patricia Blackwelder, and Husain Alsayegh


Benthic Habitat Characterization for the South Florida Ocean Measurement Facility (SFOMF), David S. Gilliam and Brian K. Walker


Caribbean Acropora Restoration Guide: Best Practices for Propagation and Population Enhancement, Meaghan E. Johnson, Caitlin Lustic, Erich Bartels, Iliana B. Baums, David S. Gilliam, Elizabeth Anne Larson, Diego Lirman, Margaret W. Miller, Ken Nedimyer, and S. Schopmeyer


Sampling methods for Acropora corals, other benthic coral reef organisms, and marine debris in the Florida Keys: Field protocol manual for 2011-2012 assessments, Steven Miller, Leanne M. Rutten, and Mark Chiappone

Submissions from 2010


2010 Tropical Coral Reefs (Appendix 10), Joana Figueiredo


Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) Habitat Utilization in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Florida Straits with Implications on Vulnerability to Shallow-Set Pelagic Longline Gear, David W. Kerstetter, Shannon Michael Bayse, and John E. Graves


Marine Resources of the Falklands' Shallow Marine Environment, Karen L. Neely, Paul Brickle, and Vladimir Laptikhovsky


Standardized Catch Rates of Sandbar Sharks and Dusky Sharks in the VIMS Longline Survey: 1975-2009, Jason G. Romine, Kristene T. Parsons, R. Dean Grubbs, John A. Musick, and Tracey Sutton


Development and Evaluation of Methods for Surveying Fish Populations in Nearshore Waters, Philip Smith, Ian Burrett, David Bailey, Francis Neat, David Donnan, Katherine Dunlop, James Thorburn, Rosanna Milligan, Steve Bastiman, and Jane Dodd


A Study to Minimize or Eliminate Hardbottom and Reef Impacts from Anchoring Activities in Designated Anchorages at the Ports of Miami and Palm Beach, Brian K. Walker

Submissions from 2009


Spatial Distribution of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Sediment Cores from Blind Pass, St. Pete Beach, Florida, Charles M. Featherstone, John Proni, Thomas P. Carsey, Cheryl J. Brown, Madeleine M. Adler, Patricia Blackwelder, Husain Alsayegh, Teresa A. Hood, Christina Piela, and Donald S. McCorquodale Jr.


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2008 Year 6 Final Report, David S. Gilliam


Benthic Habitat Mapping of Miami-Dade County: Visual Interpretation of LADS Bathymetry and Aerial Photography, Brian K. Walker


Accuracy Assessment and Monitoring for NOAA Florida Keys Mapping AA ROI-1 (Hawk Channel Near American Shoal), Brian K. Walker and Greg Foster

Submissions from 2008


The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of Southeast Florida, Chantal Collier, Rob Ruzicka, Ken Banks, Luiz Barbieri, Jeff Beal, David Bingham, James Bohnsack, Sandra Brooke, Nancy Craig, Richard E. Dodge, Lou Fisher, Nick Gadbois, David S. Gilliam, Lisa Gregg, Todd Kellison, Vladimir Kosmynin, Brian Lapointe, Erin McDevitt, Janet Phipps, Nikki Poulos, John Proni, Patrick Quinn, Bernhard Riegl, Richard E. Spieler, Joanna Walczak, Brian K. Walker, and Denise Warrick


The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of Southeast Florida, Chantal Collier, Rob Ruzicka, Kenneth Banks, Luiz Barbieri, Jeff Beal, David Bingham, James A. Bohnsack, Sandra Brooke, Nancy Craig, Richard E. Dodge (editor), Louis E. Fisher, Nick Gadbois, David S. Gilliam, Lisa Gregg, Todd Kellison, Vladimir N. Kosmynin, Brian Lapointe, Erin McDevitt, Janet Phipps, Nikki Poulos, John Proni, Patrick Quinn, Bernhard Riegl, Richard E. Spieler, Joanna Walczak, Brian K. Walker, and Denise Warrick


Critical Review of the Literature on Marine Mammal Population Modelling, Edward O. Keith


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2007 Year 5 Final Report, Jennifer Wheaton, Michael Callahan, Jeff Beal, Chantal Collier, Laura Herren, Jamie Monty, Joanna Walczak, David S. Gilliam, Vanessa I. P. Brinkhuis, Allison S. Brownlee, Daniel P. Fahy, Shaun M. Gill, Elizabeth Goergen, Jenna R. Lueg, Lindsey Habakuk Klink, M. A. Philips, Nicole R. Stephens, Adam T. St. Gelais, Brian K. Walker, Richard E. Dodge, Tim McIntosh, Steven Blair, Kenneth Banks, Louis E. Fisher, David Stout, Joe Ligas, and Janet Phipps

Submissions from 2007


Rapid Response and Restoration for Coral Reef Injuries in Southeast Florida: Guidelines and Recommendations, Chantal Collier, Richard E. Dodge, David S. Gilliam, Kelly Gracie, Lisa Gregg, Walter Jaap, Mike Mastry, and Nikki Poulos


Post-Release Survival of Sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) Captured on Commercial Pelagic Longline Gear in the Southern Gulf of Mexico, David W. Kerstetter and John E. Graves


Joint United States-Brazil Billfish Research in the Western South Atlantic, David W. Kerstetter, Fabio H.V. Hazin, J. C. Pacheco, and John E. Graves


Preliminary Results of Circle and J-Style Hook Comparisons in the Brazilian Pelagic Longline Fishery, David W. Kerstetter, J. C. Pacheco, Fabio H.V. Hazin, P. E. Travassos, and John E. Graves


Development of GIS Maps for Southeast Florida Coral Reefs, Bernhard Riegl, Brian K. Walker, Greg Foster, and Kristy Foster


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2006 Year 4 Final Report, Jennifer Wheaton, Carl Beaver, Sandra Brooks, Michael Callahan, Shannon Wade, Jeff Beal, Chantal Collier, Laura Herren, Jamie Monty, David S. Gilliam, Vanessa I. P. Brinkhuis, Daniel P. Fahy, Shaun M. Gill, Lindsey Habakuk Klink, M. A. Philips, Nicole R. Stephens, Brian K. Walker, Joanna C. Walczak, Richard E. Dodge, Tim McIntosh, Steven Blair, Kenneth Banks, Louis E. Fisher, David Stout, Joe Ligas, and Janet Phipps

Submissions from 2006


Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Broward County, FL 2006 Report, Curtis M. Burney and Stefanie Ouellette


Some Preservation Techniques for (Deep Water) Coral Samples for Subsequent Molecular Studies: A Special Supplement from Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Jose V. Lopez

Calypso U.S. Pipeline, LLC, Mile Post (MP) 31 - MP 0: Deep-Water Marine Benthic Video Survey, Charles Messing, Brian K. Walker, Richard E. Dodge (editor), and John K. Reed

Calypso LNG Deepwater Port Project, Florida: Marine Benthic Video Survey, Charles Messing, Brian K. Walker, Richard E. Dodge, John K. Reed, and Sandra Brooke


A Fish Habitat Classification Model for the Upper and Middle Sections of the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, C. K. Minns, Andrea Bernard, C. N. Bakelaar, and M. Ewaschuk


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2005 Year 3 Final Report, Jennifer Wheaton, Carl Beaver, Walter Jaap, Michael Callahan, Selena Kupfner, Shannon Wade, David S. Gilliam, B. D. Ettinger, Daniel P. Fahy, Shaun M. Gill, Lindsey Habakuk Klink, Jamie A. Monty, M. A. Philips, Lauren F. Shuman, Nicole R. Stephens, Brian K. Walker, Joanna C. Walczak, Richard E. Dodge, Tim McIntosh, Steven Blair, Kenneth Banks, Louis E. Fisher, David Stout, Joe Ligas, and Janet Phipps


Sponges of Navassa, Janie L. Wulff and Timothy D. Swain

Submissions from 2005


The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of Florida, Katherine Andrews (ed.), Larry Nall (ed.), Chris Jeffrey (ed.), Simon Pittman (ed.), Kenneth Banks, Carl Beaver, James A. Bohnsack, Richard E. Dodge, David S. Gilliam, Walter Jaap, Brian Keller, V. R. Leeworthy, Tom Matthews, Ramon Ruiz-Carus, Deborah Santavy, Richard E. Spieler, Jerald Ault, Gabriel Delgado, Fleur M. Ferro, Carol R. Fretwell, Bill Goodwin, Doug Harper, John Hunt, Margaret Miller, Christy Pattengil-Semmens, Bill Sharp, Steve Smith, Jennifer Wheaton, and Dana Williams


Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Broward County, FL 2005 Report, Curtis M. Burney and Stefanie Ouellette


The Marine Fishes of Broward County, Florida: Final Report of 1998-2002 Survey Results, Fleur M. Ferro, Lance K. B. Jordan, and Richard E. Spieler


Development of an Underwater Infrared Camera to Detect Manatees, Edward O. Keith


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2004 Year 2 Final Report, Jennifer Wheaton, Carl Beaver, Walter Jaap, Michael Callahan, Selena Kupfner, Shannon Wade, Jim Kidney, Stopher Slade, Erin McDevitt, Eric Ault, Fred Voss, David S. Gilliam, B. D. Ettinger, Daniel P. Fahy, Elizabeth Glynn Fahy, Shaun M. Gill, Jamie A. Monty, Lauren F. Shuman, Brian K. Walker, Richard E. Dodge, Tim McIntosh, Steven Blair, Kenneth Banks, Louis E. Fisher, David Stout, Joe Ligas, and Janet Phipps

Submissions from 2004


Status Of Coral Reefs In The U.S. Caribbean And Gulf Of Mexico: Florida, Flower Garden Banks, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Navassa., Katherine Andrews, Jenny Wheaton, Larry Nall, Carl Beaver, Walt Jaap, Brian Keller, V. R. Leeworthy, J. A. Bohnsack, Tom Matthews, Jerald Ault, Fleur Ferro, Gabriel Delgado, Dough Harper, John Hunt, Bill Sharp, Christy Pattengil-Semmens, Steve Smith, Richard E. Spieler, Richard E. Dodge, David S. Gilliam, Bill Goodwin, George Schmahl, Emma Hickerson, Jorge R. Garcia, Craig Lilyestrom, Richard Appeldoorn, Andy Bruckner, Ernest Williams, Christopher F.G. Jeffrey, Ursula Alauf, Alan Friedlander, Caroline Rogers, Jeff Miller, James Beets, Richard Nemeth, Steve Herzlieb, Violeta Mayor, Wesley Toller, Zandy Hillis-Starr, Sheri Caseau, and Margaret Miller


Microfauna as Tracers of Sediment Transport: Ft. Pierce Dredge Spoils Sediment Study, Patricia Blackwelder, Carlos Alvares Zarikian, Terry Hood, Charles M. Featherstone, John Proni, and Jules Craynock


Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Broward County, FL 2004 Report, Curtis M. Burney and Stefanie Ouellette


Habitat Preferences and Diving Behavior of White Marlin (Tetrapturus albidus) Released from the Recreational Rod-and-Reel and Commercial Pelagic Longline Fisheries in the Western North Atlantic Ocean: Implications for Habitat-Based Stock Assessment Models, Andrij Horodysky, David W. Kerstetter, and John E. Graves


Preliminary Gear Comparison between 16/0 and 18/0 Sizes Non-Offset Circle Hooks in the Southeastern U.S. Coastal Pelagic Longline Directed Swordfish Fishery, David Kerstetter


NCRI Work and Projects: Abstracts of Oral Presentations and Scientific Poster Presentations, National Coral Reef Institute (NCRI)


Coral Reef Status in the ROPME Sea Area: Arabian/Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman and Arabian Sea, Hamid Rezai, Simon P. Wilson, Michel Claereboudt, and Bernhard Riegl


Development of GIS Maps for Southeast Florida Coral Reefs, Bernhard Riegl, Brian K. Walker, Ryan P. Moyer, Luz Hernandez-Cruz, Greg Foster, and Christy Foster


Southeast Florida Coral Reef Evaluation and Monitoring Project 2003 Year 1 Final Report, Jennifer Wheaton, Carl Beaver, Walter Jaap, Michael Callahan, Selena Kupfner, Shannon Wade, Jim Kidney, Stopher Slade, Erin McDevitt, Eric Ault, Fred Voss, David S. Gilliam, B. D. Ettinger, Daniel P. Fahy, Elizabeth Glynn Fahy, Shaun M. Gill, Jamie A. Monty, Lauren F. Shuman, Brian K. Walker, Richard E. Dodge, Tim McIntosh, Steven Blair, Kenneth Banks, Louis E. Fisher, David Stout, Joe Ligas, and Janet Phipps

Submissions from 2003


Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Broward County, FL 2003 Report, Curtis M. Burney and Stefanie Ouellette


Marine Biological Monitoring in Broward County, Florida: Year 3 Annual Report, David S. Gilliam, Richard Dodge, Richard E. Spieler, Lance K. B. Jordan, and Jamie A. Vernacchio


Habitat Standardization of CPUE Indices: Research Needs, C. Phillip Goodyear, David Die, David W. Kerstetter, Donald Olson, Eric Prince, and Gerald P. Scott


Habitat Preferences of Istiophorid Billfishes in the Western North Atlantic: Applicability of Archival Tag Data to Habitat-Based Stock Assessment Methodologies, John E. Graves, David W. Kerstetter, Brian E. Luckhurst, and Eric D. Prince


The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2002, Donna D. Turgeon, Rebecca G. Asch, Billy Causey, Richard E. Dodge, Walter Jaap, Kenneth Banks, Joanne Delaney, Brian Keller, Richard E. Spieler, Cruz A. Matos, Jorge R. Garcia, Ernesto Diaz, Don Catanzaro, Caroline Rogers, Zandy Hillis-Starr, Richard Nemeth, Herman Taylor, Marcia Taylor, George P. Schmahl, Margaret W. Miller, David A. Gulko, James E. Maragos, Alan Friedlander, Cynthia L. Hunter, Russell E. Brainard, Peter Craig, Robert H. Richmond, Gerry W. Davis, John Starmer, Michael Trianni, Peter Houk, Charles E. Birkeland, Ahser Edward, Yimnang Golbuu, Jay Gutierrez, Noah Idechong, James E. Maragos, Gustav Paulay, Andrew Tafileichig, and Nancy Vander Velde

Submissions from 2002


Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Broward County, FL 2002 Report, Curtis M. Burney and Stefanie Ouellette


Status of Coral Reefs in the US Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico: Florida, Texas, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands and Navassa, Billy Causey, Joanne Delaney, Ernesto Diaz, Richard E. Dodge, Jorge R. Garcia, Jamie Higgins, Walter Jaap, Cruz A. Matos, George P. Schmahl, Caroline Rogers, Margaret W. Miller, and Donna D. Turgeon


Sea Stewards: A Volunteer Ecological Monitoring Program, Nicole D. Fogarty and Mary Enstrom


Marine Biological Monitoring in Broward County, Florida: Year 2 Annual Report, David S. Gilliam, Richard Dodge, Richard E. Spieler, Susan L. Thornton, and Lance K. B. Jordan


Boater Manatee Awareness System, Edward O. Keith


Chiasmodontidae: Swallowers., J. D. McEachran and Tracey Sutton


Memphis Project Annual Report: July 2001 - July 2002, Richard E. Spieler and T. Patrick Quinn


Zooplankton, Tracey Sutton and Scott E. Burghart

Submissions from 2001


Sea Turtle Conservation Program, Broward County, FL 2001 Report, Curtis M. Burney and Stefanie Ouellette


Biological Survey Report for the Calypso Natural Gas Pipeline: Shore Approach Route North of Port Everglades Entrance Channel with Landing South of Port Everglades Entrance Channel, Richard E. Dodge, Susan L. Thornton, David S. Gilliam, and Richard Shaul


Marine Biological Monitoring in Broward County, Florida: Year 1 Annual Report, David S. Gilliam, Richard E. Dodge, Richard E. Spieler, Susan L. Thornton, and Lance K. B. Jordan


Biological Assessment of Artificial Reef Materials: Concrete Aggregates and Quarry Stone, Richard E. Spieler


Biological Assessment of Artificial Reef Materials: Concrete Aggregates and Quarry Stone, Richard E. Spieler


Broward County Proposed Beach Renourishment: Fishes FINAL REPORT, Richard E. Spieler


Fish Census of Selected Artificial Reefs in Broward County, Richard E. Spieler


Memphis Project Annual Report July 2000 - July 2001, Richard E. Spieler and T. Patrick Quinn