"The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of Southeast Florida" by Chantal Collier, Rob Ruzicka et al.

Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Reports


Chantal Collier, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Coral Reef Conservation Program
Rob Ruzicka, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Kenneth Banks, Natural Resources Planning & Management Division, Broward CountyFollow
Luiz Barbieri, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Jeff Beal, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
David Bingham, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
James A. Bohnsack, NOAA, Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Sandra Brooke, Ocean Research and Conservation Association
Nancy Craig, Broward County Environmental Protection Department
Richard E. Dodge (editor), Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic CenterFollow
Louis E. Fisher, Broward County Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department
Nick Gadbois, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
David S. Gilliam, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic CenterFollow
Lisa Gregg, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Todd Kellison, NOAA, Southeast Fisheries Science Center
Vladimir N. Kosmynin, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Brian Lapointe, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Inc
Erin McDevitt, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Janet Phipps, Palm Beach County Environmental Resource Management
Nikki Poulos, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Coral Reef Conservation Program
John Proni, NOAA, Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory
Patrick Quinn, Broward County Environmental Protection Department
Bernhard Riegl, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic CenterFollow
Richard E. Spieler, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic CenterFollow
Joanna Walczak, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Brian K. Walker, Nova Southeastern University Oceanographic CenterFollow
Denise Warrick, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Document Type


Publication Date


Report Number

NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 73

Publication Title

The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States: 2008


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