"Calypso U.S. Pipeline, LLC, Mile Post (MP) 31 - MP 0: Deep-Water Marin" by Charles Messing, Brian K. Walker et al.

Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Reports


Calypso U.S. Pipeline, LLC, Mile Post (MP) 31 - MP 0: Deep-Water Marine Benthic Video Survey

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Natural Gas Pipelines, Surveys


The benthic video survey carried out for the Calypso U.S. Pipeline examined ~50 nm of linear transects of the seafloor off Fort Lauderdale, FL, along the permitted pipeline track and, where hard-bottom habitats were encountered, in adjacent segments 150 ft to the north and south of the pipeline track, using.the US Navy’s Television Observed Nautical Grappling System (TONGS) remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The survey was conducted from 11 to 15 May 2006.

Publication Title

Calypso U.S. Pipeline, LLC

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