"The State of Coral Reef Ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Fr" by Donna D. Turgeon, Rebecca G. Asch et al.

Marine & Environmental Sciences Faculty Reports

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Coral Reefs, Ecosystems, Conservation of Natural Resources, United States, Coral Reef Monitoring, Management, Status Report


Called for by the U.S. Coral Reef Task Force’s (USCRTF) National Action Plan to Conserve Coral Reefs, this is the first biennial report on the condition of coral reefs. It is the scientific baseline for subsequent reports on the health of U.S. coral reef ecosystems that are to be used by NOAA and others to evaluate the efficacy of coral reef conservation and management practices. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Ocean Service led the development of this report. It was authored by 38 experts and supported by 79 contributors from government agencies and non-governmental organizations across the nation and internationally. Over 100 Task Force members and other notable scientists have reviewed this document.

Publication Title

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration In Cooperation with Partners from Federal, State, Territorial, and Commonwealth Agencies, and the Pacific Freely Associated States