Department of Speech Language Pathology Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.

Department of Speech Language Pathology Proceedings, Presentations, Posters, Speeches, Lectures, etc.



Submissions from 2012

Modified Evans Blue Dye Test: Integrating Evidence and Experience, Jennifer M. Pusins

Prader-Willi Syndrome: It’s About More Than Just Food., Jennifer M. Pusins

Sotos Syndrome: A Diagnostic Approach for a Pediatric Patient, Jennifer M. Pusins

Effective AAC use in the classroom., Carole Zangari

Effective AAC use in the classroom., Carole Zangari

Supporting AAC practitioners using online tools and strategies, Carole Zangari

The AAC trajectory of an individual with auditory dyssynchrony and visual impairment following brain herniation, Carole Zangari

Weekend with the Experts: Full day workshop for florida Department of Education entitled making it work, Carole Zangari

Weekend with the Experts: Full day workshop for florida Departments of eductaion entitled making it work, Carole Zangari

A curricular approach to core language instruction for prekindergarten children, Carole Zangari and T. Paiva

Look who's talking, Carole Zangari and T. Paiva

Invited Division 12 short course on practical strategies for building vocabulary in students who use AAC., Carole Zangari and G. Soto

Submissions from 2011

Challenging Patients with VPD, Tambi Braun

Medical and Educational Collabroration for resonance and voice disorders, Tambi Braun

Understanding Differential Diagnosis and Appropriate, Tambi Braun

Understanding Differential Diagnosis and Appropriate Treatment in the Craniofacial Population, Tambi Braun

Introduction to Assistive Technology, S. J. Campbell and J. I. Mongiovi

Boardmaker Studio: Hands-On Workshop, S. J. Campbell and Steven P. Vertz

Survey Results: Students Perceptiona of an Asynchronous Online Videofluroscopic Lab, Fred DiCarlo

Go Diego, Go! Implications for Krashen’s Theory of Second Language Learning, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and B. Chapman

A Diagnostic Approach for a Pediatric Patient with Prader- Willi Syndrome, Jennifer M. Pusins

Velocardiofacial Syndrome: A Case Report, Jennifer M. Pusins

How to Volunteer Even With a Busy Schedule, Rachel M. Williams

Resume Writing and Preparing for the Interview Process, Rachel M. Williams

Teaching AAC in the online environment : Methods, challenges, & opportunities, Carole Zangari

Using visual supports for museum visits by children with autism spectrum disorders., Carole Zangari, R. Parker, S. Kabot, R. Garcia, and E. Feldman

Robust vocabulary instruction for children with AAC needs, Carole Zangari and G. Soto

Lets talk! Using literacy activities to develop core languages in preschoolers with ASD & AAC needs, Carole Zangari and L. Wise

Submissions from 2010

The Importance of the caregivers in the transition of children with carniofacial anomalies to new craniofacial teams and schools, Tambi Braun

Cool Tools: Introduction to Assistive Technology in the Classroom, S. J. Campbell, E. B. Sacco, and Steven P. Vertz

Cleft Lip and Palate: SLP's Role. The First 10 years (3-hours), Hélène R. Fisher

Benefits of the Fiber Optic versus Electret Microphone in Voice Amplification, K. Kyriakou and Hélène R. Fisher

Benefits of the Fiber optic versus the Electret Microphone in VoiceAmplification, K. Kyriakou and Hélène R. Fisher

The Efficacy of Treatment of Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and T. O. Chapman

Meeting the Challenges of Critical Thinking, Formative Assessment and Juggling 12 Balls in the Air, E. McCrea and Wren S. Newman

Individual differences and the supervisory relationship, Wren S. Newman

Supervision, ethics, and the law, Wren S. Newman

An Overview of the Supervisory Process, Rachel M. Williams

How To Get Involved with NSSLHA, FLASHA and ASHA, Rachel M. Williams

Practically Speaking: AAC options for individuals with TBI., Carole Zangari

Submissions from 2009

Current Trends in team care and speech therapy for children with craniofacialanomales, Tambi Braun

Development in a Child with 4P Deletion (Wolf-Hirschhorn Sysdrome), Tambi Braun

Using Drawings and journaling to improve the role of children with VPI in their speechassessments and therapy before and after secondary surgeries, Tambi Braun

Velophartngeal Closure During Nasoendoscopy with occluded and Un- Occluded Fistulae and Residual Clefts. Symbolization Stimulation to Promote Language., Tambi Braun

Therapeutic Interventions for Dysphagia as Guided, Fred DiCarlo

Cleft Palate and VPD (3 hours), Hélène R. Fisher

Velopharyngeal Surrender and Speech Therapy for Resonance and Articulation Disorders Associated with VPD, Hélène R. Fisher

Past, present and future, S. Ginsberg, E. McCrea, and Wren S. Newman

Student Retention: Enhancing Success of Students of Color through Research Mentoring, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and R. Mayo

COUNT: Facilitating successful externship experiences, Wren S. Newman and L. O'Connor

Tools for the first time supervisor, Wren S. Newman, S. Victor, and E. Zylla-Jones

Verb-form regularity and tense-aspect frequency facilitate copula verb production in Spanish agrammatism, Barbara O'Connor Wells; L. K, Obler; and M. Goral

Verb-form regularity and tense-aspect frequency in bilingual Spanish-speakers with agrammatism, Barbara O'Connor Wells, L. K. Obler, and M. Goral

Dealing with People with Diplomacy, Elizabeth Roberts

AAC instructional pathways, S. Stuart, Carole Zangari, J. Higginbotham, and C. Rittenthauer

Phonemic Awareness Activities, Steven P. Vertz

Visual Supports in the Elementary School, Steven P. Vertz

Different Wok Settings Panel, Rachel M. Williams

Gain the Knowledge: The Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP.D.), Rachel M. Williams

How to Get Involved with ASHA, NSSLHA, and FLASHA, Rachel M. Williams

Principles of Supervision, Rachel M. Williams

To See Ourselves as Others See Us, Rachel M. Williams

AAC Roundtable, Carole Zangari

Language intervention for students with AAC Needs, Carole Zangari, G. Soto, M. Banajee, and C. Binger

Submissions from 2008

A Quick overview of anatomy and Physiology of cleft lip & Palate & Velopharyngeal Dysfunction, Tambi Braun

Graduate Students Perceptions of Gays and Lesbians, Fred DiCarlo and S. Victor

P.i.N.C.H.: An Experimental Speech Therapy Technique to Reduce velopharyngeal Surrender,, Hélène R. Fisher

Velopharyngeal Dysfunction (VPD), Hypernasality and a Physiological Phenomenon, "Velopharyngeal Surrender, Hélène R. Fisher

VPD, Hypernasality, and a Phenomenon called Velopharyngeal Surrender, Hélène R. Fisher

Frequency, form-regularity and semantic effects in agrammatism: Evidence from Spanish ser and estar, Barbara O'Connor Wells

Grand rounds in AAC, P. Ourand, J. Coatello, I. Fishman, L. Ball, and C. Zangari

HCPS, USF and RtI (Response to Intervention): A Pilot Program, Steven P. Vertz

Phonemic Awareness and the Speech-Language Pathologist, Steven P. Vertz

ASHA Leadership Development Program Part One: Past, Present & Future, Rachel M. Williams

Diversity Training Workshop, Rachel M. Williams

Multicultural Competence: Enhancing Your Therapeutic Repertoire, Rachel M. Williams

Professional Leadership: An Introduction to the Pathway of Association Involvement, Rachel M. Williams

Growth in narrative language in a child who uses AAC., Carole Zangari

Patterns on engagement and learning outcomes in online graduate courses, Carole Zangari

Submissions from 2007

A look at supervision in the 21st century, C. Baron, J. Brown, B. Conrad, Wren S. Newman, and L. O'Connor

Idioms in the mental lexicon: Evidence from idiom production of younger and older adults, P. C. Conner, J. Hyun, I. Anema, Barbara O'Connor Wells, D. Rubino, M. Goral, and L. K. Obler

Age related differences in strategies for idiom production, P. S. Conner, J. Hyun, R. Kuckuk, I. Anema, M. Goral, Barbara O'Connor Wells, D. Rubino, and L. K. Obler

A Voice Therapy Session for Hyperfunctional Voice Disorders (2-hour workshop), Hélène R. Fisher

Cleft Palate, VPI and Craniofacial Anomalies (2-hour seminar), Hélène R. Fisher

Cleft palate,VPI, and Craniofacial Anomalies (All day lectures for SLPs), Hélène R. Fisher

Risk Factors for Disorders in Feeding, Hearing, Speech, Resonance, and Voice in Individuals with Cleft Lip and Palate, Hélène R. Fisher

Comparison of African-Americans & Caucasians on Aphasia Testing, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke

Epidemiology of Risk in Children of Hurricane Katrina, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke

Multiple Classification Analysis of Communication Behavior in Children with Low- Level Lead Poisoning, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke

Examination of Speaking Valves in Tracheotomy & Ventilator Dependency Patients, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and A. Alexander

Speech/Language Treatment for Autistic Adults, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and T. Glenn

Studying Abroad as a Speech/Language Pathology Student, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and T. Glenn

Effects of ADHD on Communication Disorders in Children and Adults, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and D. Langston

The Iraq War’s Signature-TBI: Implications for SLPs. [Undergraduate Research Forum], Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and A. Rankin

Using Interactive Case Studies to Make a Diagnosis, Ann Bernadette Mayfield-Clarke and M. Shelton

Enhancing the supervisory experience for externship and internship supervisors, Wren S. Newman

Production of the copula verbs be, ser and estar in Spanish-English bilingual speakers with agrammatic aphasia: “The role of “little words” in agrammatism.”, Barbara O'Connor Wells

The importance of verb-form regularity in Agrammatism, Barbara O'Connor Wells, M. Goral, and L. K. Obler

Neurolinguistics of Spanish: Agrammatism and verbregularity, Barbara O'Connor Wells, L. K. Obler, and M. Goral

Business Writing, Elizabeth Roberts