
Capstones from 1985

Capstone: Guidelines for Aquatic Preserve Management in South Florida: A Study of the Loxahatchee River - Lake Worth Creek and the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves, Stacy D. Myers III

Theses/Dissertations from 1984


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Efficacy of an Intertypic Recombinant of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Type 2 Vaccine Against Experimental Herpetic Infection, Nawal Ahmad Bakir


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Currents of the Caribbean Sea and Conceivable Effects on Transport of Pelagic Larvae, Jack J. Alford


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Coastal Zone Energy Management (CZEM): A Comprehensive and Multidisciplinary Approach to the Problem of Integrating a System of Solar Electric Systems with Florida's Power Generation System, Nikolas Camejo

Theses/Dissertations from 1981


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Population Genetics of the Caribbean Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus, Mostafa Seifollahi


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Mariculture of the Clawed (Homarus americanus) and the Spiny (Palinuridae) Lobsters and the Queen Conch (Strombus gigas), David H. Johnston


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Biological and Human Health Effects of the Chlorinated Dioxin 2,3,7,8 – Tetrachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD), Paul Patterson

Theses/Dissertations from 1980


Thesis - NSU Access Only: C-Reactive Protein: Its Role in Host Defense- a Critical Review, Rhonda A. Mills


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Transplantation of Xenogeneic Tumors in Oxygen Immunosuppressed Mice, Miriam Sacksteder Fanshaw

Thesis - NSU Access Only: Immunosuppressive Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Heart and Ovarian Allograft Acceptance in the Mouse, Moossa Javidipoor

Theses/Dissertations from 1979


Dissertation: Atmospheric Forcing of the Bight of Abaco, Peter M. Smith


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Synergistic Effects of Combined Hyperthermia and a Nitrosourea in Treatment of a Murine Ependymoblastoma: Some Possible Mechanisms Involved, Claire Ann Thunning

Theses/Dissertations from 1978


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Probabilistic Description of Deep Water Whitecaps, Robert M. Kennedy

Theses/Dissertations from 1976


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Use of Synthetic Organics as Non-Biogenic Food Extenders, Michael W. Young

Theses/Dissertations from 1975


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Interaction of Rossby Waves with an Inertial Jet in a Closed Mid-Latitude Ocean, David F. Parrish


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Investigations on the Possible Role of Herpes Virus in Human Primary Lung Cancer, E. Michael Twist

Theses/Dissertations from 1974


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Fine Structure of the Florida Current, Robert O. Plaisted

Theses/Dissertations from 1973


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Topographic Effects on Baroclinic Stability, Roland A. de Szoeke


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Short-Term Variations of Dissolved Argon, Oxygen and Nitrogen in the Salinity Maximum of the Florida Current, W. Gary Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 1971


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Study of the Bottom Boundary Layer of the Florida Current, Georges L. Weatherly

Theses/Dissertations from 1970


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Contribution by Oscillatoria erythraea (Ehrenb.) Kutz, to the Primary Productivity of the Tropical Marine Environment, Clarice M. Moreth

Dissertation - NSU Access Only: The Pacific Equatorial Countercurrent, Thomas R. Kendall