Guidelines for Aquatic Preserve Management in South Florida: A Study of the Loxahatchee River - Lake Worth Creek and the Biscayne Bay Aquatic Preserves

Defense Date


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. Marine Biology

First Advisor

Brion Blackwelder

Third Advisor

Curtis Burney

Fourth Advisor

Richard E. Dodge


This thesis presents a study of two of Florida's Aquatic Preserves: the Biscayne Bay and Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek Aquatic Preserves. The main objective of the study is to assist the Florida Department of Natural Resources with the development of management plans for these two preserves. The study and its recommendations are divided into five chapters: 1) Introduction, 2) The Biscayne Bay Management Plan, 3) Resource Inventory for Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek Aquatic Preserve, 4) Management Guidelines for a Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek Aquatic Preserve Management Plan, 5) Conclusions. The Introduction section includes a history and description of the Florida Aqua tic Preserve Program. The Biscayne Bay Management Plan chapter is a legal critique of the existing Biscayne Bay Management plan as it relates to the Florida Aquatic Preserve Program. The last chapters deal with developing general and specific management guidelines toward a management plan for the Loxahatchee River-Lake Worth Creek Aquatic Preserve. General management recommendations are based on coastal zone management, ecosystem management, and coastal resource management principles. Specific management recommendations are based on specific biological, chemical, and physical data from scientific studies of the region.

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