
Theses/Dissertations from 2014


Thesis: Diet of the Antillean Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Belize, Central America, Aarin Conrad Allen


Dissertation: Harlemites' Preconceptions of Unmet Human Needs and TheLoss of Harlem Culture: A Quantitative Study of The Causes of Conflict and Gentrification, Arnold John Banks

Capstone: The Effect of PAH’S, POP’S and Heavy Metals on Coastal Zooplankton (Copepods, Crab Zoea, Shrimp Megalopes), Cornelius Benjamin


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Population Connectivity in the Ocean: A Genetic View of Upper Trophic Level Fishes Displaying Contrasting Life Histories, Andrea M. Bernard

Capstone: The Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), on Loggerhead Nesting Seasons in Broward County, FL, USA, Eric Carlson


Thesis: A Principal Component Analysis of Vertical Temperature Profiles for Tracking Movements of Swordfish Xiphias gladius, Kathryn G. Carmody


Dissertation: Illuminating Capacity-Building Strategies for Landscape-Scale Collaborative Forest Management Through Constructivist Grounded Theory, Marcelle Elise DuPraw


Dissertation: Sex Tourism in St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands: An Exploratory Study, Elizabeth Estes


Dissertation: The Impact of Islam as a Religion and Muslim Women on Gender Equality: A Phenomenological Research Study, Sonia D. Galloway


Dissertation: The Relationship Between Emotional & Social Intelligence and Conflict Management Behavior in Leadership, Suzzette A. Harriott


Dissertation: Role Theory as an informative lens for understanding the familial and political power struggles of Henry VIII and Mary I of England, Niki Incorvia


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: A Phenomenological Study of the Effects of Reported Workplace Bullying, Camika S. Jerido


Dissertation: Academic Ethics Conflict in the Age of Wikipedia and A Study Assessing the Opinions of Exiting College Students, Consuelo Doria Kelley


Dissertation: A Thin Blue Line and the Great Black Divide: The Inter and Intra Departmental Conflict Among Black Police Officers, Their Agencies, and the Communities in which They Work Regarding Police Use of Force Perception By Black Americans in a Southwestern State, Vance DeBral Keyes


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Hunter's Quest, Kimberli Kidd


Dissertation: The New Drug War or the New Race War: Incarceration's Impact on Minority Children, Families, and Communities, Karen P. Lawrence


Dissertation: Identifying the Factors That Influence Changes in Aggregate Sentiment Among the Masses: An Analysis of the Measure of Consumer Sentiment Through a Conflict Analysis and Resolution Lens, Michael Carl Letamendi


Thesis - NSU Access Only: A Diary of Jack Spoon, Kevin C. Lichty


Thesis: Reproduction and Population of Porites divaricata at Rodriguez Key: The Florida Keys, USA, John McDermond


Dissertation: A Phenomenological Consideration of Conflict and Crisis Impact of Autism on Single Parenthood: A Hermeneutical Transformative Approach, Andrew Ahimiejiese Ovienloba


Dissertation: Teacher Perceptions of Violence Prevention Approaches and Self-Efficacy: Where Do We Go from Here?, Kristie Jo Redfering


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Some Things Just Happen, Chelsea Rodriguez


Dissertation: Improving Professional Skills through Adversity: A Phenomenological Study of Mergers and Acquisitions, Randy Anita Rutledge

Capstone: A Review of Reproductive Behavior of the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus) with Special Emphasis on Captive Sharks at the National Aquarium, Baltimore, Elizabeth Schneble


Dissertation: Identifying the Factors That Influence Conflict Management Behavior of Human Resource Professionals in the Workplace: An Analysis of the Relationship Between Personality and Conflict Management Behavior, Gail Joyce Shapiro


Dissertation: The Axe Without the Handle: An Exploratory Analysis of Eco-Terrorism and its Relationships to U.S. Public Policy towards Terrorism:1990-2010, Phillip Andrew Smith


Thesis - NSU Access Only: My Abuela, Ashley Doreen Torres


Dissertation: The Human Robot: A Narrative Study of Identity Change in Mexico Through an Analysis of Mexican Films, Cesar Vela-Beltran-del-Rio

Theses/Dissertations from 2013


Thesis: Robinson Point, Belize: An Important Foraging Ground for Endangered Sea Turtles in the Western Caribbean Sea, Linda Searle


Thesis: Species Composition and Reproductive Strategies of Commensal Synalpheus Shrimp (Decapoda:Alpheidae) Occupying the Sponges Spheciospongia vesparium and Spongia Sp. of the Florida Reef Tract, Brittnee Nicole Barris


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Age, Growth, and Reproduction of the Pelagic Stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea in the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Matthew G. Dancho

Capstone: Microbial Degradation and Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminants, Kaitlin De'Aeth


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Global Evaluation of Platform-Top Sedimentary Features, Alexandra C. Dempsey


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Survivorship, Growth, and Fecundity of Eunicea flexuosa (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) Transplants, Paola G. Espitia

Capstone: Quantitative Microbial Assessment in Marine Organisms: Applications and Methodologies, Dawn Formica


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Vascular Corrosion Casts of the Spiral Valve Intestine of Siberian Sturgeon (Acipenser baerii), North American Paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and the Yellow Stingray (Urobatis jamaicensis): A Comparative Study, Jennifer A. Lash

Capstone: Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Literature Review of Causes, Impacts, and Management of Nutrient Loading in the Mississippi River-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) Watershed, Dawn E. McCullough

Capstone: Utilizing Real-Time PCR to Determine Microbial Indicators of Human Pollution: Waste Water Management, Ashley B. Miller

Capstone: Cooperative Foraging in Cetaceans: A Literature Review, Renae Poole


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Tissue Loss Syndromes in Acropora cervicornis off Broward County, Florida: Transmissibility, Rates of Skeletal Extension and Tissue Loss, Abraham Jeffrey Smith


Thesis: Educating the Masses: Human Attitudes Affecting Reef Health, Ashley Wiehl

Capstone: Lunar Effects on Sea Turtle Nesting Periodicities in Broward County, Florida, Laura J. Wright


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Modeling Environmental Limitations on Remote Sensing of Coral Reef Ecosystems, Christopher Lapointe


Thesis: Characterization of Shark Movements on a Mesophotic Caribbean Coral Reef and Temporal Association with Fish Spawning Aggregations, Alexandra E. Pickard


Thesis: Migratory Patterns and Habitat Use of the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus) in the Western North Atlantic Ocean, Shara Marie Teter


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Population Modeling of the Rainwater Killifish, Lucania parva, in Florida Bay Using Multivariate Regression Trees, Pamela C. Marcum


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Alignment of Shallow Water Carbonate Assemblages Along an Oceanographic Gradient in the Galapagos, Alexander Fendrich Humphreys


Dissertation - NSU Access Only: Remote Sensing the Diversity, Distribution and Resilience of Coral Reef Environments, Gwilym Rowlands


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Habitat Characteristics on Population Dynamics of Acropora cervicornis in the Near-Shore Environment of Southeast Florida, Nicole L. D'Antonio


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Impact of Hurricanes on Caretta caretta Nesting Success, Hatching Success and Washout Rate in Broward County, Collette F. Gilbert


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Beach Compaction Impact on Nesting Success of Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Sea Turtles: A Comparison Between a Natural and Renourished Beach in Northern Broward County, Florida, Danielle R. Kleppan

Thesis - NSU Access Only: Light-Use Efficiency of Coral-Reef Communities: A Sensitivity Analysis Using an Optically Based Model of Reef Productivity and Calcification, Denise Perez

Capstone: Zooplankton, Lipids and a Changing World, Julio Perez


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Effects of Localized NAO, ONI (ENSO) and AMO Events on Reproductive Patterns in Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) Sea Turtles in Broward County, FL, USA, Allison L. Hammill


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Effect of Air Temperature on the Incubation Period and Hatching Success of In Situ Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Clutches in Broward County, Florida, Lucy Teal Kawana

Capstone: Assessing Water Quality Management of the Puget Sound, Jacob A. Blair


Thesis: Distribution of Parasitic Isopods on Caridean Shrimp in South Florida Seagrass Beds, Sarah A. Briggs

Capstone: Evolution and Future Management of Marine Protected Areas, Alexandra Rak Canepa


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Using Chaetognatha as Indicators of Water Masses in the Florida Current, Broward County, Florida, Nicholas Brian Gadbois


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Porites astreoides Larval Response to Acute Salinity Stress, Ana Maria Gonzalez Angel

Capstone: Creating an Index to Predict Successful Coral Reef Restoration: The Restoration Potential Index, Michael Kizzar

Capstone: Examining the Role of Marine Protected Areas in Conservation and a Model for Effective Management, Alma Meyer


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Objects in the Mirror are Closer Than They Appear: A Chapbook and Thesis in One, David Colodney

Capstone: A Comprehensive Literature Review and Assessment of The Clean Marina Program in the State of Florida, Rachel D. Krasna


Thesis - NSU Access Only: She Will Be Loved, Shannon Welte

Capstone: The Use of Forest Restoration Techniques in the Restoration of Coral Reefs, Tiffany Babcock


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Mass Cetacean Strandings in the United States- Comparison of Northeast and Southeast Strandings, 1997-2011, Brielle Friedman

Capstone: A Review of the Economic Importance, Engineering Techniques and Federal Management Strategies Related to Coastal Stabilization in the United States, Christopher K. Dougherty


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Small Mammal Survey of John U. Lloyd Beach State Park, Dania Beach, Florida., Ryan A. Goldman

Capstone: A Review of Florida's Manatee Protection: Recommendations for Unifying/Standardizing Boat Facility Siting Plans within Manatee Subpopulation Zones, Thaddeus J. Kendziora


Thesis: De novo Transcriptome Analysis of the Marine Sponge Cinachyrella spp: A Potential Model Organism for Oil and Dispersant Ecotoxicology, Emily Smith


Capstone: A Review of Predator-Prey Interactions within Marine Ecosystems with a Focus on Top Predator Influences on Ecosystem Stability and Fisheries Management Implications, Kathleen Cook Hollowell


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Trophic Trends and General Ecology of the Lionfish Species Complex, Pterois miles and Pterois volitans in Broward County, Florida., Sarah Ann Jasper

Capstone: A Review of Lobomycosis (Lacazia loboi) and its Role as an Environmental Indicator, Ashley Lancaster Burgos


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Examination of Trophic Dynamics of the Mangrove Ecosystem in Port Everglades, Florida, USA, Using Stable Isotope Ratios, Kelly Parks


Thesis: Changes in a Tropical Seagrass Environment After Installation of Small Artificial Reefs, Joseph M. Penta

Capstone: Using Teleost Histopathology as a Biomarker for Monitoring Aquatic Pollution, James Telle


Capstone: Ocean Current Measurements: Challenges and Opportunities in the Florida Current, William E. Baxley


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Age and Growth of Three Coastal Pelagic Tuna Species in the Florida Straits, Jessica L. Adams

Capstone: Comprehensive Literature Review on the Optimal Production of Naturally Produced Astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis, Jenna N. Soulliere


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Coral Propagation: A Growth and Survival Comparison among Six Scleractinian Boulder Corals Employing In Situ and Ex Situ Nursery Techniques, Daniel James Crossett


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Historical Analysis of Recreational Beach Enterococci Levels; Using Logistic Regression as an Advisory Tool, Diana Ixchel Aranda

Capstone: Environmental Policy, Marine Mammals, and Active Sonar: Investigating the Problems and Finding the Solutions, Amy Biedenbach


Dissertation: The Impact of Colorism on Historically Black Fraternities and Sororities, Patience Denece Bryant


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Encouraging Emergence: Introducing Generative Pedagogy to Writing Center Tutoring, Cristine Busser


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Book of Christabelle: A Devil's Tail, Talia Clay


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Curse of Jorge, Isis Darios

Capstone: Fate and Effects of Oil Spill Dispersants Particular Reference to the Deep Water Horizon Gulf of Mexico Spill, Gail George


Thesis - NSU Access Only: The Seven Day Ring, Andra Liwag


Dissertation: Ethno-Religious Conflict in Northern Nigeria: The Latency of Episodic Genocide, Grace O. Okoye


Thesis: Evaluating Acropora cervicornis Growth and Survivorship in a Line Nursery, Zachary Ostroff

Capstone: Seabird Foraging Ecology in Polar, Temperate, and Tropical Ecosystems, Melissa Paschke


Dissertation: Against All Odds: A Study Of Success Attainment Among African American Males From Single-Parent Households, Judith Roberts


Thesis - NSU Access Only: An Examination of Writing Center-Based Tutoring Models, Sara Stanley

Theses/Dissertations from 2012


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Variable Recovery of the Massive Coral, Porites Lobata, in Response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation Events at Devil's Crown, Galapagos, Ecuador, Nicole Christine Paul


Thesis: Density and Diversity of Penaeid Shrimp and Fish Species in Near-shore Seagrass Beds of Northern Biscayne Bay, Florida (USA), Robin Cascioli


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Sea Surface Microlayer Microbial Observation System, Naoko Kurata

Capstone: The Effects of Ocean Outfalls in the Marine Environment, Iman Olguin-Lira


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Juvenile Scleractinian Coral Density, Composition, and Influence on the Adult Coral Population in Southeast Florida., Jennifer Stein


Thesis - NSU Access Only: Diel, Tidal, and Sex Based Differences in Time Spent Feeding by the Florida Manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris), Megan Flora