Marine & Environmental Sciences Capstones | HCAS Student Theses and Dissertations | Nova Southeastern University


Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Capstone: Exploration of Enterococcus faecalis Bacteriophages Diversity: Comprehensive Phylogenetic Analysis and Discovery Isolation of Enterococcus faecalis Phage from a Soil Sample in South Florida, Hailey N. Jauernick

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Capstone: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Internal Transcribed Sequences (ITS) as DNA Barcodes to Estimate Fungal Diversity, Jailisa Linares


Capstone: A Review of Endoparasites Found in Order Pelecaniformes and Order Ciconiiformes Birds of Southeast Florida, Kaya C. Wells


Capstone: Sublethal Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Exposure on Tissue Regeneration in Four Atlantic Coral Species, Dawn Bickham


Capstone: The Evolution of Science Education in High School and Undergraduate Institutions, Sanda Lalicic

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Capstone: Accumulation of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Marine Mammals: A Case Study on Cetaceans, Pinnipeds, and Sirenians, Alydia Moorhead

Theses/Dissertations from 2021


Capstone: A Systematic Review of Parasites Found Within Selected Teleost Fishes of the South Florida Hermatypic Coral Reef Tract, Blake A. Roberts


Capstone: Microplastic Quantification of the Proventriculus and Gizzard of Florida Seabirds, Jonathan J. Clark


Capstone: A Predator-Based Methodology for Studying Predator-Prey Relationships in Fishes, Ashley Vettese

Theses/Dissertations from 2020


Capstone: Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Common Skin Diseases in West Africa: An Immunodermatological Framework, Osazomon Imarenezor


Capstone: Functional Review and Macrostructure of the Caecum in Ardeidae, Lola R. Mildren


Capstone: Overview of Environmental Stressors, Avian Diseases, and Contaminants in South American Seabirds, Hunter Boykin


Capstone: Assessing the Potential for Range Expansion of the Red Tide Algae Karenia Brevis, Edward W. Young


Capstone: Algal Coverage Detection and Classification Using Envi: Correlation with Dissolved Oxygen Levels in Elkhorn Slough, CA, Jason Dawson


Capstone: A Shark Conservationists Toolbox: Current DNA Methods and Techniques Aiding in the Conservation of Sharks, Arianna N. Nixon


Capstone: Connection Between Contaminants and Marine Mammals in the Southern Ocean, Sean W. Tupper


Capstone - NSU Access Only: Trophic Ecology of Northern Sea Otter (Enhydra Lutris) in Southcentral and Southwest Alaska Utilizing Stable Isotope Ratios, D. Alex Mandi


Capstone: Symbiosis and Bioinvasive Dynamics of Durusdinium trenchii and its Acroporid Coral Hosts, David Craig Lawson


Capstone: A Survey of the Order Tetraodontiformes on Coral Reef Habitats in Southeast Florida, Anne C. Sevon

Capstones from 2019


Capstone: Arctic Thaw: Environmental Exploitation for Economic Profit, Stephen F. Moulton


Capstone: A Risk Analysis of Microplastic Consumption in Filter Feeders, Sheri Rahman


Capstone: Barrier Layer Impact on Rapid Intensification of Hurricanes (2000-2018) in the Atlantic Ocean, J. Gaston Hayworth


Capstone: An Analysis of the Potential Toxicological Effects of Marine Plastics and Associated Organic and Inorganic Toxic Compounds on Six Commercially Significant Fishery Species, Nicole Marie Jackson


Capstone: A Review of the Global Commercial Cephalopod Fishery, with a Focus on Apparent Expansion, Changing Environments, and Management, Corey Clark


Capstone: Factors Contributing to the Success of Restored Oyster Reefs in the Choptank River of the Chesapeake Bay, Virginia, Tara L. Bardar

Capstones from 2018


Capstone: Attributing Accelerated Increases in Salinity in the Mediterranean Coastal Zone to Climate Change and Seawater Desalination Brine and the Resultant Unsustainability of Modern Desalination Technology, Brandon W. Harper


Capstone: Effects of Age, Mass, and Terrestrial Duration on Oxygen Store Development in Phocids and Otariids, Rachael M. Stevenson


Capstone: Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans) Horizontal Movements in the Western South Atlantic, Eduardo W. Wanick


Capstone: Next Generation Sequencing Methods for Coastal Zone Water Quality Monitoring, Catherine Iskrenko


Capstone: Meta-Analytic Summary of Parasites and Diseases of Elasmobranchs Found in Florida Waters, Alexis S. Modzelesky


Capstone: Biological and Abiotic Factors Influencing Cetacean Mass Strandings in the Northeastern United States, Octavia Williams


Capstone: Toxicological Effects of Commercial Sunscreens on Coral Reef Ecosystems: New Protocols for Coral Restoration, Emilie C. Johnsen

Capstones from 2017


Capstone: Pros and Cons of Marine Zoological Parks According to Marine Conservationists, Kayla L. Patama


Capstone: Analysis of Diagnostic, Preventive, and Disease-Modifying Therapeutic Measures of Alzheimer’s Disease, Ghazal Habib Havoutis


Capstone: Reconciling the Challenge of Aphanic Species Within Marine Conservation, Kerri L. Bolow


Capstone: Shark Bycatch in Commercial Fisheries: A Global Perspective, Stephanie M. Bettis


Capstone: Geospatial analysis of Tursiops truncatus, Common Bottlenose Dolphin, from NOAA cetacean stranding data in Florida to explore human fishery impacts, Jamie S. Ahn


Capstone: Using Knowledge of Shark Biology and Behavior to Inform Management and Conservation Efforts for the Globally Distributed and Fishery Exploited Shortfin Mako (Isurus oxyrinchus), Mark Rubinas

Capstones from 2016

Capstone: An Overview of the Global Shark Fin Trade with Emphasis on Monitoring Methods, Julie McNulty


Capstone: A Review of Present and Alternative Lionfish Controls in the Western Atlantic, Adam Rittermann


Capstone: Using GIS to Predict Cetacean Strandings Related to Harmful Algal Blooms, Jessica L. Boyd

Capstone: Review of Environmental Indicators of Brown Tides in the Peconic Estuary, Michael I. Cohen


Capstone: Increasing Shipping Traffic through the Bering Strait: Challenges of International Policy in a Rapidly Changing Climate and Managing Impacts to Regional Cetacean Populations, Laura Morse

Capstone: A History of Research in the Bathypelagic Realm: Earth's Largest Habitat, Howard Kendall Lord

Capstone: Effects of Dredging on Seagrass Communities Adjacent to the Port of Miami 2005-2016, Emily Marie Powell

Capstone: Fibropapillomatosis in Marine Turtles: A Comprehensive Review, Samantha L. McCorkle


Capstone: Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Cetacean Strandings Focusing On The Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops Truncatus) with a Synthesis of Potential Causes, April D. Clark

Capstone: To Remove the Hook or Not: Experimental Degradation of Fishhooks and Implications to Catch-and-Release Angling and Commercial Fishing Applications, John W. Coker

Capstone: Marine Environmental Law, Policy and Security Amid Arctic Climate Change: Cooperation and Conflict in Creating a Pan-Arctic Marine Protected Area Network, Melodee A. Smith

Capstone: Are We Managing the Wrong Thing? Importance on Different Life-Stages in Reef Corals, Beranda S. Harper

Capstone: Marine Debris in Coastal Habitats: Can Environmental Protection Reduce Fishing and Non-Fishing Debris?, Morgan Knowles

Capstone: The Effect of Mercury on Odontocetes and Their Importance as Marine Ecosystem Indicators, Lindsay Franco


Capstone: Sea Turtle Conservation: Reviewing the Efficacy of Land- and Sea-based Management Strategies for Loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and Leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) Sea Turtles, Glenn D. Goodwin


Capstone: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words: Using Anecdotal Data and Photographic Evidence to Obtain Baseline Data for Southeast Florida Reefs, Catherine Brady

Capstone: Adult Male Dungeness Crab (Metacarcinus magister) Movements near Reedsport, Oregon; A Collaborative Mark-Reacpture Study, Kaety Jacobson

Capstone: Comparative Study on Behavior Of Common Bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and Short-Beaked Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, Greece, Kristyn M. Kleman

Capstone: Evaluation of Time-Area Closures in the United States as a Management Measure for Highly Migratory Species Fisheries of the Atlantic Ocean, Julian Kurt Douglas

Capstone: A Review of the Taxonomy, Biology and Conservation Status of the Spotted Eagle Ray, Aetobatus sp., Species Complex, Amy M. Neville

Capstones from 2015

Capstone: Florida Reef Tract Scleractinian Coral Species-Specific Response to Sedimentation Stress, Amanda M. Montgomery

Capstone: Implementing marine protected areas to sustain fishing productivity in South Florida: an examination of the Research Natural Area Science Plan in the Dry Tortugas region, Nicholas B. Casper

Capstone: Comparison of Enterococcus Measurements in Western Broward County, FL by Membrane Filtration Culture Analysis and Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction, Patricia Holowecky

Capstone: Assessing Marine Pollution Through Heavy Metal Uptake in Seagrass, Jacob D. James


Capstone: Climate Change Resilience and Socioeconomic Impacts of MPAs and MPA Networks in the Caribbean - Case Study: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Management of MPAs and Coastal Zones in the Dominican Republic, Andrea Isabella Vogel

Capstone: Anthropogenic Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms, Specifically Microcystin, From Fresh to Marine Environments, Justine Pogge

Capstone: Ecology, Status and Conservation of the White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, in the Mediterranean Sea, Ginevra Boldrocchi

Capstone: Marine Protected Area Networks and Cetaceans: The Importance of Stakeholder Group Participation in Planning and Implementation, Arthina Zorrilla

Capstone: Social Interactions Between Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and Antillean Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) in Belize, Brittany Kaitlyn Knowles

Capstone: Climate Change Risks, Ecosystem Feedback, Vulnerability and Resilience In Urbanized Coastal Zones, Daniel M. Gnatz

Capstone: Eribulin Mesylate for the Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer, Abelardo Vernaza

Capstone: Techniques in the Characterization and Annotation of Hypothetical Functional and Regulatory Genes in Marine Microbial Genomes, Shira Jaye Anteby-Maleh

Capstone: River Diversions and Wetland Loss of the Mississippi River Delta and the Associated Effects on Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in Louisiana, USA, Rachel Rhode

Capstone: Role of Microplastics in the Biomagnification of PBTs in Marine Organisms, Kruti Desai

Capstone: The Effects of Cold-Stress Syndrome and Harmful Algal Blooms Leading to Stress in the Species Trichechus manatus latirostris, Amanda Poland

Capstones from 2014

Capstone: Are Scyphozoan Blooms Increasing? Causes and Consequences, Caitlin Banigan

Capstone: Effects of Naval SONAR on Marine Mammals and Recommendations for Reducing Deleterious Impacts, Veronica Bailey

Capstone: Effects of Persistent Marine Pollutants on Lactation in the Suborder Pinnipedia: A Literature Review, Joyce Dara Varela

Capstone: Gulf of Mexico Oil Spills: A Review of the Threats to the Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii), Michelle Pasawicz

Capstone: Implications of Size and Age in Massive Scleractinian Coral Growth Assessment, Elizabeth Mullikin

Capstone: The Impact of Sea Turtle Chemoreception, Foraging Ecology, and Vision on Their Bycatch in Longline Fisheries, Amanda Sylvester

Capstone: A Review of Sea Turtle Bycatch and Turtle Excluder Devices in the Shrimp Trawl Fishery, Amanda R. Lankenau


Capstone: A Review of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Vocalizations and an Investigation into the Existence of Signature Whistles in a Captive Dolphin Population, Gillian Reily

Capstone: A Review of the Best Practices for the Live Release of Elasmobranchs in Commercial Fisheries, Lacie Jayne Thornton

Capstone: Evolutionary Perspectives on Chemical Defense in Nudibranch Gastropods (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia), Alexandra Lee

Capstone: Fate and Potential Effects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Commercial Penaeid Shrimp, Alyse C. Howell

Capstone: Progress and Current State of High-Throughput Sequencing Technology, Jonathan Lanzas

Capstone: Delineation of Water Masses in the Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and Mediterranean Sea Using Stable Oxygen Isotope Ratios, Nicholas L. Ledra

Capstone: The Penobscot River Restoration Trust and the Return of Alewife and Blueback Herring, Alosa pseudoharengus and A. aestivalis, in the Penobscot River, Maine, Victoria A. Klima

Capstone: What’s in a Shark’s Apatite? Methodologies to Assess Elasmobranch Feeding Behavior, Identification, and Tooth Replacement with an SEM Laboratory Study of Shark Tooth Wear, Daniel Smith

Capstone: Persistent Heavy Metal Pollution from Anthropogenic Practices in Emerging Market Economies, Clark Schoonover

Capstone: The Potential Use of Artificial Reefs Within Marine Protected Areas to Enhance Fisheries and MPA Effectiveness, Elizabeth Simpson

Capstone: The Effects of Freshwater Inflow on Florida Bay and the Proliferation and Persistence of Algal Blooms, Jennifer Ramos

Capstone: A Review of Reproductive Behavior of the Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias taurus) with Special Emphasis on Captive Sharks at the National Aquarium, Baltimore, Elizabeth Schneble

Capstone: The Effect of PAH’S, POP’S and Heavy Metals on Coastal Zooplankton (Copepods, Crab Zoea, Shrimp Megalopes), Cornelius Benjamin

Capstone: The Influence of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO), and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), on Loggerhead Nesting Seasons in Broward County, FL, USA, Eric Carlson

Capstones from 2013

Capstone: Cooperative Foraging in Cetaceans: A Literature Review, Renae Poole

Capstone: Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: A Literature Review of Causes, Impacts, and Management of Nutrient Loading in the Mississippi River-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB) Watershed, Dawn E. McCullough

Capstone: Lunar Effects on Sea Turtle Nesting Periodicities in Broward County, Florida, Laura J. Wright

Capstone: Microbial Degradation and Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contaminants, Kaitlin De'Aeth

Capstone: Quantitative Microbial Assessment in Marine Organisms: Applications and Methodologies, Dawn Formica

Capstone: Utilizing Real-Time PCR to Determine Microbial Indicators of Human Pollution: Waste Water Management, Ashley B. Miller