Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Academically Gifted, Computer Literacy, Disadvantaged, Disadvantaged Environment, Disadvantaged Youth, Educationally Disadvantaged, Gifted Children, Gifted Disadvantaged, Gifted Students, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Intermediate Grades, Microcomputers


The author designed and implemented a computer literacy course for academically excellent disadvantaged intermediate elementary students. The author introduced the students to a wide range of computer related skills. This information was presented in an introductory manner in order to acquaint students with the varied uses of the computer in today's technological society. The program's aims were to teach computer literacy to academically high achieving students who had little or no previous computer knowledge or experience, to provide computer time for students whose environmental background has denied them equal access to computers, and to build higher level thinking skills. The course consisted of a brief introduction to the history of computers and their impact on society today, a glossary of computer related terms, weekly lesson plans, worksheets, and tests. Student progress was monitored on a weekly basis by individual mastery lists. At the conclusion of the course, student mastery of the skills taught was determined by a Post-Test. All of the students mastered the skills, and the objectives were met.

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