Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Computers, Microcomputers, Computer Assisted Instruction, Computer Oriented Programs, Secondary Education, High Schools, High School Students, Mainstreaming, Normalization, Adaptive Behavior, Physical Disabilities, Visual Impairments, Partial Vision, Low Vision Aids, Vocational Education


A testing program utilizing a voice synthesizer and double-sized graphics was developed for high school partial vision students in a Business Education Microcomputer Applications class. Prior to the program, partial vision students had failing test grades. In order to take a test, the partial vision student had to go to a resource lab to use a reader. This took a great amount of time and the partial vision student missed regular classroom activities. The program was implemented for 10 weeks. After the partial vision students were trained to use the speech synthesizer for one week, tests were administered on the computer through a program designed to facilitate the text. Students were timed and the number of times a student asked for assistance was recorded. At the conclusion of the program, the majority of the test scores were passing. The amount of time needed to take a test was cut in half and the students had a better attitude about their own classroom performance. Recommendations include a lab equipped with speech synthesizers and enlarged print. Suggestions are also given for the teacher who receives a partial vision student in the classroom. (Appendices Include a checklist of speech synthesizer commands, a sample weekly log, an attitudinal survey form, a software evaluation form, a program listing for the testing program, and graphs of the results of the study.)

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