Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Educational Specialist


Center for the Advancement of Education


Computer Science Education, English, Instructional Practices, Program Development, Secondary Education, Students


The author created and implemented a computer assisted instruction (CAI) program to remediate juniors in skill H68, dealiug with direct address. This skill is found on the State Student Assessment Test, Part I. The program's aims were to increase student achievement, alleviate the problems of management, improve student attitude, and teach basic computer literacy to below average students. The program consisted of two lessons, each dealing with one component of the skill of using the comma to set off proper names in direct address. The study group included all eleventh grade students who failed to master this skill. 100% achieved mastery after using the CAI lesson. Through a survey, it was determined that students overwhelmingly preferred this method, and those who had no computer experience were able to successfully manipulate the machine. This CAI program is being implemented for all future remediation, and programs are now being created for all skills which will replace the conventional methods. (Appendices include a graph of student achievement, student attitude survey results. and a hard copy printout of the program. Also included is a copy of the actual program disk.)

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