Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Stress Management, Stressor, Physical Awareness, Nutrition, Time Management, Organizational Skills, Relaxation Techniques, Positive Sharing.


The high percentage of faculty and staff absenteeism due to significant stressful situations was addressed by the implementation of Stress Management Workshops in the target school. This occurred at a secondary institution where there were five different approaches to the program: Guest speakers, movies, after school activities, environmental improvements and positive sharing. The workshop consisted of four guest speakers in the topics of: Stress Management Awareness, Time Management and Organizational Skills, Nutritional Needs During Stress, and Physical Fitness Related to Stress. All the speakers gave their presentations during morning school hours and nutritional morning munchies were served. Inservice points were awarded to all participants. Environmental improvements were made in the lounges. Participants were provided with fruit weekly as a nutritional boost. A movie was shown on the value system of the nation, comparing the different age groups and the relationship with peoples' values. Positive informational notes were distributed weekly for a morale booster. Results showed a significant decrease in staff absenteeism due to stress.

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