Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Educational Leadership, Elementary, Staff Development, Teachers, Thinking Skills


A sequentially planned program using Quality Circle Techniques, adapted to the educational environment was implemented in an elementary school in Central Florida. The program consisted of ten sessions designed to acquaint the team leaders and administrators with the Quality Circle Techniques and, under the direction of a trained facilitator, developed and practiced the skills. The sessions included activities on brainstorming, concensus, cause and effect diagrams, group functions, data collection techniques and management presentations. The pre,post attitudinal survey showed a positive gain for all participants. Cognitive quizes during the sessions produced an average retention of 96.6%. These results were further strengthened by the groups demonstrated ability to use the techniques in solving actual problems. Finally, the group requested the administration to continue this problem solving approach and was readily granted the permission, substantiating the attitude survey results. This practicum shows that the Quality Circles approach that has been successful in business and industrial settings can be modified for the educational environment and used effectively for problem solving.

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