Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - NSU Access Only

Degree Name

Master of Science


Center for the Advancement of Education


Discipline, Discipline Policy, Discipline Problems, Student Behavior, School Policy, Parent-School Relations, Behavior Standards, Behavior Problems, Educational Environment, Parent Attitudes, School Attitudes, Private Schools, Secondary Education


The writer developed a discipline policy, separating the students academic problems from those of a behavior nature. The writer involved students in counseling and increased the communication between parents, teachers and students. The policy's aims were to reduce discipline referrals, develop positive attitudes toward discipline, increase awareness of policy, increase consistency and fairness, involve parents and students in forming policy, develop a discipline policy that would administer discipline for correction, separate the academic from the behavioral problems, and help teachers handle more discipline on their own. Both types academic and behavioral problems were dealt with on separate tracks, increasing the severity and type of punishment as a student progressed further down the track. Students filled out plan sheets to aid in correcting the behavioral problems. Saturday work detail and mini-school experiences served to impress upon the student the importance of appropriate behavior and academic excellence. The writer used a "time-out" concept each time inappropriate behavior was noticed. This "time-out” served to help the student reflect on what had been done and plan for correction in the future. Parents, students and teachers surveyed at the conclusion of the practicum commented favorably on the thoroughness, fairness and efficiency of the policy. The discipline policy was recommended and adopted as the official policy of the writer's middle school. (Appendices include sample questionnaires (pre and post-practicum), forms used for policy mechanics, a log of parent-writer communication, a sample discipline handbook, a diary of the writer's particular and a detailed description of how each track of discipline works.)

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